Bugs closed in Debian
Ubuntu Merge-o-Matic
mom at ubuntu.com
Mon Nov 13 04:06:08 GMT 2006
xine-lib 14562 Debian Bug report logs - #14562
xine-lib 14562 Debian Bug report logs - #14562
update-inetd 282147 cvs: installation is breaken in noninteractive
websvn 352210 websvn: fills up disk
bitcollider 398072 bitcollider-plugins: hardcoded dependency on bitcollider breaks NMUs
giflib 395382 giflib3g: Vulnerable to CVE-2005-2974 and CVE-2005-3350
gst-plugins-ugly0.10 181438 gstreamer-artsd: Doesn't include the plugin!
gst-plugins-ugly0.10 195401 gstreamer-plugins: it requires gstreamer-jack that requires libjack0.50.0-0 that has been removed from the distribution
gst-plugins-ugly0.10 300082 gstreamer0.8-vorbis: error in installation of gstreamer plugin packages
gst-plugins-ugly0.10 315556 packages in gst-plugins should inter-depend with >= $latest-upstream-version because of hidden dependencies
gst-plugins-ugly0.10 321315 gstreamer0.8-sid depends on unavailable libsidplay1-c102
gst-plugins-ugly0.10 321648 gstreamer-jack is unmaintained, pending removal
multisync 363435 libmultisync-plugin-syncml: syncml plugin closes the server almost immediately after connection
multisync 363620 libmultisync-plugin-syncml: syncml plugin closes the server almost immediately after connection
multisync 389851 /usr/lib/multisync/libsyncml_plugin.so: undefined symbol: wbxml_conv_wbxml2xml_withlen
pythoncard 397018 pythoncard-tools: codeEditor searches for pythoncard in wrong location
quantlib 333791 Package uninstallable due to versioned constraint on libboost-test1.33.0
xine-lib 145348 libxine0: No video output drivers are included besides aalib
xine-lib 145348 libxine0: No video output drivers are included besides aalib
xine-lib 145668 libxine0 should be named libxine-0.9.8-0
xine-lib 145668 libxine0 should be named libxine-0.9.8-0
xine-lib 148099 libxine0 misnamed
xine-lib 148099 libxine0 misnamed
xine-lib 224695 libxine-dev: compiles fail with undefined reference to 'SCSI_BLK_MAJOR'
xine-lib 224695 libxine-dev: compiles fail with undefined reference to 'SCSI_BLK_MAJOR'
xine-lib 265061 libxine1: Xine vcd MRL input identifier management overflow
xine-lib 265061 libxine1: Xine vcd MRL input identifier management overflow
xine-lib 265061 libxine1: Xine vcd MRL input identifier management overflow
xine-lib 265061 libxine1: Xine vcd MRL input identifier management overflow
xine-lib 285899 libxine1: Buffer overflow handling aiff files.
xine-lib 285899 libxine1: Buffer overflow handling aiff files.
xine-lib 286077 libxine1: Security vulnerabilities in PNM and RTSP components
xine-lib 286077 libxine1: Security vulnerabilities in PNM and RTSP components
xine-lib 328168 libxine1: xineplug_flac.so links against libflac but there is no dependency
xine-lib 328168 libxine1: xineplug_flac.so links against libflac but there is no dependency
xine-lib 328168 libxine1: xineplug_flac.so links against libflac but there is no dependency
xine-lib 328168 libxine1: xineplug_flac.so links against libflac but there is no dependency
xine-lib 332919 CAN-2005-2967: Format string vulnerability in xine-lib's CDDB response parsing
xine-lib 332919 CAN-2005-2967: Format string vulnerability in xine-lib's CDDB response parsing
xine-lib 332919 CAN-2005-2967: Format string vulnerability in xine-lib's CDDB response parsing
xine-lib 332919 CAN-2005-2967: Format string vulnerability in xine-lib's CDDB response parsing
xine-lib 333682 security problem within CDDB communication
xine-lib 333682 security problem within CDDB communication
xine-lib 336437 libxine1: use of internal libmad makes other apps crash in amd64
xine-lib 336437 libxine1: use of internal libmad makes other apps crash in amd64
xine-lib 336437 libxine1: use of internal libmad makes other apps crash in amd64
xine-lib 336437 libxine1: use of internal libmad makes other apps crash in amd64
xine-lib 342208 libxine1: Exploitable heap overflow in image handling code
xine-lib 342208 libxine1: Exploitable heap overflow in image handling code
xine-lib 342208 libxine1: Exploitable heap overflow in image handling code
xine-lib 342208 libxine1: Exploitable heap overflow in image handling code
xine-lib 369876 CVE-2006-2802: buffer overflow in the HTTP input
xine-lib 369876 CVE-2006-2802: buffer overflow in the HTTP input
xine-ui 129942 xine-ui: Error loading libxineutils-0.9.7.so.0
xine-ui 147273 xine-ui: needs versioned depends on libxine0
xine-ui 162048 xine-ui: xine 0.9.13 lock system hard
xine-ui 191567 Xine(-ui) segfaults consistently on startup.
