[Bug 175797] Please sync omniorb4 4.1.1-1 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)

William Grant william at qeuni.net
Wed Dec 12 06:02:13 GMT 2007

Public bug reported:

 affects ubuntu/omniorb4
 status confirmed
 subscribe ubuntu-archive

Please sync omniorb4 4.1.1-1 (universe) from Debian unstable (main).

Explanation of the Ubuntu delta and why it can be dropped:
There were no Ubuntu changes other than the new upstream version.

Changelog since current hardy version 4.0.7-0ubuntu1:

omniorb4 (4.1.1-1) unstable; urgency=low

  [ Thomas Girard ]
  * Move omnicpp man page to section 1.

  [ Floris Bruynooghe ]
  * New upstream release.
  * No longer modify configure.ac and configure, upstream caters for
    kfreebsd now.  Thanks to Duncan Grisby for accepting the patch.
  * No longer create omniNames.html, shipped by upstream now.
  * Bump shlibs version for libomniorb4-1 and libcos4-1 to 4.1.1 due to
    ABI change in the internal header files (which are used by
    python-omniorb and omnievents).

 -- Floris Bruynooghe <floris.bruynooghe at gmail.com>  Mon, 26 Nov 2007
00:44:09 +0000

omniorb4 (4.1.0-1) unstable; urgency=low

  [ Floris Bruynooghe ]
  * Package taken over by CORBA team, with blessing from Bastian Blank.
  * New upstream release (Closes: #398462, #430422).
  * Patch for kfreebsd, thanks Petr Salinger (Closes: #341089).
  * Include examples (Closes: #197061).
  * Change persistent data directory of omniNames (Closes: #282811).
  * Enable all COS stubs to be build (Closes: #107107).
  * Removed omniidl4.prerm as pycentral does that job now.
  * Replace ${Source-Version} by ${binary:Version} in debian/control.
  * Remove the #! line from omniidl's main.py in site-packages.
  * Add manpages for omniMapper, omniNames and omnicpp.
  * Increased the debhelper compat level to 5.
  * Increased Standards-Version: to 3.7.2.
  * Binary package name changes due to new ABIs: libcos4 -> libcos4-1,
    libomniorb4 -> libomniorb4-1 (Closes: #430281).
  * Removed obsolete Conflicts: and Provides: in debian/control.
  * Moved the errorlog to a Policy compliant location.

  [ Thomas Girard ]
  * Give --build and --host flags to configure script.
  * Add -dbg packages based on Floris' work (Closes: #42953).
  * Tighten dh_pycentral invocation to omniidl4 only.
  * Rework short descriptions.
  * Add Vcs-Svn:, Vcs-Browser: and Homepage: debian/control fields.

 -- Thomas Girard <thomas.g.girard at free.fr>  Sat, 17 Nov 2007 18:54:58

** Affects: omniorb4 (Ubuntu)
     Importance: Wishlist
         Status: New

Please sync omniorb4 4.1.1-1  (universe) from Debian unstable (main)
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