Archive administration - mentoring and days

Dustin Kirkland kirkland at
Thu Feb 19 14:39:51 GMT 2009

On Wed, 2009-02-18 at 10:54 +0100, Martin Pitt wrote:
> how is your archive admin training coming along?

Coming along, thanks ;-)

> Should we plan some
> more sessions to train you for particular things, or do you fell that
> you just want to ask if you encounter something that's unfamiliar to
> you?

Well, I've only performed a couple of the tasks so far (mostly syncs).
I feel comfortable with those now.  I just need some practice with the
other tasks

> Also, we currently have two open archive day slots [1]. Can you please
> pick one which is convenient to you and add it to [1]? If we cover the
> entire week, then the workload on each day should be fairly bearable.

I see Wednesday is open.  I'll sign up for Wednesday.

> With having a full squad of 6 archive admins, it would of course also
> be reasonable to rearrange the archive days a bit, i. e. do NEW
> processing, syncs, bug processing, NBS, etc. just twice a week instead
> of every day. If you just want to do a subset of the tasks, then
> please say so in [1], then another archive admin member can do other
> stuff in parallel.

As I said above, I feel most comfortable with syncs and bug processing
at the moment.  So I can do those without screwing up too badly ;-)  I
noted this on the wiki.

> The point of archive days is (1) to have a default person to come to
> when someone needs something urgently, and (2) avoid clashes in
> ~/syncs/ and NEW processing. I. e. the archive admin of the day can
> just do them, while everyone else should check/wait/ask/coordinate if
> he wants to do syncs, NEW, etc.

Fair enough.


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