[Bug 229310] [NEW] Please sync libgtksourceviewmm 2.2.0-2 (universe) from Debian unstable (main).

Emilio Pozuelo Monfort pochu at ubuntu.com
Sun May 11 18:58:51 BST 2008

Public bug reported:

Hash: SHA1

 affects ubuntu/libgtksourceviewmm
 status confirmed
 importance wishlist
 subscribe ubuntu-archive

Please sync libgtksourceviewmm 2.2.0-2 (universe) from Debian unstable

Explanation of the Ubuntu delta and why it can be dropped:

Our delta is just new upstream releases.

Changelog since current intrepid version 1.9.3-0ubuntu1:

libgtksourceviewmm (2.2.0-2) unstable; urgency=low

  * Upload to unstable.
  * Add Original-Source-Command to debian/copyright.

 -- Deng Xiyue <manphiz-guest at users.alioth.debian.org>  Mon, 05 May 2008
13:09:49 +0800

libgtksourceviewmm (2.2.0-1) experimental; urgency=low

  * New upstream release.
    + Update shared library soversion to 2, and remove conflicts/replaces in
      -dbg package, which was used to replace -dbg package for soversion 1.
    + Build-Depends on libgtksourceview2.0-dev >= 2.2.0 as per upstream
    + Update shlibs version to 2.2.0 due to new API addition.
    - Drop 10_gcc43_include.patch, merged upstream.
  * Use machine-interpretable format for debian/copyright.
  * Upstream has changed it's name to gtksourceviewmm, so update references in
    debian/{copyright,rules,watch} to gtksourceviewmm instead, but let the
    source package name renames the same which is unnecessary and might cause
    more troubles.
  * Make debian/watch track stable releases only.
  * Target experimental as it has package name change.  Should wait release
    team's permission for upload to unstable.  Thanks Loïc Minier.

 -- Deng Xiyue <manphiz-guest at users.alioth.debian.org>  Sun, 04 May 2008
18:24:14 +0800

libgtksourceviewmm (1.9.4-2) unstable; urgency=low

  * Upload to unstable.
  * Make Vcs-* URLs point to unstable branch.
  * Update dpkg-dev Build-Depends to >= 1.14.16 for DM usage.
  * Ack NMU.
    + Add 10_gcc43_include.patch to fix FTBFS for gcc 4.3.

 -- Deng Xiyue <manphiz-guest at users.alioth.debian.org>  Sat, 12 Apr 2008
16:26:09 +0800

libgtksourceviewmm (1.9.4-1) experimental; urgency=low

  [ Kilian Krause ]
  * Use binary:Version and source:Version for binnNMU-safe uploads as
    added in dpkg-dev 1.13.19. Add to Build-Depends accordingly.

  [ Deng Xiyue ]
  * New upstream version 2.0 for gtksourceview 2.0.
    + Update Build-Depends accordingly.
    + Use versioned shlibs, bumped to 1.9.4 due to new API.
    + Rename binary package names from libgtksourceviewmm-1.0-* to
      libgtksourceviewmm-2.0-*, and don't encode SONAME in -dbg package.
  * Refine watch file.
  * Update compat level to 6, hence debhelper (>= 6), cdbs (>= 0.4.51).
  * Update standard version to 3.7.3.
  * Use chrpath to get rid of rpath on 64bit system. B-dep on chrpath.
  * Build static library as well.
  * Add `DM-Upload-Allowed: yes'.
  * Add Homepage, Vcs-Browser and Vcs-Svn fields.
  * Use DEB_INSTALL_DOCS_ALL for dh_installdocs exclude rules.
  * Separate documentation to -doc package, and add doc-base reference.

 -- Deng Xiyue <manphiz-guest at users.alioth.debian.org>  Tue, 25 Mar 2008
18:56:12 +0800

libgtksourceviewmm (0.3.1-1.1) unstable; urgency=medium

  * Non-maintainer upload.
  * Fix GCC 4.3 FTBFS (Closes: #474836)
  * debian/control.in:
    - Use ${binary:Version} instead of ${Source-Version}.
    - Bump Standards-Version to 3.7.3.

 -- Chris Lamb <chris at chris-lamb.co.uk>  Sat, 12 Apr 2008 06:47:05 +0000
Version: GnuPG v1.4.6 (GNU/Linux)


** Affects: libgtksourceviewmm (Ubuntu)
     Importance: Wishlist
         Status: Confirmed

Please sync libgtksourceviewmm 2.2.0-2 (universe) from Debian unstable (main).
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