Bugs closed in Debian

Ubuntu Merge-o-Matic mom at ubuntu.com
Sun Nov 19 02:44:19 GMT 2006


kio-apt                      0       (unknown)


boa-constructor              380758  Python transition (#2): you are building a private python module !
dbus-glib                    297020  dbus-1-dev: Version 0.23.2 breaks API
dbus-glib                    347453  dbus.postinst fails to start dbus
dbus-glib                    361541  monodoc-dbus-1-manual: package empty
dbus-glib                    374747  Failed to start message bus: Failed to read directory  /etc/dbus-1/${prefix}/share/dbus-1/services
flashplugin-nonfree          398726  flashplugin-nonfree: dpkg-reconfigure fails
libtunepimp                  325951  depends on a FLAC library no longer available in unstable
libtunepimp                  359241  libtunepimp-perl: tunepimp.so has trapdoor rpath /tmp/buildd/...
libtunepimp                  378091  libtunepimp: buffer overflow
libtunepimp                  378091  libtunepimp: buffer overflow
libtunepimp                  397264  ImportError: No module named tunepimp
modxslt                      391634  Uninstallable due to unmet dep on libapr0
modxslt                      393603  Unmet dependency for libapache2-modxslt, unable to install.
qsynaptics                   337562  qsynaptics: Uninstallable on s390 due to unavailable dep xfree86-driver-synaptics | xorg-driver-synaptics 


adonthell                    398694  FTBFS: Unable to find 'SDL/SDL_keysym.h'
bincimap-run                 398774  bincimap-run: postrm fails: /var/lib/dpkg/info/bincimap-run.postrm: line 15: deluser: command not found
dblatex                      398776  dblatex: postrm fails: /var/lib/dpkg/info/dblatex.postrm: line 44: mktexlsr: command not found
dbus-glib                    343746  dbus: FTBFS: error: conversion from 'long int' to 'QVariant' is ambiguous
dbus-glib                    374802  dbus - FTBFS
gaphor                       394056  gaphor: FTBFS: tries to create .gaphor in $HOME
ggz-grubby                   398394  ggz-grubby: postinst fails: /var/lib/dpkg/info/ggz-grubby.postinst: line 3: ggz-config: command not found
ggz-txt-client               398395  ggz-txt-client: /var/lib/dpkg/info/ggz-txt-client.postinst: line 3: ggz-config: command not found
haskell-devscripts           399127  Fails to build packages which do not build a libghc-*-prof binary package
latex-hangul-ucs             398387  latex-hangul-ucs-hlatex: postinst fails: /var/lib/dpkg/info/latex-hangul-ucs-hlatex.postinst: line 5: mktexlsr: command not found
libdigest-hmac-perl-dfsg     393383  Source package contains non-free IETF RFC/I-D's
libdigest-md2-perl-dfsg      393384  Source package contains non-free IETF RFC/I-D's
libtunepimp                  210779  libtunepimp1: give me the license
libtunepimp                  211584  libtunepimp: FTBFS Depends: missing comma
libtunepimp                  264082  libtunepimp: FTBFS: Missing Build-Depends on python
libtunepimp                  289483  libtunepimp: please rebuild against latest libflac-dev
libtunepimp                  289483  libtunepimp: please rebuild against latest libflac-dev
libtunepimp                  317393  libtunepimp2: compiled against new C++ ABI without renaming package
libtunepimp                  321105  libtunepimp_0.3.0-4(m68k/unstable/poseidon): FTBFS on m68k
libtunepimp                  339223  library package needs to be renamed (libstdc++ allocator change)
libtunepimp                  339223  library package needs to be renamed (libstdc++ allocator change)
libtunepimp                  380056  python-tunepimp: missing library dependency
libtunepimp                  380056  python-tunepimp: missing library dependency
libunicode-map8-perl-dfsg    393392  Source package contains non-free IETF RFC/I-D's
muine                        381112  muine 0.8.5-1+b1 seems to depend on gstreamer0.8-misc
netkit-rusers                398556  rusersd: postinst fails: /var/lib/dpkg/info/rusersd.postinst: line 12: update-inetd: command not found
netkit-rwall                 398554  rwalld: postinst fails: /var/lib/dpkg/info/rwalld.postinst: line 12: update-inetd: command not found
r-cran-psy                   398823  postrm purge fails: R: command not found
sendfile                     398553  sendfile: postrm fails: /var/lib/dpkg/info/sendfile.postrm: line 35: update-inetd: command not found
socklog                      398539  socklog: postrm fails: /var/lib/dpkg/info/socklog.postrm: line 6: deluser: command not found
tkrat                        398720  Source package contains non-free IETF RFC
tla-load-dirs                259136  tla-load-dirs: FTBFS: Missing Build-Depends on python
tla-load-dirs                278102  load-dirs-common: lacks Replaces on older tla-load-dirs
tla-load-dirs                360730  tla-load-dirs: FTBFS: Can't parse dependency
tla-load-dirs                360730  tla-load-dirs: FTBFS: Can't parse dependency
tla-load-dirs                382291  load-dirs-common: Using 'tla -v' instead of 'tla -V' in svk test
tla-load-dirs                385644  No longer possible to use
tochnog                      397700  tochnog: FTBFS: (hevea) Empty lexeme in subst
up-imapproxy                 389695  upgrade fails due to failing /etc/init.d/imapproxy stop


