Regarding Moving packages from Universe section to main section

Colin Watson cjwatson at
Mon Oct 30 10:25:00 GMT 2006

On Mon, Oct 30, 2006 at 03:35:59PM +0530, Chandan M C wrote:
>  Then , How do you test that this package from debian works on your
> development release ... for example Feisty... Now you dont have archive for
> feisty .. How do you start building archive for feisty ..In what way you
> build binary packages from debian source for fiesty ... How do you setup the
> build environment for your developemnt release ... on which build
> environment you will rebuild packages for fiesty..(Development release )

It would take weeks to go through all this step-by-step with you, and
I'm afraid I don't have the time. Look up information on the web on how
the Debian build daemons work and start with that. Until Launchpad is
ready to provide facilities for derived distributions, you must work
most of this out for yourself. It is hard work, but if it is too hard
then building a distribution from scratch may not be for you at the

> How do you ensure that all the packages you are putting in your main and
> universe section will work fine over that release ..

Testing. Lots of testing. There is no magic secret to this.

> Is it that all the pacakges in main .will install without the need of
> dependency from universe ...


> Is it hte same with universe ..i.e all the packages from the universe will
> install without  the need of dependent pacakges from main component ...

No, packages in universe almost invariably depend on packages from main
(libc6, if nothing else!).

> Can you please tell me ..Where do I get MOM,motu-tools and germinat tools

MOM is not public. I have no idea about motu-tools; try using Google.
germinate is in the Ubuntu archive.

> ..and also sync and merge tools ... and any others you are using for package
> archiveing ... ans also how to work with that ..

Look up anything you're specifically interested in in the Ubuntu
archive, or write your own as necessary. We did! But our tools are quite
well-tuned to how we work, and may well not be appropriate for you.


Colin Watson                                       [cjwatson at]

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