xine-ui 191567 Xine(-ui) segfaults consistently on startup.
xine-ui 321552 xine-ui: uninstallable due to dependency on slang1
xine-ui 321552 xine-ui: uninstallable due to dependency on slang1
xine-ui 328129 xine: The player crash when mouse event occures
xine-ui 328129 xine: The player crash when mouse event occures
xine-ui 372172 CVE-2006-2230: Denial of service in xine-ui
beast 385819 package build-depends on g++-4.0, which is not available on hppa
beast 397158 beast: files gone missing when rebuilt
bluefish 360401 libgtkglext1: Uses symbols from pangox-1.0 but doesn't link to it.
bse-alsa 385820 package build-depends on g++-4.0, which is not available on hppa
cvsnt 397172 cvsnt: files gone missing when rebuilt
exult 397599 exult: FTBFS: missing build dependency
gaim 397593 gaim crashes on irc when using cp1251 encoding (possibly other non-utf encodings too)
gaim 397788 gaim usually crashes at startup on amd64
gnome-speech 397620 gnome-speech: FTBFS: /usr/include/bonobo-activation-2.0/bonobo-activation/bonobo-activation-init.h:28:18: error: popt.h: No such file or directory
gnuradio 398246 gnuradio - FTBFS: configure: error: cannot find usable Python headers
gst-plugins-ugly0.10 180537 gst-plugins_0.6.0-1(powerpc/unstable): FTBFS: out of date build-depends
gst-plugins-ugly0.10 198148 gst-plugins_0.6.2-1(unstable/ia64): FTBFS: no such file or directory
gst-plugins-ugly0.10 199072 gst-plugins_0.6.2-1(hppa/unstable): FTBFS: config.mak not found
gst-plugins-ugly0.10 199872 gst-plugins_0.6.2-1(unstable/arm): needs libtool update for arm
gst-plugins-ugly0.10 213811 FTBFS: gst-plugins should build-depend on gstreamer >= 0.6.3
gst-plugins-ugly0.10 213811 FTBFS: gst-plugins should build-depend on gstreamer >= 0.6.3
gst-plugins-ugly0.10 217981 Needs to transition to GNOME 2.4
gst-plugins-ugly0.10 217981 Needs to transition to GNOME 2.4
gst-plugins-ugly0.10 219284 gst-plugins: build failure on powerpc
gst-plugins-ugly0.10 228784 uninstallable: rebuild with jack 0.94.0-1
gst-plugins-ugly0.10 231870 gst-plugins: FTBFS on several arches in gstalsa.c
gst-plugins-ugly0.10 251592 gst-plugins0.8_0.8.1-2(unstable/arm/smackdown): needs libtool update for arm
gst-plugins-ugly0.10 252991 libgstreamer-plugins0.8-0: PPC byte order conversion broken since 0.8 series kills Rhythmbox
gst-plugins-ugly0.10 259119 libgstreamer-gconf0.8-0: missing /etc/gconf/schemas/gstreamer-0.8.schemas
gst-plugins-ugly0.10 317197 libjack0.80.0-0 removed from unstable; rebuild required
gst-plugins-ugly0.10 325940 depends on a FLAC library no longer available in unstable
gst-plugins-ugly0.10 329759 libgstreamer-gconf0.8-0: prerm failure: gconftool-2: command not found
gst-plugins-ugly0.10 366169 gst-plugins-ugly0.10_0.10.3-1(unstable/arm/cats): FTBFS unsatisfiable build-depends
gtk-qt-engine 397993 gtk-qt-engine: File conflict
libio-all-perl 396379 libio-all-perl: FTBFS: failed test (race condition ?)
