Bugs closed in Debian

Ubuntu Merge-o-Matic mom at ubuntu.com
Wed Sep 6 01:35:16 BST 2006


wireshark                384529  wnpa-sec-2006-02: multiple problems in Wireshark/Ethereal version 0.7.9 to 0.99.2


lmms                     382491  segfaults on startup
mp3wrap                  384995  mp3wrap: does not work; treats any (or no) args as invalid
pentium-builder          54992   pentium-builder: Typo in builder-c++ makes g++ useless
plywood                  380891  Python transition (#2): you are building a private python module !
xkeyboard-config         357207  xkb-data: does not work at all after upgrade
zope-extfile             368187  zope-extfile: Uninstallable due unsatisfiable dependencies


boson                    384246  boson conflicts with boson-base; boson can't be upgraded
boson                    386067  boson: error on upgrade: libbomeshrendererplugin.so owned by 2 packages
console-tools            386038  console-tools FTBFS on sparc
gtk-im-libthai           384360  gtk-im-libthai: FTBFS: /bin/sh: gtk-query-immodules-2.0: command not found
imgseek                  380847  unusable because of python transition
linux-kernel-headers     382419  vnc4: FTBFS on amd64: # error do_div() does not yet support the C64
mmx-emu                  384544  mmx-emu: Copyright file doesn't list copyright holders
ssh-askpass              382114  ssh-askpass: manpage installed in /usr/man + broken alternative
thttpd                   385055  thttpd: cannot uninstall with stale .pid file


kftpgrabber              376668  kftpgrabber: craches during big transfers
libextractor-python      380853  Python transition (#2): you are building a private python module !
lighttpd                 381455  lighttpd + mod_ssl stalls on POST requests between 8317 and 16381 bytes long
mayavi                   380883  Python transition (#2): you are building a private python module !
openmsx                  385197  openmsx: FTBFS on ARM
openoffice.org           384727  openoffice.org-2.0.4~ood680m1 failes to compile on amd64, tries to find unowinreg.dll
pentium-builder          151077  pentium-builder: fails silently in a case 
pentium-builder          322959  pentium-builder: builder-cc doesn't handle case where DEBIAN_BUILDARCH is undef, DEBIAN_BUILDGCCVER defined
pppoeconf                384777  missing backslash '\' in pppoeconf script
xkeyboard-config         363525  xserver-xorg-input-kbd: macintosh XkbModel is broken
xkeyboard-config         364435  ralt_switch_multikey broken again
xkeyboard-config         366615  xkb-data: Requires "XkbModel" to be "macintosh_vndr" rather than "macintosh" or won't accept plain english characters


bchunk                   385964  ITA: bchunk -- CD image format conversion from bin/cue to iso/cdr
console-tools            382115  console-tools.sh spawns many unnecessary processes
console-tools            386134  console-tools: please remove the sysvinit dependency
discover-data            383593  discover-data: Intel 82915G supported by i810 xog driver
duplicity                385989  duplicity: fails to run, missing file _librsync.so: cannot open shared object file
eog                      343496  eog: Corrupted output when printing GIF images
fortunes-de              386115  fortune error
hwinfo                   385527  Uses deprecated dbus function
hybserv                  254712  ITA: hybserv -- IRC services for IRCD-Hybrid
hybserv                  320287  hybserv: keeping backups in /etc is wrong - they should go in /var/backups
hybserv                  331857  hybserv depends on debconf without | debconf-2.0 alternate; blocks cdebconf transition
imgseek                  315109  Module ImgDB is required but does not exist
imgseek                  324807  imgseek: dependancy on dummy package python-xml
imgseek                  329828  imgseek: after starting 'Add !' volume selection always jumps back to the first in the list
industrial-cursor-theme  383155  industrial-cursor-theme lacks some symbols and symlinks for KDE
lighttpd                 380267  lighttpd default config file - server binds to localhost only
lintian                  385178  Bad dependencies managment that produce wrong lintian errors
ncurses                  385928  ITA: ncurses -- Shared libraries for terminal handling (32-bit)
openbox                  312193  openbox: Openbox does not add a proper entry in the debian menu
openbox                  385461  New openbox shows border on the gnome-panel
openoffice.org           245861  openoffice.org: no largefile support
pentium-builder          52974   no pentium-builder documentation in /usr/doc
pentium-builder          54094   c++ links broken (/etc/alternatives not updated?)
pentium-builder          54618   fails to install
pentium-builder          56969   pentium-builder: pentium-builder doesn't DO anything!
pentium-builder          82247   ITA: pentium-builder -- force pentium optimized compilation
pentium-builder          100372  ITA: pentium-builder -- force pentium optimized compilation
pentium-builder          106727  pentium-builder; breaks --print-libgcc-file-name
pentium-builder          126243  pentium-builder NMU 0.16.1
pentium-builder          359560  pentium-builder: please finish /usr/doc transition
pentium-builder          359560  pentium-builder: please finish /usr/doc transition
qbrew                    385973  qbrew: will not import beerxml files
xchat-gnome              377133  xchat-gnome: hangs typing /W<tab>
xchat-gnome              382823  xchat-gnome-common: /usr/share/menu/xchat-gnome is missing
xkeyboard-config         111905  xlibs: [xkb] apple/command key no longer works as alt key
xkeyboard-config         121297  xlibs: [xkb] xfree86/macintosh/de users out in the cold with iBook keyboards; no AltGr key available
xkeyboard-config         166478  xlibs: [xkb] modification to macintosh/fr symbols for French PowerBook G4 support
xkeyboard-config         234113  xlibs: AltGr doesn't work with xfree86/macintosh/fr_new//ctrl:nocaps
xkeyboard-config         328125  xlibs: [xkb] symbols/macintosh/{de,se} swap KP_Separator and KP_Delete
xkeyboard-config         342615  [xkb] no korean alphabet (hangul) mapping support
xkeyboard-config         355742  missing build dependency
xkeyboard-config         356529  xkb-data: bad symlink /etc/X11/xkb-data/xkbcomp
xkeyboard-config         363925  xkb-data: XF86AudioRaiseVolume defined twice for Logitech keyboards
xkeyboard-config         368885  xkb-data: symbols/inet and rules/base.* do not match
xkeyboard-config         370564  xkb/symbols/macintosh_vndr/us without srvr_ctrl(xfree86)
xkeyboard-config         373692  gnome-control-center: Switching keyboard to Japanese loses tilde key
xkeyboard-config         373833  xbase-clients: hr(us) layout apparently broken
xkeyboard-config         379148  xkb-data: macintosh XkbModel is broken
xkeyboard-config         379292  xkb-data hr layout broke the normal AltGr+numbers behaviour
xkeyboard-config         379917  xkb-data: microsoft keyboard data disappeared?
xkeyboard-config         381882  please add latitude to $inetkbds
xkeyboard-config         385355  "altwin:meta_win" overrides "lv3:lalt_switch"
xkeyboard-config         385970  xkb-data: Greek polytonic affects us alt-intl


