Bugs closed in Debian

Ubuntu Merge-o-Matic mom at ubuntu.com
Thu Oct 12 03:47:19 BST 2006


partman-auto                        391071  partman-auto-crypto: No confirmation before hard-drive wiping


headache                            379146  headache: `line' setup does not works
kdebase                             391357  konsole flashes and is unusable under kde 3.5.5-1
php-fpdf                            388711  ldap-account-manager failure when open in web browser and login
phpmyadmin                          391090  phpmyadmin: security issue PMASA-2006-5
solarwolf                           375594  solarwolf: Python policy transition
solarwolf                           380956  Python transition (#2): you are building a private python module !
stlport5                            392131  broken libstlport.so symlink


apt                                 386800  apt should depend on debian-archive-keyring
bluez-hcidump                       392156  FTBFS: has no member named 'link_sup_to'
irda-utils                          392297  irda-utils_0.9.18-1(hppa/unstable): FTBFS: bad build-depends?
lme4                                391910  lme4 - FTBFS: error: 'cholmod_triplet' undeclared (first use in this function)
loop-aes                            390554  loop-aes - FTBFS: /usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.17-2-s390-tape: No such file or directory.  Stop.
pgf                                 364749  pgf: copyright file is incomplete or, in other words, wrong
powermanga                          384223  powermanga-data: non-free data included in the package
pybluez                             392183  FTBFS: expected specifier-qualifier-list before 'sdp_session_t'
pybluez                             392199  pybluez: FTBFS (amd64): expected specifier-qualifier-list before 'sdp_session_t'
pycaml                              392174  pycaml: FTBFS: /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lpython2.3
roundup                             392310  roundup: ships files in /usr/man
subcommander                        391635  Uninstallable due to unmet dep on libapr0


cdrdao                              392281  cdrdao: Built without Ogg Vorbis support (but with the dependencies!)
cedet                               353544  takes too long to load each time emacs is started
cedet                               372539  semantic can not be installed with the latest emacs-snapshot
cedet                               384458  semantic: Recursive `require' for feature `semantic-ede-grammar'
electricsheep                       391990  electricsheep: patched version string prevents contact with sheepserver
emacs-wiki                          391525  emacs-wiki: can not enter emacs-wiki-mode on Emacs 22
kdebase                             391361  kdm: terminals such as konsole and xterm unusable due to flicker/flash under KDE 3.5.5-1
kdebase                             391502  Incorrect dependency on pmount
kdewebdev                           391672  quanta: Recommonds non-free and transitional phpdoc
libx11                              358708  libx11: hurd-i386, kfreebsd-i386 and kfreebsd-amd64 need -lpthread for threads too
muse-el                             391408  muse-el: Can not activate planner-mode on Emacs 22
nfs-utils                           392276  needs to take care of /etc/services mess
pgf                                 357255  pgfnodebox misplacement
phpmyadmin                          374918  phpmyadmin: Database export functionality is _borken_ since last upgrade
phpmyadmin                          390484  phpmyadmin: Copy database/table function broken
planner-el                          391186  planner-el: Can not activate planner-mode on Emacs 22 (emacs-snapshot)
plucker                             391338  plucker-build: command not found
rus-ispell                          385403  aspell-ru: error in postistall script (cant build hash)
rus-ispell                          391856  aspell-ru: The file "/usr/lib/aspell/ru.rws" can not be opened for reading.


