Bugs closed in Debian

Ubuntu Merge-o-Matic mom at ubuntu.com
Wed Sep 27 02:42:16 BST 2006


destar             384630  destar: breaks related software
maxima             333393  maxima: FTBFS on powerpc


fglrx-driver       382038  fglrx-driver: Driver needs to be updated for xorg 7.1.1
fglrx-driver       388840  fglrx-driver: Conflict with Xorg-server 7.1.0 package
maxima             155067  maxima: file conflicts with package gcl
maxima             182511  maxima-doc: postinst fails (wrong paths in doc-base file)
maxima             323563  maxima: uninstallable
maxima             325852  maxima: uninstallable in sid: please rebuild against libgmp3c2
maxima             340151  maxima: fail to start
maxima             374663  FTBFS: file `./mkinstalldirs' not found
maxima             385703  start-server does not work (xmaxima reports an timeout)
tetex-base         388115  tetex-base: postinst fails, can not upgrade
tex-common         389550  update-fmtutil:  Must always exclude conffiles with accompanying dpkg-new file, even without magic comment


acidbase           388219  config/postrm depends on non-essential packages (dbconfig-common, probably ucf)
dasher             240127  dasher_3.2.8-1(unstable/arm/smackdown): missing build-depends
dasher             249970  dasher: FTBFS [i386] needs updated Build-Depends
dasher             252565  FTBFS (unstable/any): needs updated gnome-speech build-dep
dasher             319559  FTBFS: Passes too few arguments to wnck_window_activate
destar             384632  destar: writes wrong configuration files
djvulibre          389382  libdjvulibre15: screwed up shlibs breaks packages built against this lib
dspam              388225  config/postrm depends on non-essential packages (dbconfig-common, probably ucf)
dspam              388226  config/postrm depends on non-essential packages (dbconfig-common, probably ucf)
gnome-osd          389173  Uninstallable due to unmet dep on python2.4-dbus
gs-gpl             324796  gs-gpl: gs segfaults
gs-gpl             327288  gs-gpl segfaults on every postscript file
gs-gpl             357326  gs-gpl: fails with sigseg
heroes             381272  heroes-ggi needs to be rebuild against libgii1
lam                355245  uses debconf in postinst but doesn't depend on it
libgtkada2         358300  libgtkada2: FTBFS: missing case value: "None"
libgtkada2         380587  libgtkada2: FTBFS: missing case value: "None"
libselinux         389291  dpkg FTBFS
linux-kbuild-2.6   384211  linux-kbuild-2.6.17: FTBFS * 2 (two problems, proposed fixes)
linuxlogo          389299  linuxlogo_4.14-3(hppa/unstable): FTBFS: parisc64 == parisc??
maxima             66395   maxima_5.4-5(unstable): build error on m68k
maxima             78694   can't build on arm; config.sub outdated
maxima             83079   maxima: build fails on alpha
maxima             84833   maxima: missing build-depends
maxima             89896   maxima: build failure on sparc
maxima             103783  maxima; Fails to build from source, and missing Build-depends
maxima             104011  maxima; Build-Depends: m4
maxima             132811  maxima: Files in etc not marked as conffiles
maxima             163433  maxima_5.6b-43(hppa/unstable): FTBFS: non-PIC code in shared object
maxima             164340  maxima_5.6b-46(mipsel/unstable): outdated config.guess/config.sub
maxima             186858  maxima_5.9.0-9(unstable/ia64): FTBFS: dh_strip: unknown option
maxima             193976  Maxima: Licensing clarification
maxima             257655  xmaxima: Fails to require a Tk version greater than 8.3
maxima             338215  maxima_5.9.2-2_hppa: FTBFS: ./maxima: No such file or directory
maxima             389302  maxima_5.9.3-1.1(ia64/unstable): FTBFS: maxima: no such file
openmpi            386491  FTBFS on sparc
phpgacl            388232  config/postrm depends on non-essential packages (dbconfig-common, probably ucf)
postfix-policyd    388233  config/postrm depends on non-essential packages (dbconfig-common, probably ucf)
simba              388235  config/postrm depends on non-essential packages (dbconfig-common, probably ucf)
strigi             389315  strigi_0.3.8-1(hppa/unstable): FTBFS: broken inotify include file
tetex-base         388067  *** [stampdir/patch-stamp] Error 2
webcalendar        388239  config/postrm depends on non-essential packages (dbconfig-common, probably ucf)
x11proto-gl        368558  x11proto-gl: debian/copyright does not contain actual licenses