at76c503a                    374025  Build failure on 2.6.16-cks11: kernel API change
at76c503a                    396274  at76c503a-source: Build failure on kernel 2.6.18-1-686 : linux/devfs_fs_kernel.h not found
ccache                       396350  ccache fails if HOME is unset
dbus-glib                    204871  dbus-1 can't be removed from buildd chroot properly
dbus-glib                    209143  dbus-1: problems with pid during upgrade
dbus-glib                    229274  dbus-daemon-1 --system segfaults, probably varargs related
dbus-glib                    229274  dbus-daemon-1 --system segfaults, probably varargs related
dbus-glib                    230413  dbus-1-utils: dbus-launch is missing /usr/lib/dbus-1.0/services
dbus-glib                    277148  When stopping and starting dbus-1 in fast succession, the pidfile disappears
dbus-glib                    297495  dbus-1: <policy group="..." causes segfault
dbus-glib                    311726  FTBFS on hurd-i386: Syntax error in non-Linux code path
dbus-glib                    343715  Missing dependency on python2.4-libxml2
dbus-glib                    374726  [python2.4-dbus] Missing dependency on dbus
dbus-glib                    374930  dbus: failed to start - Failed to read directory system.d
dbus-glib                    375298  libdbus-qt4-1-dev: The package ships a wrong qdbus.h
debtags                      399111  Submit e-mail address should be @alioth or @debian
gcstar                       398816  gcstar must depend on libxml-parser-perl
gpsbabel                     304178  gpsbabel: broken on amd64
graphviz                     359870  nop utility memory fault
hugs98                       336201  FTBFS: error gzipping changelog.Debian
hugs98                       336446  hugs98: FTBFS on GNU/kFreeBSD
k3b                          385878  Cannot run k3bsetup2
libept                       399111  Submit e-mail address should be @alioth or @debian
libtunepimp                  276742  libtunepimp: FTBFS on amd64: pthread_kill undeclared
libtunepimp                  287906  libtunepimp-perl: Perl bindings don't link to libtunepimp2 library
libtunepimp                  358982  python2.4-tunepimp: Missing dependency on libtunepimp3
libtunepimp                  373455  Python policy transition
libtunepimp                  373455  Python policy transition
lisaac                       395404  Recommends unavailable lissac-doc
lletters                     393264  lletters: letters segfault with some locale
ltsp                         396684  Recommends unavailable inputattach
mplayer-blue                 396462  mplayer: please provide a default skin or gmplayer won't start
pcmanfm                      393736  pcmanfm: vfs_file_resolve_path() return pointer implicitly converted to integer
pyxine                       369152  libslang2: 080_wide_chars breakes slang
sendfile                     394116  sendfile: /usr/bin/pussy using wrong interpreter: #!/client/bin/perl
shorewall                    395913  shorewall: Shorewall startup fails if user 0 is not named root
sidplay                      399124  sidplay: FTBFS on GNU/kFreeBSD
sqlalchemy                   397427  python-sqlalchemy: Doesn't handle unicode object correctly
tagcoll2                     399181  diff/patch misbehavings
tla-load-dirs                319505  tla-load-dirs: use add instead of add-id with tla 1.3.3
tla-load-dirs                380975  Python transition (#2): you are building a private python module !
tla-load-dirs                390458  baz_load_dirs arbitrarily removed
totem                        399091  totem: FTBFS on GNU/kFreeBSD (due to unsatisfied Build-Depends on libhal-dev)
wwwconfig-common             399115  wwwconfig-common: restart.sh fails to delect and handle failure


