Bugs closed in Debian
Ubuntu Merge-o-Matic
mom at ubuntu.com
Tue Oct 17 02:41:48 BST 2006
nss-mdns 392813 dns completely failed after upgrade to libnss-mdns 0.8-5
kernel-patch-grsecurity2 296908 grsecurity patch doesn't apply
libpng 377298 libpng: CVE-2006-3334: DoS/buffer overflow to code execution
pydance 375651 pydance: Pydance crash on start, SDL_ttf render failed
amavisd-new 392852 amavisd-new: sarge to etch upgrade fails
bind9 393359 Source package contains non-free IETF RFC/I-D's
caudium 390634 caudium: source code missing for lucene-1.2.jar?
caudium 391253 Uninstallable due to unavailable pike7.6-dev (<= 7.6.87-99)
firedns 393369 Source package contains non-free IETF RFC/I-D's
gnomemeeting 392999 FTBFS: configure.in has pwlib (= 1.10.1) dependency
icmake 392150 icmake_6.30-1(ia64/unstable): FTBFS: conflicting types
leksbot 194946 leksbot: FTBFS with gcc-3.3: Uses multiline strings
libapache2-mod-auth-pam 391752 Uninstallable binary packages due to unmet dep on apache2-common
libapache2-mod-auth-plain 391767 Uninstallable due to unmet dep on apache2-common
libopensync-plugin-irmc 362517 libopensync-plugin-irmc_0.18-2(hppa/unstable): FTBFS: missing build-depends
libopensync-plugin-irmc 376359 libopensync-plugin-irmc: FTBFS: wrong build-dep
licq 393319 licq-plugin-qt: installation error
lirc 393297 Depends on package from experimental
lirc 393316 liblircclient0 0.8.0-8 uninstallable in sid
lirc 393351 depends on libc6 2.4, which is not in unstable
maxima 393230 FTBFS (alpha): rtest14 fails
mergeant 325814 mergeant: FTBFS
mergeant 392408 ships architecture-dependent files in /usr/share
numactl 392316 FTBFS on many archs
opensync 387576 Broken pkg-config file
phat 343996 phat - FTBFS: missing build dependencies
poedit 391934 poedit: Says every po|pot file is corrupted
proftpd-dfsg 388647 proftpd: purging the package fails (update-inetd not essential)
proftpd-dfsg 393408 Source package contains non-free IETF RFC/I-D's
shfs 391846 shfs-source: Compile fails with kernel 2.6.18, patch available on the internet
silc-toolkit 393412 Source package contains non-free IETF RFC/I-D's
singularity 390413 singularity: Includes a non-free font
tagcoll2 393194 FTBFS on Alpha
tclxml 275734 tclxml_3.0-5(ia64/unstable): FTBFS: "no targets specified"
hotplug 391594 hotplug: bug in preinst prevents upgrade from old versions
libatomic-ops 322027 libatomic-ops: FTBFS on m68k: Cannot implement AO_compare_and_swap_full on this architecture.
libatomic-ops 338469 libatomic-ops_1.0-3(m68k/unstable/vault13): FTBFS on m68k
libopensync-plugin-irmc 363219 [buildd at nautilus.lowpingbastards.de: Log for successful build of libopensync-plugin-irmc_0.18-3 (dist=unstable)]
libpgsql-ruby 318858 Include pg_wchar.h from libpq-dev package to declare pg_encoding_to_char()
libsnmp-ruby 389013 Please use architecture all instead of architecture any
mydns 393353 syntax error in /var/lib/dpkg/info/mydns-mysql.postinst file
polipo 349942 polipo: dies after timeout
polipo 385751 polipo: Polipo segfaults on long URLs due to incorrect vararg usage.
postfix 322602 postfix: trivial-rewrite crashes with signal 11
proftpd-dfsg 375017 proftpd: FTBFS on GNU/kFreeBSD (due to unsatisfied Build-Depends on libcap-dev)
singularity 380950 Python transition (#2): you are building a private python module !
tinyerp-client 380972 Python transition (#2): you are building a private python module !
tinyerp-server 380973 Python transition (#2): you are building a private python module !
vdrift 389401 vdrift: bad display+crash if texture detail changed
xtrans 338290 xorg-x11: limited functionality on GNU/kFreeBSD (problem with unix sockets)
zephyr 177477 Zephyr server gets duplicate entry
acovea 347335 acovea: why 284 kB in /etc?
