REJECT: faumachine

Stefan Potyra stefan.potyra at
Sat Feb 28 00:10:45 GMT 2009

Hi Jamie,

sorry, was too late on irc, so here again via email:

Am Saturday 28 February 2009 00:19:47 schrieb Jamie Strandboge:
> Hi,
> the copyright is GPL, but the source contains a PDF file. PDF files are
> not the preferred form of modification. Please ship the original file
> from which the PDF is derived. Offending file:
> doc/FAUmachineLogo/FAUmachineLogo.pdf

Actually the PDF is nowadays the preferred form for making modifcations to our 
logo. It was created some time ago as corel draw file, but we don't have 
corel draw any longer, and can't make much use of it (or any changes that 
someone else might do with it). Since the PDF file is also a vector graphic 
file, it's the only source we actually use if we want to modify or convert 
our logo to other formats.

[side note: I've tried, with both the .cdr and the pdf file to create 
faumachine.png (same directory) recently. I gave up with the .cdr file pretty 
soon, but even the .pdf files had some obstacles, but I'm sadly not aware of 
any format I'd prefer for making modifications than PDF right now. This is 
the resulting commit message, enjoy:
"* add an 48x48 png file for xdg icon theme spec (desktop file).
  While this could be converted (semi)-automatically, not loosing the
  transparent background involves using pdftops, inkscape, gimp and
  looks like pdf -> ps -> svg -> png."

So do you still want me to include the corel draw file?

Thanks in advance,
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