Bugs closed in Debian

Ubuntu Merge-o-Matic mom at ubuntu.com
Fri Oct 20 03:48:18 BST 2006


gnuserv                  367983  gnuserv built without Unix Domain sockets, Internet Domain sockets or System V IPC
joe                      392077  joe: execmd with empty command results in SEGV
pan                      393797  pan: Retrieving group list runs forever
python2.3                393053  CVE-2006-4980: Python "repr()" Unicode String Buffer Overflow Vulnerability


axiom                    376017  axiom: FTBFS: Obsolete Build-Depends on xfree86-common
bincimap                 393358  Source package contains non-free IETF RFC/I-D's
clamav                   393672  clamav: FTBFS: clamav-milter.c:1065:84: error: operator '>=' has no left operand
coco-cs                  393811  coco-cs: FTBFS: Got a SIGABRT while executing native code
einstein                 393690  einstein: infriges on font authors' copyright
gcc-defaults             385732  gcc-defaults: Non-free files in source package
gcc-m68hc1x              392960  [NONFREE-DOC:GFDL] package contains non-free documentation
gnuserv                  363277  gnuserv: FTBFS: conflicting types for 'strerror'
gscanbus                 393567  gscanbus: no changelog file
httrack                  392419  ships architecture-dependent files in /usr/share
kernel-patch-kdb         393287  kernel-patch-kdb: Doesn't apply against 2.6.18
kiwi                     393874  kiwi: FTBFS: /usr/bin/xvfb-run: line 158: kill: (16331) - No such process
lhs2tex                  393822  lhs2tex: FTBFS with ghc6 6.6
libapache2-mod-encoding  391779  Uninstallable due to unmet dep on apache2-common
libapache2-mod-encoding  393019  FTBFS: mod_encoding.o: No such file or directory
libgtk-trayicon-ruby     393014  FTBFS: Ruby/GTK couldn't be initialized ('Cannot open display:  ')
mod-bt                   391636  Uninstallable due to unmet dep on libapr0
ncurses                  390169  file conflict
pdp                      392179  FTBFS: error: quicktime/lqt.h: No such file or directory
phat                     393973  phat - FTBFS: cp: cannot stat `docs/html/': No such file or directory
php-imlib                393660  php-imlib: ships Windows 95 Arial font
prj2make-sharp           392140  prj2make-sharp: FTBFS: Missing Build-Depends on 'cli-common-dev'
python2.3                391234  python2.3: FTBFS : mv: cannot overwrite directory `debian/tmp/usr/share/man/man1'
qm                       393581  qm: no changelog file
quota                    393972  quota - FTBFS: cannot find -lssl
rest2web                 388993  rest2web-doc: non-free Firefox icon included
sirc                     391938  sirc: broken postinst
slang2                   392942  Regression in selection lists, probably due to #384787
slang2                   392987  Regression in selection lists, probably due to #384787
texmaker                 392386  texmaker: FTBFS: main.cpp:27: error: expected primary-expression before '/' token/Missing Build-Depends on 'libglib2.0-dev'
ttf2pt1                  392413  ships architecture-dependent files in /usr/share
xmms-jess                392543  xmms-jess: FTBFS (amd64): conflicting types for 'usleep'


cryptsetup               393895  cut: the delimiter must be a single character
hal                      391124  07_ppc_suspend.patch causes hald to crash
lhs2tex                  389924  lhs2tex: Wrong license information for TeX input files, missing doc source
tomboy                   393484  tomboy 0.4.1-1 built without ENABLE_DBUS
xine-ui                  384006  xine-ui: fails to start