bluez-gnome                  395173  bluetooth icon shown even if no bluetooth is available
ccache                       392435  update-ccache script
dbus-glib                    198433  configuration problem stops dbus-launch from working
dbus-glib                    213914  dbus-1-utils should depend on dbus-glib-1
dbus-glib                    222563  dbus-1: gid allocated from wrong block
dbus-glib                    229005  dbus-1: error starting system message bus
dbus-glib                    229609  Error restarting dbus-1 daemon
dbus-glib                    229609  Error restarting dbus-1 daemon
dbus-glib                    230231  dbus-1 can't be started; invalid attribute
dbus-glib                    239332  dbus: debian/copyright file is not up to date. See the COPYING file...
dbus-glib                    242639  /etc/init.d/dbus-1: fails to create /var/run/dbus
dbus-glib                    269708  dbus-1: need versioned depends on debianutils for run-parts -a
dbus-glib                    271895  dbus-1: patch for dbus-qt connections or something
dbus-glib                    271895  dbus-1: patch for dbus-qt connections or something
dbus-glib                    271896  dbus-1: kde volume manager cannot be compiled because dbus-qt is disabled by default
dbus-glib                    271896  dbus-1: kde volume manager cannot be compiled because dbus-qt is disabled by default
dbus-glib                    272862  python2.3-dbus: Doesn't support int64 and uint64 data types
dbus-glib                    272862  python2.3-dbus: Doesn't support int64 and uint64 data types
dbus-glib                    274702  hal: dpkg dbus error during install
dbus-glib                    285758  Bad daemon running check in dbus init script
dbus-glib                    297936  No libdbus-1.la in dbus-1-dev or libdbus-glib-1.la in dbus-glib-1-dev
dbus-glib                    319593  dbus-1: version 0.60 is available since 2005-11-30
dbus-glib                    337212  Please remove X dependencies
dbus-glib                    368894  libdbus-1-2: crashes when using tcp transport
edb                          353629  ITA: edb -- A database program for GNU Emacs
emacs-snapshot               397756  emacs-snapshot: Debian "fix" for message-sendmail-f-is-evil is wrong
emacs-snapshot               397824  emacs-snapshot-common: cperl-mode and po-mode break M-x compile
ferm                         397517  ferm: Incomplete migration instructions
ferm                         398867  ignores identical rules when using variables
flashplugin-nonfree          362509  flashplugin-nonfree: downloaded tar.gz will be deleted, no way to keep it
gpsbabel                     380533  gpsbabel update
ipkungfu                     386553  ipkungfu: unary operator expected
ipkungfu                     387475  ITA: ipkungfu -- iptables-based Linux firewall
istanbul                     386877  istanbul: crashes on recording
k3b                          393216  k3bsetup won't change group and permissions of executables
k3b                          397267  ..k3b setup with wodim, chown to root.burning fails but "is ok in k3b"
k3b                          397836  k3b: Seems to confuse cdrecord version with wodim version
k3b                          399090  Unable to burn a MP3/CUE Audio CD on the fly (because of wodim ?)
lablgtksourceview            398231  liblablgtksourceview-ocaml-dev: new upstream version available (0.2.1)
libtunepimp                  294478  Manpage gives no clues that "trm" sends data to musicbrainz
libtunepimp                  326330  please rebuild with libreadline5-dev as build dependency
libtunepimp                  340090  libtunepimp-bin: tp_tagger cruelly mangles UTF-8
libtunepimp                  340090  libtunepimp-bin: tp_tagger cruelly mangles UTF-8
libtunepimp                  340122  libtunepimp-bin: new upstream version
libtunepimp                  340251  default server should be musicbrainz.org?
libtunepimp                  340251  default server should be musicbrainz.org?
libtunepimp                  351124  Please stop build modules for python2.1/python2.2
libtunepimp                  355259  0.4.2-0.1 NMU
libtunepimp                  358492  python2.4-tunepimp: Missing dependency on python2.4-ctypes
libtunepimp                  362635  python-tunepimp: Leaves cruft on package deinstall and purging
libtunepimp                  370390  libtunepimp3: Crash in TRM lookup
libtunepimp                  389162  libtunepimp3: New upstream version (0.5.1)
libxslt-ruby                 335699  ITA: libxslt-ruby -- Ruby interface to libxslt
linux-kernel-di-powerpc-2.6  398555  linux-kernel-di-powerpc-2.6: upgrade to 2.6.18 kernels, add -prep flavour.
muine                        389303  Muine crash when I try import folder
netenv                       381172  netenv: wireless-* aware netenv_setup script
netenv                       398608  netenv: Should use the "error" template type instead of "note"
netenv                       398614  upgrade fails due to bashism in /var/lib/dpkg/info/netenv.config
netenv                       398683  netenv: NETENV variable broken by initscript change
opencv                       368568  libcv-dev: opencv-haartraining omitted
opencv                       388129  Aliasing bugs in OpenCV
psutils                      392737  psutils: man page of pstops broken
pyxine                       297286  pyxine: FTBFS (amd64/gcc-4.0): explicit specialization of 'PyObject* pyxine::Traits<pyxine::VideoGeometry>::pack_tuple(const pyxine::VideoGeometry&)' must be introduced by 'template <>'
sendfile                     148201  sendfile: Incorrect logging
sendfile                     326606  sendfile: receive fails to bounce
sendfile                     372088  modification of /etc/csh.login now unnecessary
sendfile                     378648  sendfile: makes obsolete /usr/doc symlink
shorewall                    397471  shorewall: Failed to start if LOGFORMAT contain space
sqlalchemy                   380622  "malloc(): memory corruption" when using psycopg instead of psycopg2
tla-load-dirs                214097  There is no documentation for tla_load_dirs
tla-load-dirs                293088  fails to move files to a new directory
tla-load-dirs                311041  darcs-buildpackage: dbp-importdsc crossfire-maps_1.4.0-1.dsc fails
tla-load-dirs                311582  load-dirs-common: TypeError in wc.addTag
tla-load-dirs                350234  tla/baz: issues "commit" even if "import" necessary
vzctl                        399129  vzctl: directory /var/lock/subsys missing