multisync 376970 libbluetooth{1,2} transition, please rebuild
multisync 385423 libmultisync-plugin-irmc-bluetooth: dependancy broken with libbluetooth1
multisync 386199 libmultisync-plugin-palm: FTBFS with libpisock9 (pilot-link 0.12.0)
multisync 392178 FTBFS: Makefile.am: required file `./NEWS' not found
multisync 392426 libmultisync-plugin-palm: depends on unavailable libpisock8
openswan 390656 [NONFREE-DOC] Package contains IETF RFC/I-Ds
pcmanx-gtk2 364379 Build-Dep on mozilla (library), please transition to xulrunner
poker-network 396240 poker-network: FTBFS: ImportError: No module named gtk
quantlib 293318 libquantlib0-dev: depends on libboost-test1.31.0 which is not available
quantlib 309419 libquantlib0 no longer contains libQuantLib.so.0
unionfs 396055 unionfs-source - error: sioq.h: No such file or directory
update-inetd 398230 A maintainer script is unexpected operator
xine-lib 112257 failed autobuild of xine-lib_0.5.3-1 (m68k): #error "no FPM selected" from fixed.h
xine-lib 112257 failed autobuild of xine-lib_0.5.3-1 (m68k): #error "no FPM selected" from fixed.h
xine-lib 112270 xine-lib_0.9.0-1(unstable): missing build-depends
xine-lib 112270 xine-lib_0.9.0-1(unstable): missing build-depends
xine-lib 112748 xine-lib_0.9.1-1(unstable): build failure (typo in deinterlace.c)
xine-lib 112748 xine-lib_0.9.1-1(unstable): build failure (typo in deinterlace.c)
xine-lib 112748 xine-lib_0.9.1-1(unstable): build failure (typo in deinterlace.c)
xine-lib 112748 xine-lib_0.9.1-1(unstable): build failure (typo in deinterlace.c)
xine-lib 115033 libxine-dev puts its aclocal file in /usr/local
xine-lib 115033 libxine-dev puts its aclocal file in /usr/local
xine-lib 115033 libxine-dev puts its aclocal file in /usr/local
xine-lib 115033 libxine-dev puts its aclocal file in /usr/local
xine-lib 174813 xine-lib_1-beta1-1(hppa/unstable): FTBFS: g++ 3.0 errors
xine-lib 174813 xine-lib_1-beta1-1(hppa/unstable): FTBFS: g++ 3.0 errors
xine-lib 175392 xine-lib: Build-Depends on contrib package
xine-lib 175392 xine-lib: Build-Depends on contrib package
xine-lib 182137 xine-lib_1-beta4-3(alpha/unstable): out of date build-depends
xine-lib 182137 xine-lib_1-beta4-3(alpha/unstable): out of date build-depends
xine-lib 210650 libxine1: libraries not correctly linked
xine-lib 210650 libxine1: libraries not correctly linked
xine-lib 251584 xine-lib_1-rc4a-1(unstable/arm/netwinder): needs libtool update for arm
xine-lib 251584 xine-lib_1-rc4a-1(unstable/arm/netwinder): needs libtool update for arm
xine-lib 263418 cuyo: FTBFS: Missing Build-Depends on 'xlibs-static-pic'
xine-lib 263418 cuyo: FTBFS: Missing Build-Depends on 'xlibs-static-pic'
xine-lib 270884 xine-lib: FTBFS on sparc
xine-lib 270884 xine-lib: FTBFS on sparc
xine-lib 270884 xine-lib: FTBFS on sparc
xine-lib 270884 xine-lib: FTBFS on sparc
xine-lib 288189 xine-lib: FTBFS (amd64/gcc-4.0): invalid lvalue in increment
xine-lib 288189 xine-lib: FTBFS (amd64/gcc-4.0): invalid lvalue in increment
xine-lib 288189 xine-lib: FTBFS (amd64/gcc-4.0): invalid lvalue in increment
xine-lib 288189 xine-lib: FTBFS (amd64/gcc-4.0): invalid lvalue in increment
xine-lib 318838 libxine1: FTBFS wit gcc 4.0
xine-lib 318838 libxine1: FTBFS wit gcc 4.0
xine-lib 318838 libxine1: FTBFS wit gcc 4.0
xine-lib 318838 libxine1: FTBFS wit gcc 4.0
