Rejecting flashgot

Steve Kowalik steve.kowalik at
Thu Feb 12 08:13:50 GMT 2009


	I'm rejecting flashgot from the NEW queue for the following reasons:

 * debian/copyright is missing an actual copyright
 * If you're removing files from the tarball:
   + The version should show this, with +dfsg or so.
   + debian/copyright should also list the files removed and the reason.
 * No get-orig-source rule which downloads the upstream tarball and
cleans it
 * A list of the removed files should be listed in debian/README.source.
 * A binary file FlashGot.exe in chrome/flashgot.jar!/content/flashgot.

If it (dieting) was like a real time strategy game, I'd have loaded a
save game from ten years ago.
         - Greg, Columbia Internet

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