Bugs closed in Debian
Ubuntu Merge-o-Matic
mom at ubuntu.com
Sun Sep 10 02:46:09 BST 2006
geda-gschem 57879 Recompile of geda-gschem required after libguile6 update.
geda-gschem 59237 Recompile of geda-gschem required after libguile6 update. (again)
sysvinit 386347 initscripts: BOOT FAILURE: checkroot.sh can't fsck /dev/shm/root because /dev/shm is mounted nodev
sysvinit 386649 sysvinit: Dangerous instructions in NEWS.Debian, removes packages
sysvinit 386699 initscripts: checkroot.sh broken by fix for #386347 (patch attached)
kazehakase 380466 kazehakase: quits when going to any HTTP AUTH page
libgeda 166225 No upgrade!
libnss-ldap 377895 libnss-ldap: Problem with "-" in LDAP Base DN
libofx 385667 libofx2c2a: package-name-doesnt-match-sonames libofx3
libofx 385880 grisbi: Grisbi is not starting since libofx upgrade
pympd 385643 No longer works with python 2.4 as the default
pyrad 380915 Python transition (#2): you are building a private python module !
stardict 249236 stardict-tools: hardcoded library dependency list, broken on alpha/ia64
stardict 249237 hardcoded dependency on libc6 - uninstallable on alpha/ia64. must use ${shlibs:Depends}.
tntdb 385777 FTBFS: missing build-dep libtool
amavis-ng 383565 amavis-ng-milter-helper: Missing dependency on libc6
catdvi 291040 catdvi: Missing dependencies
duplicity 386607 fails to restore
ebview 355323 FTBFS: undefined reference to `pango_x_font_map_for_display'
geda-doc 199310 geda-doc: FTBFS: Missing Build-Depends-Indep
geda-gnetlist 135074 FTBFS: libgeda-config found unexpectedly
geda-gnetlist 142383 Dependency not present
geda-gnetlist 168897 geda-gnetlist_20021103-1(unstable/ia64): different version of libgeda-config
geda-gschem 168898 geda-gschem_20021103-1(unstable/ia64): different version of libgeda-config
geda-gschem 346732 geda-gschem: FTBFS: build-depends on removed xlibs-dev
geda-gsymcheck 134743 geda-gsymcheck_20020209-1 (unstable): fails to build
geda-gsymcheck 168899 geda-gsymcheck_20021103-1(unstable/ia64): different version of libgeda-config
geda-gsymcheck 231521 geda-gsymcheck_20040111-1(unstable/sparc): broken build-depends
geda-utils 87022 geda-utils: fails to build
geda-utils 168843 geda-utils_20021103-1(hppa/unstable): FTBFS: missing build-depends
geda-utils 169558 geda-utils_20021103-2(unstable/ia64): FTBFS: undefined reference to `atan2'
geda-utils 231520 geda-utils_20040111-1(unstable/sparc): broken build-depends
ggz-client-libs 386126 libggzmod-dev: unsatisfiable dependencies due to binNMU
gnutls13 386680 libgnutls13: SEGV in asn1_read_value
hostapd 386156 hostapd is missing versioned depends: on lsb-base
libgeda 104826 Build failure on hppa (at least)
libgeda 164499 libgeda_20020825-1(mipsel/unstable): out of date config.sub/config.guess
libgeda 219602 libgeda: FTBFS configure: error: **Upgrade Guile** At least version >= 1.3.2
libgeda 221063 libgeda: FTBFS: "Upgrade Guile"
libgeda 295057 libgeda_20041228.orig.tar.gz is missing.
libgeda 300256 libgeda: FTBFS (amd64/gcc-4.0): static declaration of 'logfile_fd' follows non-static declaration
libofx 385821 package build-depends on g++-4.0, which is not available on hppa
ocamlcreal 376398 Uninstallable due to dep on unavailable ocaml-nox-3.09.1
remctl 386438 FTBFS: assignment of read-only member '__in'
squirrelmail-locales 385165 squirrelmail-locales: FTBFS: msgfmt: found 1 fatal error
stardict 198113 stardict: FTBFS with g++-3.3
stardict 263820 stardict: FTBFS: Missing Build-Depends on 'python-dev'
stardict 347109 stardict: FTBFS: build-depends on removed xlibs-dev
stardict 347109 stardict: FTBFS: build-depends on removed xlibs-dev
swfdec0.3 370438 swfdec0.3: Build-Dep on mozilla (library), please transition to xulrunner
swig1.3 382096 swig1.3: FTBFS: /usr/share/quilt/quilt.make: No such file or directory
swig1.3 385080 swig1.3: FTBFS: missing build-dependency on quilt
vsftpd 386267 FTBFS: sysutil.c:604: error: assignment of read-only member '__in'
vsftpd 386719 calls update-inetd without netbase dependency
wordtrans 385841 package build-depends on g++-3.4, which is not available on hppa
xen-3.0 243048 package xen build-depends on gcc-3.2/g++-3.2
xen-3.0 243048 package xen build-depends on gcc-3.2/g++-3.2
xen-3.0 380990 Python transition (#2): you are building a private python module !