xine-lib 320317 xine-lib source package depends on aalib1-dev
xine-lib 320317 xine-lib source package depends on aalib1-dev
xine-lib 320317 xine-lib source package depends on aalib1-dev
xine-lib 320317 xine-lib source package depends on aalib1-dev
xine-lib 323276 libxine-dev: depends on slang1-dev | slang1-utf8-dev, which are not in sid
xine-lib 323276 libxine-dev: depends on slang1-dev | slang1-utf8-dev, which are not in sid
xine-lib 323276 libxine-dev: depends on slang1-dev | slang1-utf8-dev, which are not in sid
xine-lib 323276 libxine-dev: depends on slang1-dev | slang1-utf8-dev, which are not in sid
xine-lib 325960 depends on a FLAC library no longer available in unstable
xine-lib 325960 depends on a FLAC library no longer available in unstable
xine-lib 325960 depends on a FLAC library no longer available in unstable
xine-lib 325960 depends on a FLAC library no longer available in unstable
xine-lib 326935 libxine1 has an unstated dependency on libgnomevfs2-0
xine-lib 326935 libxine1 has an unstated dependency on libgnomevfs2-0
xine-lib 326935 libxine1 has an unstated dependency on libgnomevfs2-0
xine-lib 326935 libxine1 has an unstated dependency on libgnomevfs2-0
xine-lib 328184 xine-lib: shlibdeps.sh broken, generates empty fields if a listed file does not exist
xine-lib 328184 xine-lib: shlibdeps.sh broken, generates empty fields if a listed file does not exist
xine-lib 328184 xine-lib: shlibdeps.sh broken, generates empty fields if a listed file does not exist
xine-lib 328184 xine-lib: shlibdeps.sh broken, generates empty fields if a listed file does not exist
xine-lib 337996 FTBFS: xine-lib debian/rules contains a bashism
xine-lib 337996 FTBFS: xine-lib debian/rules contains a bashism
xine-lib 337996 FTBFS: xine-lib debian/rules contains a bashism
xine-lib 337996 FTBFS: xine-lib debian/rules contains a bashism
xine-lib 337997 Xine depends/build-depends on xlibs-dev, which is deprecated
xine-lib 337997 Xine depends/build-depends on xlibs-dev, which is deprecated
xine-lib 337997 Xine depends/build-depends on xlibs-dev, which is deprecated
xine-lib 337997 Xine depends/build-depends on xlibs-dev, which is deprecated
xine-lib 345499 libxine-dev: unresolved dependecies on amd64
xine-lib 345499 libxine-dev: unresolved dependecies on amd64
xine-lib 345499 libxine-dev: unresolved dependecies on amd64
xine-lib 345499 libxine-dev: unresolved dependecies on amd64
xine-lib 346488 Unsatisfiable dependencies on release candidate architecture
xine-lib 346488 Unsatisfiable dependencies on release candidate architecture
xine-lib 346488 Unsatisfiable dependencies on release candidate architecture
xine-lib 346488 Unsatisfiable dependencies on release candidate architecture
xine-lib 347162 libxine-dev: uninstallable; depends on removed xlibs-dev
xine-lib 347162 libxine-dev: uninstallable; depends on removed xlibs-dev
xine-lib 347162 libxine-dev: uninstallable; depends on removed xlibs-dev
xine-lib 347162 libxine-dev: uninstallable; depends on removed xlibs-dev
xine-lib 347162 libxine-dev: uninstallable; depends on removed xlibs-dev
xine-lib 347162 libxine-dev: uninstallable; depends on removed xlibs-dev
xine-lib 354436 FTBFS on alpha, hppa, ia64, mips, mipsel
xine-lib 354436 FTBFS on alpha, hppa, ia64, mips, mipsel
xine-lib 358429 libxine1: new symbols introduced in 1.1.1 without shlibs bump
