Bugs closed in Debian
Ubuntu Merge-o-Matic
mom at ubuntu.com
Fri Oct 6 03:38:12 BST 2006
kdebase 382988 No keyboard layout available under kcontrol!
kdenetwork 384106 crashes whole system
gcj-4.1 390874 libgcj7-0 uninstallable
gcj-4.1 390966 removal horribly broken
nautilus-sendto 390731 nautilus-sendto: Not compatible with Gaim 2.0
stlport5 391050 libstlport5.0: installs unneeded libstlport.so.5 symlink
stlport5.1 390975 libstlport5.1: installs unneeded libstlport.so.5 symlink
bidentd 389639 bidentd: purging the package fails (update-inetd unavailable)
chinput 390364 chinput: FTBFS: error: X11/IntrinsicP.h: No such file or directory
drip 391108 drip: FTBFS: Misusing -mcpu/-march
dvipdfmx 391205 dvipdfmx: purging the package fails (mktexlsr and update-texmf unavailable)
freebirth 391042 freebirth-data: sarge to etch upgrade fails (file conflict with freebirth)
gnome-lokkit 386072 FTBFS: aclocal fails
hs-plugins 372840 Fails to configure: conflict with Cabal-1.1.3 (libghc6-cabal-dev?)
kdebase 284699 kdebase-data: Non-free Firefox icon included
libphidgets 389391 libphidgets0: purging the package fails (ucf unavailable)
miscfiles 391116 Uninstallable package - template parse error
mol 343944 mol: xlibs-dev transition patch
musixtex 391179 musixtex: purging the package fails (/usr/bin/kpsewhich unavailable)
musixtex-slurps 391216 musixtex-slurps: purging the package fails (mktexlsr unavailable)
polgen-dfsg 389279 FTBFS: build-depends on python2.4-selinux cannot be fulfiled
sylpheed-claws 391138 Uninstallable due to not binNMU safe
sylpheed-gtk1 391148 Uninstallable due to not being binNMU safe
tagcoll2 391106 libtagcoll2-dev: Missing depends on libwibble-dev
approx 367475 doesn't keep packages referenced in Packages.diff
approx 374736 approx deletes source packages! (dsc, diff.gz, tar.gz)
avahi 390614 libavahi-compat-libdnssd1: please change "Depends" on libnss-mdns into "Recomends"
backup-manager 390644 backup-manager: should depend on newer findutils
centericq 347846 centericq does not connect to jabber server
gjdoc 389015 gjdoc: [m68k] the --disable-native configure option is broken
jython 240213 jython: import java fails on fresh install
kdeaccessibility 350678 ksayit: Crashes with "terminate called after throwing an instance of 'QString'" error.
kdeadmin 387047 knetworkconf: please support debian etch 4.0 and debian unstable/experimental
kdebase 339937 kdebase: FTBFS on GNU/kFreeBSD
kdenetwork 378402 krdc: segfault connecting to ultravnc
kdeutils 372767 kgpg: Kgpg editor crashes on decrypting
libapt-front 377709 apt-index-watcher: prints an exception message to the system log every six seconds
libaqbanking 373912 libaqbanking dependency hell is back
mol 333073 [josejx at gentoo.org: Re: mol slower after distupgrade]
mol 378365 mol: FTBFS: bashisms
noteedit 351348 noteedit: Crash (SIGABRT) on startup - what(): Failed to create the MIDI scheduler
pango1.0 391141 Recommends unavailable libpango1.0
pyracerz 380914 Python transition (#2): you are building a private python module !
softbeep 63966 gnus: All MIME attachments fail
approx 390121 gc_approx wants to remove all package files with ~ in the package version
awffull 384217 awffull: ships example configuration in /etc
backup-manager 388829 backup-manager: [annoying_notes] Abuse of debconf note(s)
cpufrequtils 378482 cpufrequtils: needs versioned dependency on sed or a fix to the init script
deborphan 334720 deborphan xalloc bug
deborphan 334894 deporphan -d reports also orphaned packages
deborphan 349719 deborphan: --guess-python should handle python2.3-*
deborphan 351492 deborphan: orphaner should pause after apt-get operations (w. patch)
deborphan 366028 deborphan does not list all orphaned packages (in libs)
fam 381423 fam: Leaks memory
fftw 378550 fftw-docs: useless Makefiles in /u/s/d/fftw-docs/examples
fortunes-br 291421 Elementos html dentro do texto das fortunes.