fsh 380798 Python transition (#2): you are building a private python module !
geda-examples 209495 The package description does not follow Debian policy
geda-gnetlist 50396 geda-gschem: recompile for libguile6
geda-gnetlist 67003 geda-gnetlist_20000704a-1(unstable): error in build dependenciesMissing build dependencies
geda-gnetlist 68459 geda-gnetlist_20000704a-2(unstable): Missing build dependencies
geda-gnetlist 136572 geda-gnetlist: depends on nonexistant libgdgeda1
geda-gschem 50396 geda-gschem: recompile for libguile6
geda-gschem 67004 geda-gschem_20000704-1(unstable): Missing build dependencies
geda-gschem 68460 geda-gschem_20000704-2(unstable): Missing build dependencies
geda-gschem 126781 gEDA-gschem: Junk appears in .sym files
geda-gsymcheck 50396 geda-gschem: recompile for libguile6
geda-gsymcheck 67005 geda-gsymcheck_20000704-1(unstable): Missing build dependencies
geda-gsymcheck 69806 geda-gsymcheck_20000704-2(unstable): Missing build dependencies
ggz-client-libs 384671 ggzcore-bin has circular Depends on libggzmod4
gimp 380816 Python transition (#2): you are building a private python module !
insserv 350188 insserv: The content of .depend.start and .depend.stop is correct, yet the symlinks are wrong.
libgeda 79415 libgeda_20001006-1(unstable): wrong build dependency
libgeda 281584 pkg-config info file belongs into -dev
libuser 380854 Python transition (#2): you are building a private python module !
linux-wlan-ng 386054 linux-wlan-ng: can not set encryption key using gnome-system-tools
linux-wlan-ng 386057 linux-wlan-ng: should default to "managed", rather than "ad-hoc" mode
netris 345305 netris: segfault on amd64 in curses.c:RefreshWindow (patch)
stardict 105008 Build failure on hppa (at least)
stardict 105008 Build failure on hppa (at least)
stardict 250063 startdict: FTBFS with gtk+2.4
stardict 264735 Please use gcrypt11/gnutls11 instead of gcrypt1/gnutls7
stardict 357328 FTBFS with G++ 4.1: extra qualification
stardict 380962 Python transition (#2): you are building a private python module !
transfig 385655 transfig: rgb.txt expected in wrong place
xen-3.0 271245 xen: build-deps on kernel-source-2.4.25
xen-3.0 272299 kernel-patch-xen contains no patch at all
xen-3.0 280733 samba: Vulnerable to CAN-2004-0930
xen-3.0 317468 xen: Missing Depends: iproute
xen-3.0 323698 xen: Unstated build-dep on gcc-3.4
backup-manager 381820 postinst should update and enable BM_TARBALL_DIRECTORIES
backup-manager 382050 backup-manager-upload lacks File::Basename import
backup-manager 382150 backup-manager: During svn backup method, svnadmin should be quiet
bugzilla 374985 Should suggest to edit "urlbase" in `README.Debian'
bugzilla 385904 bugzilla: fails to install with debconf/dbconfig
debconf 382328 INTL:vi
debconf 384370 debconf: [L10N, DE] Updated german debconf-translation
debconf 385549 debconf: missing Russian manpages
debmirror 294974 --skippackages doesn't work at all
debmirror 295423 failure mode leaves Packages files out of date
debmirror 299342 debmirror needs to be run multiple times (error: " missing")
debmirror 322714 debmirror: --ignore-release-gpg doesn't
debmirror 366855 Please support mirroring of pdiff files
debmirror 376495 Caching of Release and Release.gpg
emacs-snapshot 386496 e3em <-> emacs-snapshot alternatives priority
evms 385706 evms-gui: GUI sometimes doesn't appear, has to be killed with SIGKILL
evms 386598 evms-gui: 'Move Mapping' dialog doesn't change starting extent when PV is changed
geda-gnetlist 125927 geda-gnetlist: Local additions to pcb's component library don't show up.