cdrdao                       399109  cdrdao: Package description should mention wodim, not cdrecord
conky                        368176  conky: remove compile and install instructions from manpage
cron-apt                     399189  cron-apt: Typo in config file
dbus-glib                    269283  dbus-1: event.d scripts should be started --reverse on stop
dbus-glib                    297497  dbus-1: Incorrect debug output with DBUS_VERBOSE
dbus-glib                    332238  spelling your name
dbus-glib                    337032  monodoc-dbus-1-manual: two spaces instead of one in long description
hugs98                       377501  hugs: request to remove the HaXml library from the binary package
libnids                      388531  libnids-dev: incorrect function return type in the manpage
lilo                         354360  lilo: debian/watch
lisaac                       395433  please fix the descriptions
muine                        387516  muine: Wrong URL for home page in package description
tkrat                        365424  tkrat: startup error - unknown environment variable USER
tla-load-dirs                300420  darcs-load-dirs: Typos in package description
ttf-farsiweb                 376686  Should add a README.Debian file about licensing issues


apf                          241039  ITP: apf -- active port forwarder client and server
asterisk-prompt-es-co        366900  ITP: asterisk-prompt-es-co -- Colombian Spanish voice prompts for the Asterisk PBX
asused                       397236  ITP: asused -- To run a check on the usage of your registry's allocations
bashdb                       396512  ITP: bashdb -- BASH debugger
bluez-gnome                  396088  New version
ccache                       297126  ccache: Add support for GNU --long options
chillispot                   389201  ITP: chillispot -- Wireless LAN Access Point Controller
chunga                       394603  ITP: cl-chunga -- Portable chunked streams for Common Lisp
contacts                     378507  contacts: wishlist. Multiple import function would be very useful
cupsys                       399122  cupsys: Please provide printer.schema for LDAP browsing
dbus-glib                    183739  ITP: dbus -- simple inter-process communication library
dbus-glib                    185470  DBUS
dbus-glib                    223400  please package 0.20
dbus-glib                    230835  dbus-1-utils: Please provide a dbus startup script for use in /etc/X11/Xsession.d
dbus-glib                    260044  mono (.NET) related dbus packaging
dbus-glib                    260044  mono (.NET) related dbus packaging
dbus-glib                    290622  dbus: Build QT bindings
dbus-glib                    290622  dbus: Build QT bindings
dbus-glib                    299049  dbus-1: New upstream (0.31) now available
dbus-glib                    314247  dbus: Please build 'libdbus-cil' on amd64
dbus-glib                    324016  dbus-1: how long for dbus 0.35 ?
dbus-glib                    337644  dbus-1: Please add LSB formatted dependency info in init.d script
dhis-client                  344916  dhis-client: [INTL:pt] Portuguese translation for debconf's messages
dphys-kernel-packages        395352  ITP: dphys-kernel-packages -- Generate many variants of kernel packages and modules
ferm                         389909  ferm: [INTL:fr] French debconf templates translation
ferm                         391476  [l10n] Czech translation of ferm debconf messages
flashplugin-nonfree          398171  flashplugin-nonfree: [INTL:fr] French debconf templates translation
flashplugin-nonfree          398566  flashplugin-nonfree: [INTL:sv] Swedish debconf templates translation