gcj-4.1 390532 gcj-4.1: Dangeling symlink for man page rmic.1
gnome-cups-manager 382182 gnome-cups-manager: No way to disable gnome-cups-icon
jython 137090 jython: Doesn't build zxJDBC
jython 276873 xml.dom.minidom.parseString breaks with: SAXReaderNotAvailable: No parsers found
jython 314711 jython NEWS is really changelog
jython 388046 ERROR: jythonc requires python2.1 in order to run properly.
kdebase 373919 kicker: external taskbar occupies a whole screen edge since the last (?) package update
kdebase 381232 kdebase: Breaks font anti-aliasing in firefox
kdebase 383893 kxkb: multi-user problem with files in /tmp
kdebase 384663 HAL needed by Konqueror in kde-desktop
kdebase 386336 Kdesktop crashes when copying things to the kde clipboard under special configuration (patch available)
kdenetwork 356073 kopete: Jabber disconnects constantly with "unknown" error
kdeutils 372258 kwalletmanager does not appear in kde system tray
kdeutils 381696 ark: Misses 7za to create .7z archive
libapt-front 361683 Crash when reopening after "apt-get update"
libaqbanking 381165 please move libaqnone plugin into separate package
liblog4r-ruby 361780 Sending mail after connection timeout should raise an exception
lighttpd 377802 lighttpd-mod-trigger-b4-dl: trying to overwrite etc/lighttpd/conf-available/10-trigger-b4-dl.conf', which is also in package lighttpd
lighttpd 389911 lighttpd: error.log fills with messages like "checking if /var/www is a symlink"
manpages-pt 391129 ITA: manpages-pt -- Portuguese Versions of the Manual Pages
mediawiki1.7 388931 mediawiki1.7: [annoying_notes] Abuse of debconf note(s)
mol 323472 ITA: mol -- The Mac-on-Linux emulator
mol 338905 [joseph_sacco at comcast.net: Re: Re: mol modules for kernel 2.6.14]
mouseemu 358655 mouseemu: use of /usr/bin/pkill in udev rule
mouseemu 361042 mouseemu: missing dependency on udev
nautilus-sendto 367687 nautilus-sendto: Evolutio autocompletion not offered for all address books
noteedit 190769 noteedit: Can't import midi file with nordic characters (�) in filename
noteedit 361886 noteedit: MusicXML import error
openssh 391081 openssh-server: Please remove inappropriate debconf error for telnetd
pango1.0 308933 Initial installation asks confusing questions
sysvinit 390897 initscripts: mountdevsubfs.sh SELinux support
tremulous 381871 bash'ism in script
tremulous 382121 warning: OP_BLOCK_COPY not dword aligned (powerpc)
wpasupplicant 388316 wpasupplicant: Madwifi headers too old.
apt-howto 342600 apt-howto: don't fit example and description.
brasero 379556 bonfire has no man page
deborphan 355148 deborphan: little documentation error
fam 384860 fam: add lsb logging
gcj-4.1 390425 gij-4.1: dangling symlink rmiregistry.1.gz in /etc/alternatives
hesiod 311897 INTL:vi
hesiod 314045 hesiod: [INTL:de] German PO file corrections
kdebase 381908 typo in /etc/pam.d/kdm-np
kdebase 385148 libkonq4: Typos in package description
kdebase 385309 kpersonalizer: Wrong grammar in package description
kdebase 385734 kdebase-kio-plugins: Typo in package description.
kdenetwork 384592 kget: Error in package description: program's name is KGet, not KGET
kdeutils 272026 kcalc: Alt-H does not select hex
manpages-pt 347403 manpages-pt: argumento -P no manpage do cp não é --parents.