bchunk                   290072  bchunk: Improper copyright file
console-tools            382595  console-tools: loadkeys man page defkeymap.kmap location
console-tools            384118  console-tools: lct.html missing lct-9.html part
console-tools            384785  console-tools: add lsb logging
deb-gview                385267  deb-gview: please add menu icons
hybserv                  351383  hybserv: Please switch to gettext-based debconf templates
openbox                  364123  openbox: debian/control -- excessive exclamation marks in description
pentium-builder          92325   --print-libgcc-file-name handling broken?
pentium-builder          169159  typo: DEBAIN
pentium-builder          169159  typo: DEBAIN
reprepro                 384075  man page says reprepro uses libdb3 as database backend, but libdb4.3 is used
xkeyboard-config         308196  xlibs: Wrong quote characters input with AltGr-Shift-{V,B}
xkeyboard-config         319423  xlibs: hard use of square brackets keys


apt-build                383804  [INTL:nl] Updated dutch po-debconf translation
apt-build                384472  apt-build: [INTL:es] Updated Spanish debconf template
apt-build                384515  apt-build: [INTL:fr] French debconf templates translation update
clamsmtp                 381566  clampsmtp [INTL:pt] Portuguese translation for debconf messages
console-tools            366272  unicode_{start,stop} and current virtual terminal - tty0
ddccontrol-db            322978  ITP: ddccontrol-db -- monitor database for ddccontrol
deb-gview                384847  deb-gview: Please do not remove the POT file from your source package
deb-gview                385227  deb-gview: please add the ability to show gzipped files
debarchiver              372298  please consider to include logcheck rules
debarchiver              386047  French translation update
discover-data            385846  HP printers need hplip
hugin                    251618  ITP: hugin -- frontend to Panorama Tools
hybserv                  331365  hybserv: [INTL:sv] Swedish debconf templates translation
icecc                    327462  RFP: icecc-icecream -- distributed compiler like distcc
libconfig-any-perl       385130  ITP: libconfig-any-perl -- Load configuration from different file formats, transparently
lintian                  376119  lintian: perm2oct() can't handle --S--S--T
lintian                  377740  lintian: lintian doesn't report missing LSB information in init-scripts
lintian                  384476  lintian: please emit error for dependencies against python-minimal
lintian                  386014  [checks/debconf] invalid debconf priority
openbox                  323336  openbox: please add homepage URL to packages' 'Description'
openguides               280313  ITP: openguides -- A web application for managing a collaboratively-written city guide
openoffice.org           364814  can you switch to stlport5?
pentium-builder          95393   pentium-builder: alternative compiler
pentium-builder          122488  patch: merge athlon-builder with pentium-builder
quilt-el                 364611  ITP: quilt-el -- a simple Emacs interface of quilt
vnc4                     384652  xvnc4viewer: Please allow password to be entered in terminal
xkeyboard-config         256442  xlibs: want new gb_new symbols file for 2004 iBook G4 British keymap
xkeyboard-config         257626  xkb: New keymap, Dvorak Classic (out of order numeric row)
xkeyboard-config         264647  xlibs: new keymap dvorak-classic (features rearranged numeric row)
xkeyboard-config         274299  ITP: xkeyboard-config -- X Keyboard Extension configuration files
xkeyboard-config         343287  xkb-data: please add caps as a compose key
xkeyboard-config         355613  xorg: Please include Khmer keyboard layout (kh) and Compose file (km_KH)
xkeyboard-config         362850  xkb-data: [xkb] support alt-caps to toggle groups
xkeyboard-config         378309  xkb-data: Please include the Dzongkha keyboard layout (dz)

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