archive-admins/MIR/stable+1: Improvements to component-mismatches

Martin Pitt martin.pitt at
Thu Dec 1 12:25:42 UTC 2011

Hello Ubuntu developers, archive admins, MIR and stable+1 team,

One of the archive consistency reports that we have is
"component-mismatches", which shows universe packages which want to
get pulled into main by existing main packages, or main packages which
can now go to universe, etc. This is useful to know which MIRs we need
or which packages need their dependencies fixed.

This report hasn't been very easy to read, especially when it was very
long. This has bothered me for a long time, and now I finally found
some time to hack on it (I'm on the stable+1 team this month).

The textual report

now shows if a package has a MIR bug and its status. It also marks
reverse dependencies which are already in main with "(MAIN)" which is
easily searchable. This makes it easier to see which ones are the
"top-level" packages.

But even with these it's still not quite easy to see the structure. So
I proudly present

which shows the "source/binary universe →  main" part in a graph, with
the node color showing MIR status, and clickable nodes to get you to
the MIR bugs (or filing one if none exists).

Please let me know if you have further suggestions how to make this
easier to use.



Martin Pitt                        |
Ubuntu Developer (  | Debian Developer  (
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