Rejecting apparmor

Kees Cook kees at
Fri Mar 30 22:21:45 BST 2007

Hi Martin,

Just to close the loop on this, for ubuntu-archive's information:

On Fri, Mar 30, 2007 at 10:37:26AM +0200, Martin Pitt wrote:
> I had to reject apparmor, because of several different things:
>  * There are copies of the GPL/LGPL in various subdirectories, but
>    there is no 'central' license in the tree root. That means, it is
>    unclear under which license most of the files are distributed,
>    particularly the ones without a license header (e. g. the
>    profiles). This needs to be worked out with upstream, I guess. At
>    miminum this requires a repackaged orig.tar.gz if there is some
>    written proof that the 'default' license is GPL (as claimed in
>    debian/copyright).

Totally makes sense.  I discussed this with upstream and they added a 
catch-all LICENSE file to the top of their source tree in subversion.  
(As a rule, they've been very receptive to bug reports, incorporating 
suggestions, etc.)

>  * Since debian/copyright claims that the license is GPL, this would
>    also cover the files in docs/papers. They are in PDF format without
>    e. g. a LaTeX source, and thus are not in the 'prefered form of
>    modification' as required by the GPL. They either need to be
>    accompanied by source (LaTeX, .otd, or similar) or removed from the
>    orig.tar.gz.

Oops, duh.  I notified upstream, and until they can find the sources, 
they've pulled the PDFs from their build scripts (and I've excluded them 
from the source tarball).

As you saw and checked, I reuploaded, and it was accepted.  It's in 
binary NEW now, so let me know if there's anything out of line in there, 
and I'll get it fixed.  :)

Thanks again for doing a source NEW so late in the dev cycle.  :)

Take care,

Kees Cook
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