Leaving the SRU team due to OEM rotation

Martin Pitt martin.pitt at ubuntu.com
Fri Apr 16 11:48:15 BST 2010

Hello fellow SRU team members,

I will rotate from platform to OEM in the next six months, starting in
about three weeks. During that time I won't have time to do SRU
processing, I'm afraid, so I would like to leave the team during that
time.  The rotation will happen in about four weeks, which should give
us enough time to do the transition.

The main SRU task is to stay on top of the incoming mails and
discuss/approve/reject SRU proposals/patches. This doesn't require any
technical privileges in Launchpad/Soyuz, and John Dong has recently
stepped up to do a lot of these reviews/proposals, thanks! This is
certainly the most time consuming element.

The more technical tasks which I have been doing so far wrt SRU were:

 * Regularly check the unapproved queues ([1] and similar for dapper
   to jaunty) to review and accept uploads with queue-diff and
   sru-accept.py [2]. 

   Once an SRU bug is approved, this is mainly about making sure that
   the queue-diff debdiff looks sane and matches the approved one in
   the bug, and then just pressing the buttons (sru-accept.py and
   accepting on [1]). Perhaps this can get some support from the
   archive admins, since without me there are only two people in the
   SRU team left who are also archive admins?

   The debdiff checks/bug discussion is a fairly time consuming task,
   I spend about one to two hours per week on that. The button
   pressing part is trivial time-wise.

 * Mark bugs as verification-done/verification-failed/
   regression-proposed once test results come in. This just happens in
   parallel with catching up on bug mail, but needs to be done by
   someone/everyone else in the team.

   Since I read all the SRU bug mail anyway, this doesn't take much
   extra time. Open the bugs in the browser while you read through
   them, change the tag, done.

 * Regularly check [3] for packages which are ready to go to -updates
   (verified and >= 7 days old). This is again a mechanical task
   without extra policy decisions, and just involves running

   $ sru-release karmic pkg1 pkg2 [...]

   on cocoplum. This again needs archive admin powers.

   This doesn't take a lot of time, something like 10 minutes per

These three tasks would need to be taken up by someone else soon;
ideally an archive admin, but if you aren't, we can certainly arrange
something with the archive admin team for the actual button pressing.

Do you think we need to recruit a new SRU member for this, or are the
5 existing members enough?

I propose that we do the handover for the primary SRU responsibility
soon, and I'll stay in the team for another month to see that
everything is going well/help out/advise/etc.

Thank you,


[1] https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/karmic/+queue?queue_state=1
[2] http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-archive/ubuntu-archive-tools/trunk/files
[3] http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/pending-sru.html

Martin Pitt                        | http://www.piware.de
Ubuntu Developer (www.ubuntu.com)  | Debian Developer  (www.debian.org)
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