Bugs closed in Debian

Ubuntu Merge-o-Matic mom at ubuntu.com
Mon Oct 9 14:54:48 BST 2006


adonthell-data             390573  adonthell-data: Dont including pyc files
gcc-4.1                    390874  libgcj7-0 uninstallable
gcc-4.1                    390966  removal horribly broken
gcj-4.1                    390874  libgcj7-0 uninstallable
gcj-4.1                    390966  removal horribly broken
gnat-4.1                   390874  libgcj7-0 uninstallable
gnat-4.1                   390966  removal horribly broken
kdepim                     321102  kmail loses mails
kdepim                     332473  kmail: dangerous handling of dimap-folders
kdepim                     350851  kmail: v1.9.1: Data loss w/disconnected IMAP (reported upstream)
miredo                     391611  miredo: death by IPv6 router solicitation
openser                    390005  openser-jabber-module: empty package on arm (gcc: internal consistency failure)
ser                        390008  ser-postgres-module: empty package on !(i386|amd64)
subversion                 391744  subversion: libsvn1 doesn't contain the actual libs
sysvconfig                 241695  sysvconfig: deleted all my S* links
wide-dhcpv6                391718  wide-dhcpv6-client fails to install
zope-docfindereverywhere   337113  zope-docfindereverywhere: Uninstallable in sid due to unavailable zope dependency


alevt                      391566  FTBFS on arm: error: macro names must be identifiers
bincimap-run               389767  bincimap-run: removing the package fails
chrony                     390278  usage of tempfile /etc/chrony/chrony.keys is doubtful
chrony                     390280  chrony: missing dependency on mail
debconf                    391650  'dpkg-reconfigure debconf' not works
ebview                     355323  FTBFS: undefined reference to `pango_x_font_map_for_display'
efibootmgr                 389923  FTBFS: error: conflicting types for 'u64'
fireflier                  389233  fireflier_1.1.6-2+b2(hppa/unstable): FTBFS: configure errors
freewnn                    389760  freewnn-kserver: purging the package fails (adduser unavailable)
gcc-4.1                    390693  gcc-4.1 fails to build the glibc on ia64
gcj-4.1                    390693  gcc-4.1 fails to build the glibc on ia64
gnat-4.1                   390693  gcc-4.1 fails to build the glibc on ia64
hybserv                    389439  Please do not forget to include /usr/share/debconf/confmodule in the maintainer scripts
hybserv                    391176  hybserv: Hybserv blocks apt-get during upgrade
ircd-hybrid                389402  ircd-hybrid: Unexpected behavior on upgrade
ircd-hybrid                390667  [NONFREE-DOC] Package contains IETF RFC/I-Ds
kdepim                     387419  FTBFS on alpha
libapache-mod-musicindex   391025  update to apache 2.2
libapache-mod-removeip     391786  [NMU] Uninstallable due to unmet dep on apache2-common
libapache2-mod-auth-pgsql  391756  Uninstallable due to unmet dep on apache2-common
libept                     391428  libept-dev: undeclared dependency on libsigc++-2.0-dev
opustex                    391199  opustex: purging the package fails (kpsewhich unavailable)
ser                        384772  FTBFS (alpha/unstable): unrecognized command line option "-minline-all-stringops"
spong                      389246  install fails in non-interactive mode
spread                     391466  spread: purging the package fails (deluser unavailable)
texinfo                    391421  texinfo: postinst fails at dist-upgrade to etch
vlc                        391739  vlc - FTBFS: cp: cannot stat `debian/tmp/usr/lib/vlc/misc/libnotify_plugin.so': No such file or directory
wengophone                 376370  wengophone: FTBFS: errors with scons
wengophone                 390531  wengophone - FTBFS: scons: *** Target `/usr/local/lib/wengophone' of Install() is a file, but should be a directory.
xdu                        391693  xdu: ships files in /usr/man
xlockmore                  384081  xlockmore: installs manpage in /usr/man instead of /usr/share/man
xserver-xorg-input-void    391371  xserver-xorg-input-void: FTBFS: conflicting types for xf86ssize_t
zope-cmfplone              388289  zope-cmfplone: Please deploy anti-link-spam patch as a matter of urgency


