[Bug 154853] Re: Please sync from debian

Cesare Tirabassi cesare.tirabassi at gmail.com
Sat Oct 20 15:41:50 BST 2007

Last Ubuntu changelog:

wengophone (2.1.1.dfsg0-4ubuntu1) gutsy; urgency=low

  * Re-enable video as gutsy's ffmpeg supports video codecs
  * Moved menu item back to Apps/Net according to the previous policy

 -- Ludovico Cavedon <cavedon at sssup.it>  Wed, 29 Aug 2007 22:51:57 +0200

New Debian changelog:

wengophone (2.1.2.dfsg0-1) unstable; urgency=low

  * New upstream release
  * Removed patches (merged upstream):
    - head/phapi-disable-iLBC-codec.patch
    - generic/exosip-fix-empty-notify.patch
    - generic/portaudio-avoid-unnecessary-inclusion.patch
    - generic/phapi-fix-empty-ctype-dos.patch
  * Refreshed patches:
    - generic/qobjectthreadsafe-fix-qt42.patch (partially merged upstream)
    - generic/cmake-fix-ENABLE_CRASHREPORT.patch
    - generic/curl-openssl-mt-fix.patch
    - generic/qobjectthreadsafe-fix-qt42.patch
  * Improved patches:
    - generic/memory-dump-fix-double-dump.patch (make sure all thread die
      after core dump)
    - generic/memory-dump-tmp-path.patch (create core dumps in
    - head/alsa-plughw-default.patch (use dmix plugin to get non-exclusive
      access to hardware)
  * Re-enable video support
  * Added patch generic/phapi-fix-crash-missing-codec.patch to avoid crash if
    video codec is not available in ffmpeg
  * Added "Homepage:" tag in description (Developer's Reference, 6.2.4)

 -- Ludovico Cavedon <cavedon at sssup.it>  Sat, 22 Sep 2007 23:58:10 +0200

Syncing will revert the menu change, which is ok since it is in
accordance to new menu policy:


Please sync from debian
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