Tracking delta between i386 and LPIA arches

Steve Magoun steve.magoun at
Thu Jan 10 20:50:58 GMT 2008


For the Ubuntu Mobile effort we have a new arch - LPIA - that's  
essentially the same as i386. One of the problems we've run into is  
that package updates sometimes build for i386 but not LPIA, so the  
LPIA version of the package is either out of date or missing. Two  
examples from gutsy: The x264 package built for i386 but FTBFS for  
LPIA. The freetype1 package got stuck on a dependency wait for LPIA,  
while the i386 version built fine.

We (the folks working on Ubuntu Mobile) would like to make sure this  
doesn't happen in the future; is there a good way for us to track the  
delta between i386 and LPIA? I found  
but that doesn't give a concise diff of the two architectures.

Any advice would be much appreciated.


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