apt-listchanges            390997  apt-listchanges: post-install script (--configure) fails with code 10
apt-listchanges            391628  apt-listchanges: incorrect part in postrm
chrony                     386651  chrony: Requires /usr/bin/mail but doesn't depend on it
debian-cd                  378977  debian-cd: uninstallable on GNU/kFreeBSD (due to unsatisfied Depends)
easyh10                    389658  easyh10: Segmentation fault while Obtaining media information
easyh10                    391591  easyh10: crashes due to uninitialized memory (patch available)
gcc-4.1                    391268  _REENTRANT defined when compiling non-threaded code
gcj-4.1                    391268  _REENTRANT defined when compiling non-threaded code
gmail-notify               389532  gmail-notify recomands x-www-borwser virtual package that does not exists
gnat-4.1                   391268  _REENTRANT defined when compiling non-threaded code
installation-report        391629  Recommends unavailable lspci
kaffeine                   390829  kaffeine: Kaffeine refuses to start completely
libgksu                    389254  "gksu xterm" fails when using ssh X forwarding
pppconfig                  387833  pppconfig: Do not expect the /var/run/ content to persist
sitesummary                391593  sitesummary-client: Preseeding collector URL do not work
ssmtp                      357281  SSMTP - Date mangled in mails.
sysvconfig                 288317  sysvconfig: Why in testing if this is beta version
xserver-xorg-video-s3      377386  xserver-xorg-video-s3: s3 driver does not work after upgrade to 7.0


chrony                     386733  fails to configure (bad upgrade check)
clamav                     384046  clamav-base: distributed clamd.conf not debconf defaults
clamav                     391038  clamscan dies with "ERROR: Can't get information about user clamav" when run as root
cron                       383857  cron: Cronjobs shouldn't be run with CWD=/root
cron                       386709  Inaccurate LSB-formatted init.d script meta info
debconf                    381619  debconf 1.5.3 breaks apache install
debconf                    388679  debconf: GNOME frontend only working when specified from the command line
debconf                    389939  selecting KDE frontend does not work because debconf capitalizes the name
debian-cd                  312604  automate README file to say final release are final, not devel versions
debian-cd                  327470  GNU/kFreeBSD support
debian-cd                  373225  Please add ARM kernels and tools
debian-cd                  387255  debian-cd: breakage when using KERNEL_PARAM
enscript                   339938  enscript: Wrapped function lists in ChangeLog files are not highlighted properly
enscript                   344750  enscript: [PATCH] do _not_ include GECOS in .ps by default. Add --with-gecos option
enscript                   349321  ITA: enscript -- Converts ASCII text to Postscript, HTML, RTF or Pretty-Print
epic4                      378020  Fails to start
flashybrid                 352932  Updates to flashybrid
foo2zjs                    390948  foo2zjs supports only hp1000
gcc-4.1                    366094  libssp0-dev: No documentation
gcc-4.1                    388263  [4.0/4.1/4.2 regression] ICE in gimplify_expr, at gimplify.c:4513
gcc-4.1                    390532  gcj-4.1: Dangeling symlink for man page rmic.1
gcj-4.1                    366094  libssp0-dev: No documentation
gcj-4.1                    388263  [4.0/4.1/4.2 regression] ICE in gimplify_expr, at gimplify.c:4513
gcj-4.1                    390532  gcj-4.1: Dangeling symlink for man page rmic.1
git-core                   383065  gitweb.css not found
gnat-4.1                   366094  libssp0-dev: No documentation
gnat-4.1                   388263  [4.0/4.1/4.2 regression] ICE in gimplify_expr, at gimplify.c:4513
gnat-4.1                   390532  gcj-4.1: Dangeling symlink for man page rmic.1
gpsd                       321421  gpsd.hotplug => gpsd does not get device (wrong order of commands?)
hotway                     235611  hotway: there is no need to conflict with other POP3 servers
kdepim                     357043  korganizer reminder daemon leaks memory
kst                        389955  kst: New upstream version 1.3.0 available
libdbix-password-perl      375852  libdbix-password-perl: s/virtrual/virtual/ in package description
libgksu                    391803  when using sudo backend, gksudo is unable to handle the lecture text
libsdl1.2                  386558  libsdl1.2-dev: manpages missing
lintian                    386968  lintian: LSB-compliance check doesn't accept empty lines
lintian                    387845  lintian: incorrect missing-deps warnings for tclsh and wish
lintian                    388786  lintian fails on small /tmp and doesn't allow using a different place
lintian                    389615  lintian: false positive missing-dep-for-interpreter csh
lintian                    389960  lintian: Incorrect warning "maintainer-script-needs-depends-on-netbase"
linux-kernel-headers       301641  Linux kernel include files still inconsistent on sarge
linux-kernel-headers       321246  bayonne FTBFS : extra __user in /usr/include/linux/ixjuser.h
maildrop                   387157  maildrop: FTBFS - please build-conflict with libfam-dev
mcmcpack                   389400  mcmcpack: [m68k] fails to build from source
page-crunch                387323  page-crunch does not start
pppconfig                  387834  dns-clean: Inaccurate LSB-header in init.d script
sbackup                    391539  Tries to change permission of sbackup.conf to missing group admin
sysvconfig                 381991  /usr/share/doc/sysvconfig contains COPYING.gz (GPL)
texinfo                    388396  texinfo: CSS @import bug in makeinfo
usbutils                   382487  lsusb: USB 03f0:8404 is not recognised as HP Deskjet 6840
wengophone                 358204  wengophone: specificity to Wengo not mentionned in package description
wengophone                 360505  wengophone: Won't open URLs in browser for connexion-related web interfaces
xserver-xorg-video-s3      362883  xserver-xorg-video-s3: does not Provides: xserver-xorg-video
zope-docfindereverywhere   332170  zope-docfindereverywhere depends on debconf without | debconf-2.0 alternate; blocks cdebconf transition


