Leaving the SRU team due to OEM rotation

Martin Pitt martin.pitt at ubuntu.com
Wed Apr 21 18:47:19 BST 2010

Hello John,

John Dong [2010-04-19 16:00 -0400]:
> Recruiting another SRU member would be nice, as well as polling
> existing members on whether or not they are interested in continuing
> their role on the SRU team.

Right. Colin, Cody, Devid, do you want to become more active in the
SRU team, or step down?

> On a related note, Martin, what are you thoughts on changing the tagging
> scheme a bit for SRU's? I'd like a "needs the attention of SRU team now"
> tag (e.g. for when a debdiff is awaiting review). I'd say 80% of my SRU
> bugmail tends to be unrelated chatter on the bug report and I'd hate to
> be overlooking real bug reports while thumbing through those. If there
> were a one-screen view of all the SRU's that are actually awaiting our
> review, that'd be great.

That's indeed a good point. Right now it seems that both Steve and I
read all bug mail (and you too, apparently). So far I have just mostly
ignored the chatter, and thus haven't found it a big enough time sink
to try and establish more formalisms around it. 

I usually start with reviewing the unapproved queues and use
queue-diff (which opens the bugs in the browser); if you don't have
enough time for reading the bug mail at some particular time or in
general, doing only queue review already covers 90% of the SRU job, I

Most effort with reading the bug mails consists of marking a bug for
sponsoring (subscribe ubuntu-sponsors) or marking it
verification-{done,failed}, both of which don't take any more time
than tagging it "needs-attention". There are only relatively few cases
where an actual technical discussion with the SRU team happens.


Martin Pitt                        | http://www.piware.de
Ubuntu Developer (www.ubuntu.com)  | Debian Developer  (www.debian.org)
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