epsoneplijs rejected

Till Kamppeter till.kamppeter at
Wed Jan 24 16:58:47 GMT 2007

Hin-Tak, I have debianized your Epson-EPL-"L" driver and proposed it as 
a package for Ubuntu Linux. Unfortunately, there are problems with the 
copyright/license, see below. Can you fix this and put out a new 
release? I would like to have the driver in Ubuntu.


Tollef Fog Heen wrote:
> Hi, 
> I have rejected your epsoneplijs upload.  debian/copyright claims that
> parts of the source is under the GPL, but there is no evidence to
> support that in the sources themselves.  Furthermore, if it actually
> is under the GPL, there needs to be a copy of the GPL in the
> orig.tar.gz.  Furthermore, your debian/copyright reads:
>   The content of "epl_compress.c" may have issues with Epson which we are
>   not yet sure about. Therefore we hereby explicitly ask whoever uses the
>   content of that file, NOT to use it for any purpose other than in relation
>   to the Epson EPL series of printers.
> this would render the package non-free and it would go to multiverse,
> and I can see no supporting evidence in the file itself for your
> claim.
> Please get those issues fixed and upload again.

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