geda-gnetlist 169725 geda-gnetlist: can't (load "gnet-partslist-common.scm") in gnet-partslist[1-3].scm.
geda-utils 67006 geda-utils_20000704-1(unstable): Missing build dependencies
kphotoalbum 332754 kimdaba: Does not create an item in debian menu.
kphotoalbum 364371 kimdaba: Online help doesn't show up
linux-wlan-ng 386058 linux-wlan-ng: hotplug detection is garbled in /etc/wlan/shared
localechooser 269972 localechooser: should warn users that English is temporarily used on floppy installs
localization-config 299320 debian-edu-config: Some localization in /etc/mozilla/prefs.js breaks the config file
localization-config 303474 Sarge RC3 Installl report - Graphic card resolution selection and german keymap selection failed
localization-config 317436 xserver-xfree86: It's not configuring XF86Config-4 right for pt_BR
localization-config 323237 localization-config: Improve Hebrew defaults
localization-config 372685 kpasswd does not work with an LDAP backend
localization-config 377454 localization-config: Thai localization config
menu 354403 [doc] various editorial errors (typos, grammar and punctuation problems)
menu 386446 menu: Debug option of update-menus does not work
pilot-qof 385861 pilot-qof: FTBFS with libpisock9 (pilot-link 0.12.0)
redcloth 367670 libredcloth-ruby1.8: Using _STRING_ to emphasize a string doesn't work if STRING spans multiple lines.
redcloth 368442 libredcloth-ruby1.8: The regexp for strong (*) and bold (**) is greedy, which produces very strange results.
stardict 170130 stardic: Build-Depends on xlib6g*
stardict 206479 assumes char is signed
stardict 233445 Inefficient packaging of arch independent data in package stardict
stardict 289996 stardict: 'debian/rules clean' is not clean enough
swig1.3 361482 swig1.3: FTBFS on kfreebsd-amd64: unsatisfied Build-Depends
xen-3.0 253924 kernel-image-2.4.25-xeno-p2-modules: missing support for xfs filesystem
xen-3.0 299384 Error in post-install script for xen 2.0.5-1 from home directory
xen-3.0 300488 xen: Missing dependency for Xen networking scripts
xen-3.0 364875 Pae disabled in pae build
xen-3.0 372524 Lots of inaccurate information in /usr/share/doc/xen-utils-3.0/README.Debian.gz
backup-manager 385269 backup-manager: Outputs useless error message on first purge
bugzilla 385341 bugzilla: CSS style not found
bugzilla 385343 bugzilla: missing image padlock.png
debmirror 349856 debmirror: ftp hashes get printed to STDERR
debmirror 360451 [Patch] Make debmirror aware of ubuntu directory structure
debmirror 362561 Typo in an error text
evms 385708 evms-gui: main window intrudes into status area
evms 385710 evms-gui: main information pane is empty at startup
evms 386096 evms-gui: "Create segment" dialog doesn't update Partition Type ID when Partition Type is changed
geda-symbols 130606 geda-symbols: Mis-aligned symbol in library
kphotoalbum 351170 kimdaba: typo ("greed" for "greet") in help screen
kphotoalbum 364160 Spelling mistake in package description
libgeda 220725 dependency problem (for source package)
localization-config 302591 localization-config: Preconfig of X keyboard settings confusing
localization-config 372503 localization-config: Minor typo in description
otags 372592 /usr/lib/ocaml/3.09.1/otags: otags still ship with an empty /usr/lib/ocaml/3.09.1/otags
redcloth 357631 does not install rdoc
stardict 207928 /usr/share/gnome/help/stardict/C/stardict.xml: assumes network connection
xen-3.0 304285 xen 2.0.5-3 is package-compatible with xen-docs 1.2-4.1
xen-3.0 317066 Erroneous short description
xen-3.0 321157 WARNING: Package 'fig2dev' is required
aria2 383595 ITP: aria2 -- High speed download utility
debconf 375064 [INTL:km] debconf translation
debconf 375066 [INTL:km] debconf translation
debconf 380344 [l10n:ca] Catalan update
debconf 380352 debconf: estonian gettext translation updated
debconf 380378 [INTL:ko] Korean translation update for debconf
debconf 380381 [INTL:ar] Arabic (ar) debconf template translation update
debconf 380427 [INTL:ru] Updated Russian translation debconf template
debconf 380432 debconf: [INTL:sk] Slovak translation
debconf 380437 [l10n] Updated Czech translation of debconf's debconf messages
debconf 380453 debconf: [INTL:fi] Updated Finnish translation
debconf 380477 debconf: [INTL:ja] updated Japanese debconf translation