cron                       384858  cron: update lsb logging
cron                       389893  /etc/init.d/cron: mention name at end of sentence
cvs                        310159  INTL:vi
debconf                    376116  debconf: "Debian Configuration" string in dialog frontend
debian-cd                  384064  debian-cd: mistake in README file about mirrorcheck target
dict-gcide                 207859  dict-gcide: Please remove the debconf templates files
dutch                      388411  myspell-nl: please add nl-NL.{dic,aff} -> nl_NL.{dic,aff} symlink
enscript                   276219  enscript: Wrong grammar on output
fish                       382731  Improperly generated man pages upstream
fish                       391668  fish: Update URL in description
freeradius                 388024  freeradius proxy realm's don't works then port is set to zero in radius.conf
gcc-4.1                    390425  gij-4.1: dangling symlink rmiregistry.1.gz in /etc/alternatives
gcj-4.1                    390425  gij-4.1: dangling symlink rmiregistry.1.gz in /etc/alternatives
gftp                       389842  gftp-text segfaults in libglib-2.0.so on any FTP site when I enter any username but leave the password field blank
gnat-4.1                   390425  gij-4.1: dangling symlink rmiregistry.1.gz in /etc/alternatives
ircd-hybrid                389057  Please remove the "servlink-path-notice" debconf template
kdepim                     384941  Short description of konsolekalendar could be better
lintian                    387269  lintian: [checks/files] extra-license-file: Exception for Ruby script
lintian                    387357  lintian: "uninitialized value" warning raised in po-debconf test
lintian                    388824  select-with-translated-default-field may be a bit overzealous
mdadm                      390311  mdadm: [INTL:vi] Vietnamese debconf templates translation update
obexpushd                  391701  obexpushd: Typo in package description -- buetooth
tailor                     389933  tailor: obsolete link to upstream repo in README.Debian
tailor                     389937  tailor: manual page should point to README file
usbutils                   387120  usbutils: 2 mice not listed in usb.ids
zope-docfindereverywhere   351402  zope-docfindereverywhere: Please switch to gettext-based debconf templates