bbe 388074 ITA: bbe -- sed-like editor for binary files
bygfoot 375021 bygfoot: Locales are not put in good directory
caudium 393119 diff for 2:1.4.7-15.1 NMU
doc-linux-nl 378314 ITA: doc-linux-nl -- Dutch Linux Documentation (HOWTOs, mini-HOWTOs, FAQs, and manpages)
gtablix 369400 gtablix provides tablix2 which doesn't exist
gtk-gnutella 347523 gtk-gnutella: 'passive' search displays "Passive" instead of search string
heimdal 372685 kpasswd does not work with an LDAP backend
heimdal 389848 heimdal-clients: krb4 dropped from klist, but not from klist(1)
heimdal 392933 iprop-slave doesn't start without additional SLAVE_PARAMS="" in /etc/default/heimdal-kdc
hesiod 203001 ITA: hesiod -- Utilities for Project Athena's service name resolution protocol
libaio 393156 libaio: [PATCH] fix io_syscall5 for ARM
libpng 378463 diff for 1.2.8rel-5.2 NMU
libpng 393109 ITA: libpng -- PNG library
libsnmp-ruby 387550 ITA: libsnmp-ruby -- simple network management protocol bindings for ruby
mrtg 389687 mrtg: depends on libgd2-xpm exclusively
mxml 314481 swapped Descriptions in debian/control
opensync 367705 libopensync0-dev: should be in libdevel
opensync 377564 python-opensync: short description was not updated along with the python transition
polipo 372245 polipo: Index value missing for doc-base file
postfix 333646 postfix: Fails to deliver to virtual agent when /etc/hostname isn't resolvable
postfix 393087 postfix: Confusing debconf template questions
proftpd-dfsg 387982 Does not remove proftpd user in postrm script
rstatd 324551 rpc.rstatd has 40 processes on m68k
rstatd 336588 rstatd/m68k: rstatd server failing (looping)
rstatd 363641 Cannot run iwith inetd
seaview 357581 seaview: Wrong licence : Seaview is GPL.
seaview 357587 Shouldn't seaview be in main ?
singularity 353750 singularity: crash in cheat mode "give money" option
singularity 353886 Always uses CPU even when stopped
singularity 386187 simultaneous win and loss results in both
skkdic 392881 skkdic: please remove *.tmp at `clean' of debian/rules
skkdic 392883 skkdic: new upstream CVS snapshot
spfmilter 291949 /etc/init.d/spfmilter restart -- does'nt work correctly
spfmilter 392307 Startup doesn't work, if /var/run is on tmpfs
tinyerp-server 376614 tinyerp-server: tinyerp recommends postgresql instead of posgresql | postgresql-8.0 | postgresql-8.1
vdrift 376740 vdrift - FTBFS: error: impossible constraint in `asm'
vdrift 376948 vdrift: segfaults on startup
vdrift 385840 package build-depends on g++-3.4, which is not available on hppa
zephyr 148870 zephyr-clients: zhm shouldn't flush user state on controlled restart
bind9 387437 README.Debian: www.linuxdoc.org -> en.tldp.org
caudium 392366 caudium: xerces.jar corrupted in source tarball?
gtk-gnutella 382649 Locationerror in de
hotplug 326140 hotplug: [INTL:de] Translation po
leksbot 184047 leksbot: README.Debian doesn't contain any useful information and should be removed
nepenthes 390059 Spelling mistake in package description
postfix 387646 postfix: Confusing "default" for the debconf question regarding synchronous updates
singularity 355216 singularity: minor errors in text
singularity 357684 should be "arch: all"
spfmilter 392885 spfmilter: sendmail config incorrect in README.Debian
toshset 376011 diff for 1.71-1.1 NMU
vdrift 377108 vdrift: compalins about wrong version of config at startup
bbe 389989 bbe: new upstream version (0.1.9) available
chuck 267626 ITP: chuck -- concurrent on-the-fly audio programming language
dictionaries-common 391622 dictionaries-common: [INTL:ar] Arabic dictionaries-common update
dphys-swapfile 388631 ITP: dphys-swapfile -- Autogenerate and use a swap file
filezilla 330678 ITP: filezilla3 -- FileZilla 3 FTP Client
ghc6 375623 please add ppc64 to the architectures line in ghc6_vars
gtablix 321945 ITP: gtablix -- graphical user interface for Tablix, a timetable generator
gtablix 380672 gtablix: newer upstream release
gtablix 388773 new upstream release available
gtk-gnutella 195473 Search: "Apply filters" button
gtk-gnutella 271061 gtk-gnutella: Remove per-file percentage from download status strings
hotplug 322469 hotplug: requires sed feature missing from busybox
hotplug 330551 hotplug: [INTL:sv] Swedish debconf templates translation
hotplug 338072 [INTL:pt] Portuguese translation for hotplug (Debconf)
jaxme 296117 ITP: jaxme -- open source implementation of JAXB, the specification for Java/XML binding
kile 359872 kile: Correct the referencing used in
libpng 356252 libpng: Please add add udeb: lines to shlibs file
libzrtpcpp 390591 ITP: libzrtpcpp -- ZRTP extension for GNU ccRTP
opensync 392162 libopensync0: new upstream available
postfix 183163 Please apply patch for cdb support
postfix 393090 postfix: [INTL:ca] Catalan debconf templates translation
primer3 241235 ITP: primer3 -- Tool design flanking oligo nucleotides for DNA amplification [med-bio]
proftpd-dfsg 375102 [INTL:nl] Dutch po-debconf translation
proftpd-dfsg 381949 [INTL:pt] Portuguese translation for proftpd (debconf)
proftpd-dfsg 383077 proftpd: spanish debconf template translation
seaview 357585 seaview: New upstream version available
slide-webdavclient 386142 ITP: slide-webdavclient -- WebDAV client
sork-vacation-h3 377556 ITP: sork-vacation-h3 -- autovacation module for Horde Framework
tablix2 388777 new upstream release available
xmms-blursk 376637 Please stop Build-Depending on automake
zephyr 343756 zephyr: [INTL:sv] Swedish debconf templates translation
zephyr 385052 zephyr: spanish debconf template translation updated
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