gpsbabel                     348986  Please include README.style in /usr/share/doc/gpsbabel/
gpsbabel                     383899  gpsbabel: New upstream version
hatari                       229266  ITP: hatari -- Atari ST emulator
howl-xml                     396153  ITP: howl-xml -- Multicast DNS publishing utilities
hoz                          394585  ITP: hoz -- file splitter that uses the hacha file format
hunchentoot                  394163  ITP: cl-hunchentoot -- The Common Lisp web server formerly known as TBNL
ipw3945d                     391686  ITP: ipw3945-daemon -- Binary userspace regulatory daemon for Intel PRO/Wireless 3945ABG cards
istanbul                     383153  istanbul: Ok/Cancel buttons should be Discard/Cancel
istanbul                     391944  byzanz: Byzanz and Istanbul should use common terms in their description
jsmath                       391342  ITP: jsmath -- TeX equations in HTML documents
kwin-style-knifty            396468  ITP: kwin-style-knifty -- knifty window decoration for KDE
libhpricot-ruby              391329  ITP: libhpricot-ruby -- A fast, enjoyable HTML parser
libsdl-sound1.2              399125  libsdl-sound1.2: please enable speex support
libtunepimp                  206477  ITP: libtunepimp -- MusicBrainz tagging library and simple tagger application
libtunepimp                  212137  RFP: trm -- calculate the TRM acoustic fingerprint for an audio file
libtunepimp                  222249  Binaries included in package with shared library
libtunepimp                  311942  python-tunepimp: no python2.4 package
ltsp                         398630  ltsp-client: preinst fails
muine                        381784  muine: please use gstreamer 0.10
netenv                       398662  netenv: [INTL:fr] French debconf templates translation
pbnj                         379880  ITP: pbnj -- a suite of tools to monitor changes on a network
planet                       396748  planet: [INTL:de] Initial German debconf translation
policyd-weight               397704  ITP: policyd-weight -- a Perl policy daemon for the Postfix MTA
pyexcelerator                384093  ITP: python-excelerator -- A module for reading and generating Excel and OpenOffice Calc files
pygments                     395064  ITP: python-pygments -- syntax highlighting package written in Python
pynjb                        396150  ITP: pynjb -- python wrapper for libnjb
python-lame                  396151  ITP: python-lame -- Python bindings for libtwolame
python-networkx              323398  ITP: python-networkx -- tool to manipulate and study complex networks
pyxine                       220304  ITP: pyxine -- interface to the xine media player for Python
qt4-qtruby                   391905  ITP: qt4-qtruby -- ruby bindings for the Qt4 GUI library
renrot                       397577  ITP: renrot -- A program to rename and rotate files according to EXIF tags
retty                        398601  ITP: retty -- lets you attach processes running on other terminals
shibboleth-sp                390274  ITP: shibboleth-sp -- Shibboleth federated authorization system
smstools                     399089  smstools: newer upstream release
tinymce                      394965  RFP: tinymce -- Web based Javascript HTML WYSIWYG editor
tla-load-dirs                208463  ITP: tla-load-dirs -- Import upstream archives into tla/arch
tla-load-dirs                322622  load-dirs-common: baz support
tla-load-dirs                387139  Git support
trivial-https                394171  ITP: cl-trivial-https -- a fork of trivial-http with https support

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