New NBS report

Martin Pitt martin.pitt at
Wed Jan 26 08:23:27 UTC 2011

Hello archive admins,

I wrote a better NBS report script (nbs-report in ubuntu-archive-tools
bzr), which I believe produces a much better report than the old "one
file per package" directory at

It now shows all rdepends on a single page, groups the architectures,
and automatically detects closed subgraphs, i. e. sets of NBS packages
where all transitive reverse dependencies are NBS themselves.

It also adds a reverse map to show (non-NBS) packages which depend on
NBS packages, sorted by number of NBS dependencies, then by name.
(Thanks to Colin for the suggestion).

Please let me know if you have further ideas how to improve this.

I already updated the pointers on the ArchiveAdmin wiki page.



Martin Pitt                        |
Ubuntu Developer (  | Debian Developer  (

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