Reason for renaming sixpack?

Martin Pitt martin.pitt at
Tue May 15 08:16:56 BST 2007

Hi William!

I found this in source NEW:

 sixpack-bibtex (0.99.001222-8) gutsy; urgency=low
   * Rename sixpack to sixpack-bibtex.
     - debian/control: Rename binary and source packages, and conflict/replace
       the old ones.
     - debian/README.Debian: Add note about transition to new name.
   * debian/control: Replace Maintainer field.

Why was this renaming done? It is called 'sixpack' in Debian and the
changelog does not specify any reason nor a bug report. We should not
deviate from Debian like this unless we have a very good reason to.

Also, you used a Debianish version number. If we modify Debian
packages you should use something like -0ubuntu1 (since it is also a
new upstream version).

Thanks in advance for further explanations,


Martin Pitt
Ubuntu Developer
Debian Developer
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