xine-lib 358429 libxine1: new symbols introduced in 1.1.1 without shlibs bump
xine-lib 368247 amarok-xine: amarok crashes when xine's output plugin is set to arts
xine-lib 368247 amarok-xine: amarok crashes when xine's output plugin is set to arts
xine-lib 378043 xine-lib - FTBFS: inlining failed in call to 'mpeg4_decode_dc': function body not available
xine-lib 378043 xine-lib - FTBFS: inlining failed in call to 'mpeg4_decode_dc': function body not available
xine-lib 386745 xine-lib: libcaca 1.x transition
xine-lib 386745 xine-lib: libcaca 1.x transition
xine-lib 393677 xine-lib: ships non-free font cetus.ttf
xine-ui 111083 xine-ui_0.5.1-1(unstable): missing build-depends
xine-ui 129801 xine-ui: xine-ui has unmentioned build-dep on libgpmg1-dev
xine-ui 186583 xine-ui_0.9.20-1(mipsel/unstable): out of date config.sub/config.guess
xine-ui 243401 xine-ui_0.9.23-2: FTBFS: FALSE and TRUE undeclared
xine-ui 288702 xine-ui: FTBFS (amd64/gcc-4.0): invalid lvalue in assignment
xine-ui 288702 xine-ui: FTBFS (amd64/gcc-4.0): invalid lvalue in assignment
xine-ui 325144 xine-ui: FTBFS: Please change the Build-Depends from 'aalib1-dev' to 'libaa1-dev'
xine-ui 325144 xine-ui: FTBFS: Please change the Build-Depends from 'aalib1-dev' to 'libaa1-dev'
xine-ui 346817 xine-ui: FTBFS: build-depends on removed xlibs-dev
xine-ui 346817 xine-ui: FTBFS: build-depends on removed xlibs-dev
xine-ui 363370 xine-ui: printf missing-format-string bugs
xine-ui 393679 xine-ui: ships non-free font cetus.ttf
cxref 355891 cxref: FTBFS on hurd-i386 due to PATH_MAX issue
fail2ban 398146 fail2ban: clean target doesn't clean source
gap-ctbllib 395629 gap-ctbllib: missing binary-arch target in debian/rules (Policy 4.9)
gnome-randr-applet 329057 gnome-randr-applet: "Inverted" rotation selected automatically (and wrongfully)
gst-plugins-ugly0.10 168438 postinst for all gstreamer-plugins should not assume $DISPLAY is available
gst-plugins-ugly0.10 186525 FTBFS: ffmpeg plugin doesn't compile on alpha, others
gst-plugins-ugly0.10 217771 gstreamer-gconf: Must be recompiled to get rid of liblinc1 dependency
gst-plugins-ugly0.10 256181 gstreamer0.8-alsa needs tighter version dependencies
gst-plugins-ugly0.10 259538 libgstreamer0.8: can't configure the package
gst-plugins-ugly0.10 277146 GStreamer's typefind stalls on images (Rhythmbox hangs when importing images) -- [0.8.8]
gst-plugins-ugly0.10 277396 can't seek to the beginning of ogg files
gst-plugins-ugly0.10 279399 alsasrc: crash
gst-plugins-ugly0.10 284210 gstreamer should autodetect audiosink -- [0.8.8]
gst-plugins-ugly0.10 290784 flac crashes due to gst-plugins0.8 / flac API changes
gst-plugins-ugly0.10 294490 please recommend/suggest gnome-media as a graphical configuration interface
gst-plugins-ugly0.10 296751 alsasink division by zero -- [0.8.8]
gst-plugins-ugly0.10 314762 artsdsink registers reserved property "name"
gst-plugins-ugly0.10 323447 gstreamer0.8-alsa: audio constantly clicks when alsa is selected as playback
gst-plugins-ugly0.10 324163 libgstreamer0.8-0: noisy sound from apps using gstreamer
gst-plugins-ugly0.10 342278 gst-plugins0.8: Please remove polypaudio support, polypaudio will be removed
mplayerplug-in 395307 mozilla-mplayer: mplayer is in Debian
multisync 319685 multisync: Pilot plugin gone!
