Inclusion of additional uqm data in the archives

Tollef Fog Heen tfheen at
Wed Nov 28 21:00:41 GMT 2007

* "Emmet Hikory" 

| Archive Admins,
|    The uqm package (Ur-Quan Masters) currently recommends pulling
| additional data files from  As these
| files are fairly large, and that archive is moving to, I
| was curious if there was interest in including them in multiverse
| directly.

(Please note that and is the same machine,
this is just a host name change. isn't going away
anytime soon, but my host names in that domain are slightly
deprecated; I'm the admin of said mirror.)

|    If these are deemed suitable for the archive, please either sync
| them from the current source, or advise me that I should upload them.

I don't have a strong opinion in either direction, which is why I
advised Emmet to mail this list for advice.

Tollef Fog Heen
UNIX is user friendly, it's just picky about who its friends are

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