anthy                    391748  A matrix file is empty
autopsy                  386412  autopsy: new upstream version 2.08 available
axiom                    381768  axiom-source: postinst/postrm depmod -- update templates to use dh_installmodules instead
dailystrips              331789  dailystrips depends on debconf without | debconf-2.0 alternate; blocks cdebconf transition
dailystrips              388881  dailystrips: [annoying_notes] Abuse of debconf note(s)
distcc                   265776  distccmon-gnome: please add some documentation
distcc                   333662  distcc: Manula page does not list all exit codes
distcc                   333667  distcc: /etc/init.d/distcc should print message on failure
fai                      390343  FAI dirinstall should test if nfsroot is there, and fail fast
fai                      391639  fai-cd creates image with wrong sources.list
fai                      392032  yum command doesn't get list of packages to install in install_packages
gaim                     391798  gaim: fails to receive messages ending with acute wovel
gforge                   394022  sql2ldif.pl doesn't export user passwords
gnuserv                  323567  gnuserv: options to start it under emacs 21.4 not documented
gnuserv                  393257  ITA: gnuserv -- Allows you to attach to an already running Emacs
gnustep-back             393476  gnustep-back-common: Fonts are not registered in defoma
gui-apt-key              391877  gui-apt-key: FTBFS: Missing Build-Depends on 'gettext'
gwc                      392066  gwc needs update to latest version
hal                      388558  hal should use s2ram on suspend
hal                      393203  Suspend to ram doesn't work on pmu bases system (powerpc)
ksensors                 394057  ksensors doesn't work with newest hddtemp
libnet-server-perl       391579  libnet-server-perl: Missing dependency on libnet-cidr-perl
minicom                  340899  minicom mishandles config files with lines >= 80 characters
mod-bt                   382688  Policy 2.5: mod-bt packages depends on packages with lower priority
oregano                  393952  Improved/corrected desktop file
rest2web                 384054  r2w has no manpage
tetex-bin                394028  texlive-base-bin: pdflatex reports 'unknown verssion of OS/2 table (0003)' with recent OpenType/TrueType fonts
texlive-base             382870  texlive-latex-recommended: beamer.cls depends on pgfcore.sty which is not available
texlive-base             389467  texlive-latex-recommanded: problem with subfig and beamer
texlive-bin              392641  tetex-bin: Lots of access to nonexistent /share/* files
texlive-bin              393189  debianize-updmap not used properly
texlive-bin              394028  texlive-base-bin: pdflatex reports 'unknown verssion of OS/2 table (0003)' with recent OpenType/TrueType fonts
texlive-extra            382870  texlive-latex-recommended: beamer.cls depends on pgfcore.sty which is not available
texlive-extra            389467  texlive-latex-recommanded: problem with subfig and beamer


anthy                    361500  A file and a directory remain temporarily
anthy                    392528  undefined symbol
axiom                    362748  axiom-hypertex: Spelling mistake in package description
cryptsetup               393473  Misses dependency on dosfstools
dailystrips              313498  INTL:vi
fpm                      363418  Spelling mistake in package description
gaim                     341607  Update logfile pane when new search has completed
gnuserv                  379139  gnuserv: gnuclient man page should mention Emacs too.
kipina                   364161  Spelling mistake in package description
libnet-server-perl       354364  libnet-server-perl: debian/watch
minicom                  358635  minicom: uses binary test operator not required by posix in a #! /bin/sh maintscript
oregano                  390245  Spelling mistake in package description


anthy                    295803  anthy: Please switch to po-debconf
dailystrips              291870  [l10n] Initial Czech translation of dailystrips debconf messages
dailystrips              331332  dailystrips: [INTL:sv] Swedish debconf templates translation
dailystrips              336034  dailystrips: Spanish debconf translation
dailystrips              389501  [INTL:pt] Portuguese translation for dailystrips (debconf)
deborphan                394093  deborphan: French translation update
distcc                   335028  distcc: [INTL:fr] French debconf templates translation update
distcc                   338259  distcc: [INTL:sv] Swedish debconf templates translation
distcc                   341931  [l10n] Updated Czech translation of distcc debconf messages
distcc                   367280  distcc: Spanish debconf translation
distcc                   381661  distcc: [INTL:pt] Portuguese translation for debconf messages
distcc                   393209  distcc: [INTL:ja] Updated Japanese po-debconf template translation (ja.po)
dlume                    268800  dlume: improving the toolbar
fai                      390345  give dirinst an alias named dirinstall
fai                      390367  fai dirinst should accept a "hostname" option to define classes
fai                      390680  prevent concurrent fai runs
gaim                     277147  gaim: Text replacement plugin does not work when closing a parenthesis
gaim                     277727  gaim: Missing Buddy Pounce? Pounce when ... Buddy sent a message
galeon                   393982  galeon: Please suggest mozplugger instead of mozilla-bonobo
gnuserv                  368386  gnuserv: say Emacs for apropos
gui-apt-key              391534  gui-apt-key: [INTL:sv] Swedish translation updated
lhs2tex                  366969  lhs2tex: new version availible
libnet-server-perl       358031  0.91 will break amavisd-new
minicom                  188184  minicom: saving 'add linefeed', 'local echo' and other options to rc file
minicom                  336879  minicom: Tell user of localized versions to use -8 flag
mol                      393569  mol: French debconf templates translation update
php-imlib                330758  php-imlib: [INTL:sv] Swedish debconf templates translation
texlive-base             392517  texlive-doc-en is too big and too comprehensive for a default install

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