mediawiki1.7 383182 mediawiki1.7: Problems with the debconf templates
mediawiki1.7 384986 mediawiki1.7: conflicting advice
mediawiki1.7 388680 mediawiki1.7: typos in README.Debian
mol 312959 INTL:vi
mouseemu 369804 mouseemu: more meaningful message when CONFIG_INPUT_UINPUT is not set
pcsc-tools 390256 Spelling mistake in package description
tremulous 380065 tremulous: description doesn't explain TLAs
amideco 385127 ITP: amideco -- Decompress flashfiles equipped with an AMI BIOS
apt-howto 388049 apt-howto-uk package does not exist
awardeco 385125 ITP: awardeco -- Decompress flashfiles equipped with an AWARD BIOS
backup-manager 389203 [l10n] Updated Czech translation of backup-manager debconf messages
backup-manager 389573 backup-manager: [INTL:fr] French debconf templates translation update
backup-manager 390807 backup-manager: [INTL:ja] updated Japanese debconf translation
brasero 386696 bonfire: please support wodim directly
deborphan 343241 [INTL:pl] Polish translations of deborphan
deborphan 374969 [l10n:eu] deborphan basque translation
exult 384517 exult: [INTL:fr] French debconf templates translation update
fam 378116 fam: include lsb init-functions in init script
fortunes-br 372989 fortunes-br: debmake is deprecated
gnome-cups-manager 391080 [l10n] Czech translation of gnome-cups-manager .desktop files
gnumeric 374319 [INTL:lt] Lithuanian debconf translation
gnumeric 378890 [INTL:pt] Portuguese translation for gnumeric (debconf)
gnumeric 379367 gnumeric: [INTL:ru] Russian debconf templates translation
gnumeric 389140 please make list in description render nicely in aptitude
hesiod 263714 [INTL:nl] New Dutch po-debconf translation
hesiod 312150 [l10n] Initial Czech translation of hesiod debconf messages
hesiod 337769 hesiod: [INTL:sv] Swedish debconf templates translation
kdeadmin 382201 secpolicy lacks a .desktop file
kdebase 383412 kappfinder: LyX provides its own .desktop files
kdebase 387586 kdebase_4: [INTL:ro] romaninan translation po-debconf template
kdenetwork 239918 kopete: no irc /ignore command
kdeutils 382545 kdeutils: kpowersave as replacement for klaptopdeamon
lighttpd 389578 lighttpd: Please include mod_magnet in package (replacement for mod_cml)
lighttpd 389712 lighttpd: Compile with extended attribute support
lighttpd 390877 lighttpd: please update to 1.4.12 release
lua-mode 390588 lua-mode: Please use newer upstream
mediawiki1.7 366331 mediawiki: [INTL:it] Italian debconf templates translation
mediawiki1.7 381368 [INTL:pt] Portuguese translation for mediawiki (debconf)
mediawiki1.7 381470 mediawiki-math: please provide alternative dependency on texlive
mediawiki1.7 382281 mediawiki-snapshot/current/latest meta package
mediawiki1.7 385653 mediawiki1.7: [INTL:fr] French debconf templates translation update
mediawiki1.7 389629 [l10n] Updated Czech translation of mediawiki1.7 debconf messages
mol 330294 mol: freeze and gentoo patch
mol 340974 mol: [INTL:sv] Swedish debconf templates translation
opensaml 388324 ITP: opensaml -- C++ library for Security Assertion Markup Language
openssh 390612 openssh: [INTL:da] Updated Danish debconf translation
pango1.0 330928 pango1.0: debconf questions are unnecessary
pango1.0 372508 Preparing multiarch
phnxdeco 385128 ITP: phnxdeco -- Decompress flashfiles equipped with a PHOENIX BIOS
tintin++ 389169 Please, package last version of tintin++
update-manager 381890 translation updates for nb_NO
update-manager 381890 translation updates for nb_NO
update-manager 382964 update-manager: [INTL:sv] Swedish translation updated
update-manager 390852 update-manager: Description should mention that it contains a nice frontend for configuring apt sources and keys
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