cedet                               266853  Error while loading 50cxref-emacs
cedet                               266859  Error while loading 50devscripts-el
cedet                               266888  Error while loading 50dictionaries-common
cedet                               267249  emacs21: errors/warnings when byte compiling stuff
cedet                               358344  wrong dependency on speedbar 1:1.0pre3-1 prevent installation
cedet                               370543  ede: dependency loop
cedet                               370543  ede: dependency loop
cedet                               375198  semantic: Semantic does not install normally
cmake                               392013  cmake: remove emacs dependancy
cmake                               392044  cmake: Unnecessary Recommends on emacs*
discover-data                       351487  installation-report
discover-data                       381725  0300: 8086:27a2 should be mapped to the i810 X driver
driftnet                            390820  ITA
emacs-wiki                          354116  emacs-wiki NEWS not too useful without guidance on how to migrate
headache                            388002  diff for 1.03-8.1 NMU
jed-extra                           382593  jed-extra: redefines text_mode_hook with is preserved for the user
libcgi-session-expiresessions-perl  390220  O: libcgi-session-expiresessions-perl -- Delete expired CGI::Session db-based and file-based sessions
menu                                387577  INTL:vi
msttcorefonts                       308924  msttcorefonts: belnet no longer provide sf mirror
msttcorefonts                       332036  msttcorefonts depends on debconf without | debconf-2.0 alternate; blocks cdebconf transition
msttcorefonts                       337101  msttcorefonts: READ_ME! doesn't show up in `dpkg -L'
msttcorefonts                       369962  msttcorefonts postinst fails
muse-el                             357949  muse-el: muse-http.el is not functional
partman-auto-lvm                    368633  partman: LVM automatic partitioning not undoable
pgf                                 357008  Dependency on tetex-base is not specific enough (should depend on >=3.0)
pgf                                 360256  pgf: do not compress SVG images
php-fpdf                            390641  diff for 1.53.dfsg-4.1 NMU
phpmyadmin                          378681  diff for 4:2.8.2-0.1 NMU
popularity-contest                  229237  popularity-contest: doesn't report kernel usage
solarwolf                           369909  solarwolf: crashes when change volume
texlive-extra                       390896  missing dependency on texlive-generic-extra
texlive-lang                        366521  tetex-base: some files from cspsfonts have wrong license info
tsocks                              311805  tsocks(8) says TSOCKS_CONFFILE but should say TSOCKS_CONF_FILE
ttf-alee                            282795  ttf-alee: Fonts not listed by x-ttcidfont-conf
ttf-thryomanes                      285162  O: ttf-thryomanes -- A Unicode font covering Latin, Greek, Cyrillic and IPA
vtun                                388980  vtun: [annoying_notes] Abuse of debconf note(s)
xen-3.0                             391771  xen-hypervisor-3.0.2-1-i386: Fails to find xen utils
xmms-crossfade                      392138  ITA: xmms-crossfade -- XMMS Plugin for Crossfading /
xwelltris                           390830  O: xwelltris -- 3D Tetris like popular game similar to Welltris
zim                                 351539  zim: backspace key send delete
zim                                 366503  zim: Symlinks don't show up in the side pane
zim                                 375326  zim: fails to open repository when not run from $HOME
zim                                 381681  zim: v0.16 available upstream


kdewebdev                           349787  quanta: The "default" word is not colored as "switch" and "case" in PHP source code
manpages-fr                         392208  manpages-dev-fr: getopt(3) is wrong
menu                                386921  menu: [INTL:th] Updated Thai translation
msttcorefonts                       354924  msttcorefonts: empty postrm
reprepro                            387345  libdb3 in description
reprepro                            390734  reprepro: weather vs. whether
reprepro                            390737  reprepro: mangled --export=force paragraph in man page
rus-ispell                          386577  warning: the word "138420" is invalid.
solarwolf                           260823  solarwolf: Typo in the name of level five
solarwolf                           372199  solarwolf: Some misspellings
subcommander                        383306  Incorrect default diff/merge setting.


apt                                 391064  [l10n] Updated Czech translation of apt
apt                                 391424  apt: [INTL:da] Updated Danish program translation
apt                                 391424  apt: [INTL:da] Updated Danish program translation
apt                                 391661  apt: [INTL:es] Spanish translation update
apt                                 391661  apt: [INTL:es] Spanish translation update
discover-data                       341061  discover1-data: Marvell SATA controller
discover-data                       387307  KeyLargo/Intrepid Mac I/O uses same kernel module as KeyLargo Mac I/O
kdewebdev                           342705  quanta: missing some defined &#nnnn; special characters
kdewebdev                           377302  quanta: missing ř U+0159 latin small letter r with caron
ksensors                            391922  ksensors: please add support for k8temp sensors
libmms                              392233  libmms-dev: new upstream version available
libx11                              355957  libx11-data: Please include Khmer Compose file (km_KH)
menu                                344434  menu: French translation update
menu                                386701  menu: [INTL:sv] Swedish translation
menu                                386789  [INTL:ru] Updated Russian menu po/ translation
menu                                387343  [l10n] Updated Czech translation of menu
menu                                387763  [INTL:ku] Kurdish translations for "menu_sections"
menu                                387764  [INTL:ku] Kurdish translations for "menu_sections", with gz
menu                                391335  [INTL:ko] Korean menu_po-sections translation
msttcorefonts                       331032  msttcorefonts: [INTL:sv] Swedish debconf templates translation
msttcorefonts                       331493  INTL [l10n:pt_PT] Portuguese translation for msttcorefonts 1.2
msttcorefonts                       355390  [INTL:nl] new dutch po-debconf translation
msttcorefonts                       363101  msttcorefonts: [INTL:it] Italian debconf templates translation
msttcorefonts                       384621  [INTL:pl] Polish debconf translation
phpmyadmin                          357972  phpmyadmin: [INTL:da] Updated Danish debconf translation
phpmyadmin                          382139  phpmyadmin: [INTL:it] Italian debconf templates translation
phpmyadmin                          385365  phpmyadmin: [INTL:es] Updated Spanish debconf translation
popularity-contest                  392151  [INTL:wo] Wolof popularity-contest templates translation
vtun                                276829  vtun: typo in debconf template and please correct ja.po filename
vtun                                318155  [l10n] Initial Czech translation of vtun debconf messages
vtun                                330616  vtun: [INTL:sv] Swedish debconf templates translation
vtun                                337553  vtun [INTL:l10n] Portuguese translation for vtun's debconf messages

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