kima rejected

Cyril Breuil cyrilb856 at
Tue May 29 13:46:14 BST 2007

Hi? Thanks for your mail.
I've corrected kima and add LGPL to tarball, notify it in changelog and in
I don't want to ask you anything but if you could take a look at it because
kima was in queue since almost three weeks now before you rejected and it is
my beginning in packaging. So if you could just push it a little I would be
very happy.

2007/5/29, Tollef Fog Heen <tfheen at>:
> Hi,
> I have just rejected your kima upload.  It includes files which are
> LGPL licenced (acinclude.m4,, admin/,
> maybe more) without a copy of the LGPL in the orig.tar.gz.  In
> addition, debian/copyright fails to mention that bits of the package
> are LGPL-ed.
> --
> Tollef Fog Heen
> UNIX is user friendly, it's just picky about who its friends are
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