bzr                        389606  bzr 0.11 release candidate 1
crafty                     329273  xcb: option to copy into PRIMARY
cvs                        290442  cvs: typo(?) in template.pot
cvs                        290442  cvs: typo(?) in template.pot
cvs                        300493  cvs: seems forget to debconf-updatepo
cvs                        310160  cvs: typo in debconf template
cvs                        346412  Catalan debconf templates translation
cvs                        390512  cvs: [INTL:sv] Swedish debconf templates translation
cvs                        391621  cvs: [INTL:ja] updated Japanese debconf template translation (ja.po)
debconf                    374950  [INTL:ne] Nepali debconf translation
debconf                    375064  [INTL:km] debconf translation
debconf                    388016  debconf: [INTL:dz] Dzongkha debconf(debian) templates translation
debconf                    391173  [INTL:gl] Updated Galician translation of debconf
debconf                    391559  debconf: [INTL:it] Translation update
debconf                    391614  debconf: [INTL:ar] Arabic debconf update
debian-cd                  320205  debian-cd: Don't require source mirror for building only binaries
debian-edu-config          391475  [l10n] Czech translation of debian-edu-config debconf messages
debian-edu-install         390317  debian-edu-install: [INTL:da] Updated Danish debconf translation
dguitar                    391204  dguitar: FTBFS: Please build with free java
dict-gcide                 208393  : French translation of gettext debconf templates
dict-gcide                 208394  : French translation of gettext debconf templates
dict-gcide                 224627  dict-gcide: Please add Japanese debconf templates
enscript                   147116  enscript: Ruby enscript syntax highlighting
fish                       380707  fish: sudo completion broken
fortunes-fr                372485  Please add, #debian-fr at freenode fortunes
fortunes-fr                381938  [INTL:pt] Portuguese translation for fortune-fr (debconf)
gcc-4.1                    387561  libffi4-dev: Please also conflict with old libffi package
gcj-4.1                    387561  libffi4-dev: Please also conflict with old libffi package
gnat-4.1                   387561  libffi4-dev: Please also conflict with old libffi package
gnat-gps                   352368  gnat-gps: AMD64 port?
gnunet                     374058  [INTL:pt_PT] Portuguese translation for gnunet (debconf)
gnunet                     389621  [l10n] Updated Czech translation of gnunet debconf mesages
gollem                     357729  please package gollem 1.0.2
igal                       390228  igal: command line option to chose filename extension
ircd-hybrid                389622  [l10n] Updated Czech translation of ircd-hybrid debconf mesages
ircd-hybrid                390906  ircd-hybrid: [INTL:fr] French debconf templates translation update
kdepim                     387589  kdepim_4 [INTL:ro] romanian po-debconf translation
kdepim                     388014  kdepim: FTBFS (ppc64): Please add ppc64 to cdbs_treat_me_gently_arches
leafnode                   70509   option for fetchnews to select server to fetch from
leafnode                   171821  leafnode: Leafnode re-fetches just posted articles
leafnode                   230959  leafnode: Fetchnews options
lintian                    359178  lintian: fails to detect duplicate build dep
lintian                    384219  [frontend/lintian] check the Urgency field in changes files
lintian                    385833  Please lower the importance of source-tar-is-posix-tar
lintian                    386798  lintian: please add gosh to valid_interpreters
mdadm                      390955  mdadm: [INTL:nl] Dutch translation update
mdadm                      391215  mdadm: French debconf templates translation update
nvidia-settings            375191  nvidia-settings: Please ship libXNVCtrl
pcsc-lite                  390603  pcscd: LSB-compliant init script
signing-party              382019  gpglist: should ignore fpr: lines
ssmtp                      384145  ssmtp: Enable cram-md5
ssmtp                      389186  [l10n] Updated Czech translation of ssmtp debconf messages
util-vserver               389614  util-vserver: Please stay consistent in the software's name: Linux-VServer
wengophone                 387649  wengophone: please upload wengophone-ng to experimental

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