dasher             178864  dasher: Dasher won't start on my system -- dependency problem?
dasher             264745  Please use gcrypt11/gnutls11 instead of gcrypt1/gnutls7
dasher             278554  dasher: Apply priority inversion patch from CVS
dasher             288782  dasher: missing Build-Depends ?
dasher             358881  FTBFS with G++ 4.1: extra qualification
dasher             358881  FTBFS with G++ 4.1: extra qualification
dpsyco             383407  dpsyco-cfengine: please convert to using cfengine2
gnome-osd          380821  Python transition (#2): you are building a private python module !
lam                335721  lam:  FTBFS on GNU/kFreeBSD
maxima             88293   maxima: smart-complete.el defines bogus split-string
maxima             151828  maxima_5.6a-2(powerpc/unstable): FTBFS: missing build-depends?
maxima             186200  xmaxima: Segfault on powerpc
maxima             253541  FTBFS: unexpected testcase errors
mesa               358065  mesa: FTBFS on hurd-i386 because of dri/drm
mpop               389284  mpop 1.0.2 doesn't work with libgsasl; please upgrade
namazu2            388666  namazu2: purging the package fails (debconf unavailable)
pymol              380910  Python transition (#2): you are building a private python module !
spim               369533  spim hangs after start
vzctl              387417  /bin/ip not present
vzctl              387762  proxy_arp for host network device has to be set to 1
wide-dhcpv6        387416  wide-dhcpv6-server: Parser Error while parsing config file
xkeyboard-config   389358  xkb-data: IBM ThinkPad geometry broken


dasher             233340  Inefficient packaging of arch independent data in package dasher
dasher             278473  dasher: No HGermanalphabet with numbers etc.
dasher             319041  dasher: SEGV's on startup
dasher             326205  Please update outdated copyright file
dcc                320943  please don't enable daemon by default
dcc                365892  dcc-client: dccproc can't open /var/lib/dcc/map
dcc                380542  O: dcc -- Distributed Checksum Clearinghouse
dpkg-www           388886  dpkg-www: [annoying_notes] Abuse of debconf note(s)
fglrx-driver       388812  fglrx-driver provides xserver-xorg-video
gnome-osd          383835  should not create /usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/gnomeosd
ikiwiki            389383  ikiwiki: setup goes berserk when htmltidy enabled but not installed
ikiwiki            389406  ikiwiki: FTBFS: Test 33 got: "512" (t/syntax.t at line 18 fail #32)
input-utils        388677  Off-by-one error in input utils
kvpnc              372960  kvpnc: Missing dependency on menu
lam                331881  lam depends on debconf without | debconf-2.0 alternate; blocks cdebconf transition
lam                359118  diff for 7.1.1a-1.1 NMU for lam
lam                360226  lam-mpidoc: conflict/dependance on mpi-doc
libgtkada2         299482  dgate2: shared lib deps broken
linux-kbuild-2.6   382286  Fails to build in Sarge
linux-wlan-ng      389457  linux-wlan-ng: too picky about WEP key format
live-package       387562  cp: target `/home/ben/src/livecd/debian-live/binary/isolinux/vmlinuz' is not a directory
live-package       388060  [Patch] fixup handling of -p switch and LIVE_PACKAGE_LIST to make absoluto paths do the right thing
live-package       388204  make-live: cannot handle spaces in arguments
lm-sensors         388918  libsensors3: [annoying_notes] Abuse of debconf note(s)
maxima             69488   maxima: demos do not respond to spacebar
maxima             85621   maxima: MAXIMA bug
maxima             85622   maxima: Maxima bugs
maxima             86695   Emacs not loading maxima-mode
maxima             93129   Maxima bug on trigrat function
maxima             98793   xmaxima does not shut down cleanly
maxima             99447   maxima: Summation command displays incorrectly
maxima             105424  xmaxima segfaults on startup
maxima             131653  maxima: Incomplete load-path specification
maxima             137015  need texi2html for building?
maxima             138231  maxima: file "zsolve.usg" missing from distribution, apparently
maxima             140267  maxima: run-maxima doesn't work in xemacs
maxima             141258  FTBFS: Build failure of maxima on i386
maxima             151110  maxima: File conflict with package gcl
maxima             151416  maxima integrates incorrectly
maxima             155796  maxima_5.6b-22(m68k/unstable/thing2): FTBFS on m68k
maxima             167482  maxima: Maxima pollutes emacs namespace
maxima             183172  maxima: self tests fails at problem 43
maxima             183483  xmaxima quits after installation with "Documentation not found in '/usr/share/maxima/5.9.0'
maxima             186618  binary-all packages built in binary-arch rules target
maxima             186661  maxima: fails test 36 with Could not find `trigrat' using paths in FILE_SEARCH_LISP,SYSTEM
maxima             186812  maxima: test rtestflatten.mac fails on 5.9.0-8
maxima             187017  maxima-emacs: setting of info variables.
maxima             198469  maxima: temporary info file should be written to /tmp, not $PWD
maxima             208708  maxima-emacs: Without TeX output in emaxima Emacs mode
maxima             208983  xmaxima: Starting maxima timed out, Wait longer?
maxima             210573  maxima can't handle gzipped info files provided by maxima-doc
maxima             213782  maxima: Long description is not very helpful
maxima             223949  xmaxima: fails to find ghostview
maxima             229882  emaxima.sty should be in tex path
maxima             230728  Maxima assumes netscape is your web browser.
maxima             250004  maxima should recommend/suggest maxima-share/-doc
maxima             279895  maxima: It needs gnuplot for plot draw.
maxima             280978  xmaxima: It tries to execute netscape
maxima             280979  xmaxima: Maxima assumes netscape is your web browser
maxima             291090  expensive X/tk dependence: request for package split
maxima             301516  maxima grouches at Ctrl-D
maxima             303224  maxima-doc: errors in doc-base files
maxima             326325  please rebuild with libreadline5-dev as build dependency
maxima             329016  maxima: depends on transitional package gnuplot
maxima             333229  several typos in description
maxima             336562  Maxima FTBFS on mips
maxima             348630  Package maxima depends on libgmp3 but it is not installable...
maxima             381672  maxima: Build requires tetex-extra should be tetex-extra or texlive
pbuilder           385351  pbuilder --login quits and cleans up immediately
ssss               387234  ITA: ssss -- Shamir's secret sharing scheme implementation
tex-common         388973  tex-common: [annoying_notes] Abuse of debconf note(s)
workman            388984  workman: [annoying_notes] Abuse of debconf note(s)
xvmount            388989  xvmount: [annoying_notes] Abuse of debconf note(s)
zhcon              388990  zhcon: [annoying_notes] Abuse of debconf note(s)
zhcon              389421  zhcon: please document options in manpage