openswan 394664 Recommends unavailable kernel-source
quantlib 102983 quantlib_0.1.9-1(unstable): please add build-depends
quantlib 104706 Build failure on hppa (at least)
twiki 307299 Perl taint error on TWiki diffs page after twiki/apache upgrade
twiki 308347 twiki: topic saves and file attachments fail after upgrade
xine-lib 111140 xine-lib_0.5.2-1(unstable): missing build-depends
xine-lib 111140 xine-lib_0.5.2-1(unstable): missing build-depends
xine-lib 123036 xine-lib_0.9.6-1 fails to build on hppa
xine-lib 123036 xine-lib_0.9.6-1 fails to build on hppa
xine-lib 123036 xine-lib_0.9.6-1 fails to build on hppa
xine-lib 123036 xine-lib_0.9.6-1 fails to build on hppa
xine-lib 133550 getpwd_uid_r() failure withe newer libc
xine-lib 133550 getpwd_uid_r() failure withe newer libc
xine-lib 181399 libxine1: Build-Depends needs a version number for libflac-dev
xine-lib 181399 libxine1: Build-Depends needs a version number for libflac-dev
xine-lib 193459 xine-ui: not devfs ready
xine-lib 193459 xine-ui: not devfs ready
xine-lib 194063 libxine1: xine shlibs incorrect
xine-lib 194063 libxine1: xine shlibs incorrect
xine-lib 203961 libxine1: should have depends/recommends on libartsc0 due to plugin
xine-lib 203961 libxine1: should have depends/recommends on libartsc0 due to plugin
xine-lib 211304 totem fails to do anything!
xine-lib 211304 totem fails to do anything!
xine-lib 217140 libxine1: libxine.so.1 is non-PIC
xine-lib 217140 libxine1: libxine.so.1 is non-PIC
xine-lib 224931 xine crashes when trying to select any valid audio stream from a .ogm stream
xine-lib 224931 xine crashes when trying to select any valid audio stream from a .ogm stream
xine-lib 225158 libxine1: 1-rc3-2 breaks audio playing (mp3, wav)
xine-lib 225158 libxine1: 1-rc3-2 breaks audio playing (mp3, wav)
xine-lib 249247 libxine1: 1-rc3a broken for reading some files.
xine-lib 249247 libxine1: 1-rc3a broken for reading some files.
xine-lib 287186 xine-lib: FTBFS on amd64: linking shared library against static non-PIC library.
xine-lib 287186 xine-lib: FTBFS on amd64: linking shared library against static non-PIC library.
xine-lib 300852 dpkg: error /var/cache/apt/archives/libxine1_1.0-1_i386.deb (--unpack)
xine-lib 300852 dpkg: error /var/cache/apt/archives/libxine1_1.0-1_i386.deb (--unpack)
xine-lib 303463 libxine1: /u/s/doc/xine is not policy conform
xine-lib 303463 libxine1: /u/s/doc/xine is not policy conform
xine-lib 327203 amarok freezes when using xine engine
xine-lib 327203 amarok freezes when using xine engine
xine-lib 327203 amarok freezes when using xine engine
xine-lib 327203 amarok freezes when using xine engine
xine-lib 328265 libxine1: Locks hard when playing mp3's with amarok-xine and totem
xine-lib 328265 libxine1: Locks hard when playing mp3's with amarok-xine and totem
xine-lib 328265 libxine1: Locks hard when playing mp3's with amarok-xine and totem
xine-lib 328265 libxine1: Locks hard when playing mp3's with amarok-xine and totem
xine-lib 328454 libxine1: hangs when unloadable plugins are listed in catalog.cache
xine-lib 328454 libxine1: hangs when unloadable plugins are listed in catalog.cache
xine-lib 328454 libxine1: hangs when unloadable plugins are listed in catalog.cache
xine-lib 328454 libxine1: hangs when unloadable plugins are listed in catalog.cache
xine-lib 338000 xine-lib can't be rebuilt from a source tree as the clean target is incomplete
xine-lib 338000 xine-lib can't be rebuilt from a source tree as the clean target is incomplete
