unrejecting bzr-fastimport, bzr-xmloutput, theorur, modglue

Stefan Potyra stefan.potyra at informatik.uni-erlangen.de
Sat Feb 28 02:34:13 GMT 2009


the packages mentioned in the subject were rejected since it was believed 
these were after the FF.

After a short discussion right now on #ubuntu-release, it turned out that 
these pacakges were in fact uploaded before FF (or apear to be so... I'm 
still trying to find out timezone issues *g*).

As a result, we decided to unreject these packages (and have them  reviewed by 
Steve on Monday). Now since only I was present during that discussion as 
representative for motu-release (Scott only later joined by), do you 
(motu-release members) have any objections? If so, please shout (and keep the 
CC to ubuntu-archive) until before Monday. Otherwise I assume you're fine 
with it, and the packages will get processed as regularly.

@Uploaders: No action right now will be necessary, our good archive-admins 
will be able to fish out the rejected packages.

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