debconf 380495 Please update debconf PO translation for the package debconf 1.5.4
debconf 380592 [INTL:gl] Updated Galician translation of debconf's templates
debconf 382002 [INTL:da] Updated Danish debconf template
debconf 382459 debconf: [l10n:eu] Debcond debian template basque translation update
debconf 382504 debconf: [INTL:uk] updated Ukrainian debconf templates translation
debconf 382623 debconf: [INTL:dz] Dzongkha debconf (program) templates translation
debconf 382713 debconf: [INTL:es] Spanish translation update
debconf 386509 debconf: [INTL:sv] Swedish debconf template translation
debmirror 316528 debmirror: fail immediately if the signature cannot be verified
debmirror 316529 debmirror: show gpg error message on failure
debmirror 360453 debmirror: [Patch] implement ftp authentication with user/passwd
debmirror 369061 debmirror: sync selected architectures and amd64 not present on older ones
debmirror 382271 debmirror: --include-di-source option
firefox-sage 350207 ITP: firefox-sage -- lightweight RSS and Atom feed
freetype 386379 libfreetype6: Checking if /usr/X11R6 is a symlink
gdrae 381087 ITP: gdrae -- dictionary of the RAE
geda-gnetlist 133234 geda-gnetlist: Please include docs/
geda-gschem 133043 geda-gschem: Please add example files
gpscorrelate 385488 ITP: gpscorrelate -- correlates digital camera photos with GPS data filling EXIF fields
kphotoalbum 346391 kimdaba: Too heavy recommendation on kdegraphics
kphotoalbum 370136 new version of kimdaba available
libgeda 197807 geda-gschem: please build with libgdgeda support
libstring-format-perl 385627 ITP: libstring-format-perl -- sprintf-like string formatting capabilities with arbitrary format definitions
list 360687 ITP: list -- linux-stats.org client
localization-config 301262 Please consider also preseeding keymap for Gnome (and KDE?)
localization-config 331347 localization-config: [INTL:sv] Swedish debconf templates translation
localization-config 340635 localization-config: [INTL:ru] Russian debconf PO file
localization-config 367352 localization-config: [INTL:th] Thai Translation
localization-config 369591 [INTL:hu] Updated Hungarian localization-config templates translation
localization-config 374922 [INTL:km] localization-config translation
lua-curl 383798 ITP: luacurl -- libcURL bindings for the lua language
lua-expat 384350 ITP: luaexpat -- bindings for the expat library to the lua language
lua-filesystem 384496 ITP: luafilesystem -- filesystem library to the lua language
menu 352464 menu: Please document su-to-root's choice of su-like program to call
menu 377427 menu: [INTL:ar] Arabic translation of sections
menu 377511 menu: [INTL:th] Thai translations
menu 382337 [INTL:tl] Tagalog menu-sections translation
midish 385121 ITP: midish -- shell-like MIDI sequencer/filter
msntp 370469 ITP: msntp -- a very simple and portable SNTP client for UNIX
netris 304224 netris: [patch] add line count
obexfs 385609 ITP: obexfs -- mount filesystem of ObexFTP capabable devices
photoprint 373810 ITP: photoprint -- Image printing utility
python-dateutil 386256 ITP: python-dateutil -- powerful extensions to python's standard datetime module
stardict 199468 stardict: new release 2.2.1 available
stardict 289104 stardict: Please add icon for menu
stardict 289451 New upstream version 2.4.4
stardict 300358 stardict: FTBFS (ppc64/gcc-4.0): Please remove the Build-Depends on libstdc++5-3.3-dev
stardict 328649 stardict: please provide a new binary package without GNOME library dependence
stardict 330501 New upstream version 2.4.5
stardict 361667 New upstream version 2.4.8
stardict 361667 New upstream version 2.4.8
tango-icon-theme 335555 ITP: tango-icon-theme -- Tango icon theme for GTK+ 2.x
tango-icon-theme 338448 ITP: gnome-icon-theme-tango -- Tango icon theme for GTK+ 2.x
tecnoballz 382198 tecnoballz comes with no .desktop
xen-3.0 230345 Upstream phpPgAdmin is up to version 3.2.1
xen-3.0 311336 New upstream version 2.0.6 is out (my .diff.gz attached)
xen-3.0 327493 xen: new upstream version available
xen-3.0 342249 Xen 3.0 released
xen-3.0 366019 xen-hypervisor-3.0-i386-pae: "pae enabled version" how is it any different ?
xen-3.0 368496 xen-utils-3.0: Include support for HVM-based guests
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