xine-lib 360003 xine-lib: implicit pointer conversion
xine-lib 360003 xine-lib: implicit pointer conversion
xine-lib 369974 should not use gnome-vfs plugin to play back http URLs
xine-lib 369974 should not use gnome-vfs plugin to play back http URLs
xine-lib 373135 libxine1 contains debug symbols
xine-lib 373135 libxine1 contains debug symbols
xine-ui 157897 xine-ui: Segmentation fault when reading a QuickTime movie file
xine-ui 158838 xine-ui: Compressed documentation in /usr/share/doc/xine-ui/ breaks xine-ui
xine-ui 185407 xine-ui: xine connects to ":0" even with no DISPLAY
xine-ui 185416 xine-ui: Fails to build with debug,nostrip
xine-ui 187321 segfaults on exit with -pfq
xine-ui 206816 segfault in double keybinding handler
xine-ui 206816 segfault in double keybinding handler
xine-ui 224861 xine-ui: Crashes when system is in UTF-8 mode
xine-ui 225613 segfaults on load with relocation error
xine-ui 225618 /usr/bin/xine: xine crashes on startup because of a font problem
xine-ui 239974 [CAN-2004-0372] xine-check/xine-bugreport symlink vulnerability
xine-ui 262780 xine-ui: please switch to libcurl3
xine-ui 265539 Possible license conflict. GPL but links against OpenSSL.
xine-ui 320615 Conformance with menu policy
xine-ui 327895 xine-ui(GNU/k*BSD): FTBFS: out of date config.sub/config.guess
xine-ui 327895 xine-ui(GNU/k*BSD): FTBFS: out of date config.sub/config.guess
xine-ui 347572 xine-ui: xine crashes KDE artsd
xine-ui 369174 xine-ui: Crashes on startup with relocation error
xine-ui 384006 xine-ui: fails to start
xprint 395519 xprint: FTBFS: error: /usr/share/mesa-source/src/mesa/main/arrayobj.c not found during configure
blast 398113 ITA: blast -- Vent your frustration with programs by
comix 374393 comix: can't start
comix 391426 comix: new version(3.6)
crm114 398078 crm114: mailreaver does not work (load_cf_file)
fail2ban 397878 fail2ban: no logrotation anymore?
gaim 394989 gaim: Doesn't notice resolv.conf changes
gaim 397160 gaim: Gaim doesn't play any sounds when selecting arts or automatic
gaim 397321 gaim: Sound doesn't work with gstreamer0.10
giflib 328665 giflib-bin: gif2x11 broken
gnuradio 396302 python-gnuradio: ..conflicts with pycentral: /usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/gnuradio/wxgui/__init__.py
gst-plugins-ugly0.10 167538 gst-plugins: Build depends issue with libarts
gst-plugins-ugly0.10 170736 gstreamer-plugin-apps: gst-launch-ext fails to determine extension of file
gst-plugins-ugly0.10 177410 gstreamer-sid uninstallable on sid
gst-plugins-ugly0.10 181503 gstreamer-misc: Error in postrm
gst-plugins-ugly0.10 184671 please rebuild against latest libvorbis-dev
gst-plugins-ugly0.10 187353 gstreamer-gconf: libraries not correctly linked
gst-plugins-ugly0.10 191720 gstreamer-misc: v0.6.0-4 upgrade error: No default scheduler name
gst-plugins-ugly0.10 194107 gstreamer-plugin-libs improperly linked
gst-plugins-ugly0.10 201171 gstreamer-esd: Latest esdsink.h (cvs) fixes esdsink seeking
gst-plugins-ugly0.10 218736 rhythmbox: cpu use rises to 100% when song finishes playing
gst-plugins-ugly0.10 240663 gst-plugins: new version of gstreamer is avaiable
gst-plugins-ugly0.10 245757 rhythmbox: Crashes on importing some files
gst-plugins-ugly0.10 256494 Relocation error while installing
gst-plugins-ugly0.10 259205 Problem installing libgstreamer-gconf0.8
gst-plugins-ugly0.10 261841 rhythmbox: Silence after resuming play