dasher             178865  dasher: gzipped files in /usr/share/doc/dasher corrupted
dasher             234295  /usr/lib/menu/dasher typo
dasher             357277  description spelling
kbfx               384257  kbfxconfig.desktop: wrong category
libcairo-perl      383501  libcairo-perl: provide proper download url in debian/copyright
libloki            336889  libloki-dev: link in README.Debian is broken
maxima             155260  maxima: Introduction documentation link should point to the documentation installed with the package
maxima             341019  maxima: wrong url in man
mpop               389004  mpop: long description badly formated


dasher             175640  ITP: dasher -- Predictive text input software
dasher             221918  dasher: New Version available (3.2)
dasher             313518  dasher: Please generate a POT file during package build
dasher             326483  Please build against cairo
dcc                353446  dcc-client: Please allow arguments for dccifd to be configurable
deb-gview          385229  deb-gview: Please add ability to show manpages
deb-gview          386536  deb-gview: [INTL:fr] French program translation
dpkg-www           372236  [INTL:pt_PT] Portuguese translation for dpkg-www (debconf)
dpkg-www           383178  dpkg-www: [INTL:fr] French debconf templates translation update
fglrx-driver       384175  fglrx-kernel-src: Suggested reordering of installation methods in documentation
gs-gpl             373805  Ghostscript leading edge is now GPL
heroes             348253  heroes: [INTL:sv] Swedish PO translation
heroes             384742  heroes has no .desktop
lam                337843  lam: [INTL:sv] Swedish debconf templates translation
lam                362168  lam: new upstream release 7.1.2
lam                384065  lam-runtime: please include mpiexec in update-alternatives system
libloki            386825  please rsync with newer ubuntu package
lm-sensors         388522  [INTL:pt] Portuguese translation for lm-sensors (debconf)
maxima             90868   maxima: info directory entry location
maxima             140465  maxima: readline support for maxima
maxima             158662  maxima package should be split
maxima             164604  please suggest texmacs
maxima             196585  maxima: Mike Clarkson's version of the manual is superiour
maxima             198573  maxima: should use readline for interactive input
maxima             232516  maxima-share: low case covariant indices in itensor
maxima             301515  maxima: Rebuild with libreadline5
maxima             375776  xmaxima has no .desktop
maxima             376656  Please stop Build-Depending on automake
mrtg               330552  mrtg: [INTL:sv] Swedish debconf templates translation
mrtg               385059  [INTL:pt] Portuguese translation for mrtg (debconf)
pcre3              389305  libpcre3: Please update to 6.7
powerpc-ibm-utils  386675  ITP: powerpc-ibm-utils -- Utilities for maintenance of IBM PowerPC platforms
pymol              378825  pymol: install desktop file to '/usr/share/applications/'
pymol              379508  Pymol merged desktop file (patch attached)
zhcon              389176  [l10n] Updated Czech translation of zhcon debconf messages
zoph               376687  zoph: PHP5 compatibility

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