gst-plugins-ugly0.10 283658 libgstreamer-plugins0.8-0: should run gst-register0.8 after installation
gst-plugins-ugly0.10 296848 fallback on x11 if xv not available -- [>=0.8.8]
gst-plugins-ugly0.10 299921 libgstreamer0.8-0: undefined symbol: gst_tag_register_musicbrainz_tags
gst-plugins-ugly0.10 299954 gstreamer0.8-* : error relocation
gst-plugins-ugly0.10 318146 Please include freeze plugin
gst-plugins-ugly0.10 320886 aalib transition
gst-plugins-ugly0.10 326135 pad problem with alsasink
gst-plugins-ugly0.10 330954 gstreamer0.8-cdparanoia: gstcdparanoia does not notice the end of the disc when playing a CD
gst-plugins-ugly0.10 340038 gstreamer0.8-tools: (playbin) gst-launch fails to replay a mod correctly while gst-launch-0.8 succeeds
lbdb 395421 lbdb: double free in vcquery
libcaca 397524 caca-utils: binaries in /usr/bin without manpage
libgetopt-declare-perl 359446 libgetopt-declare-perl: please finish /usr/doc transition
libgetopt-declare-perl 398117 ITA: libgetopt-declare-perl -- Getopt::Declare command line argument parser
libgpg-error 397932 libgpg-error: ugly Depends:
menu 393622 menu: [INTL:vi] Vietnamese program translation update
menu 396033 macedonian translation of the menu package
moreutils 398141 moreutils: vidir does not list files ending in one or more dots
mpg123 398228 mpg123-oss-3dnow dummy package does not pull in mpg123 if mpg321 is installed
multisync 274022 libmultisync-plugin-irmc-bluetooth: translate from UTF-7 character set does not seem to work
multisync 343878 libmultisync-plugin-irmc-bluetooth: Discovery of bluetooth device fails unless pkg bluez-tools is installed
quantlib 314650 quantlib: FTBFS (amd64/gcc-4.0): 'Observer' has not been declared
quantlib 339255 "QuantLib has now been rebuilt with g++-4_4.0.2-4"
quantlib 340572 quantlib NMU 0.3.11-2.1
rootstrap 387679 rootstrap: problems with debconf preseeding
rootstrap 388055 rootstrap: modules/uml does not create /etc/timezone properly
twiki 324916 twiki: TWiki registration script breaks if SMTPMAILHOST is set
twiki 390748 twiki: Please Build-Depends-Indep: tardy instead of tarcust
xine-lib 115006 -fPIC disabled when compiling xine-lib
xine-lib 115006 -fPIC disabled when compiling xine-lib
xine-lib 115006 -fPIC disabled when compiling xine-lib
xine-lib 115006 -fPIC disabled when compiling xine-lib
xine-lib 115271 xine.m4 has incorrectly built m4 test
xine-lib 115271 xine.m4 has incorrectly built m4 test
xine-lib 115271 xine.m4 has incorrectly built m4 test
xine-lib 115271 xine.m4 has incorrectly built m4 test
xine-lib 115881 xine-lib: build fails
xine-lib 115881 xine-lib: build fails
xine-lib 123805 please apply attached patch to support s390
xine-lib 123805 please apply attached patch to support s390
xine-lib 134997 xine-ui: Incorrect video with Xv driver.
xine-lib 134997 xine-ui: Incorrect video with Xv driver.
xine-lib 140842 libxine-dev should depend on slang1-dev
xine-lib 140842 libxine-dev should depend on slang1-dev
xine-lib 148414 xine-ui: axp port crashes on startup
xine-lib 148414 xine-ui: axp port crashes on startup
xine-lib 150832 should change package name since woody is released with libxine0 package
xine-lib 150832 should change package name since woody is released with libxine0 package
xine-lib 154914 libxine0: ALSA output is broken on big endian machines
xine-lib 154914 libxine0: ALSA output is broken on big endian machines
xine-lib 173424 libxine0: Segfault while playing VCD
xine-lib 173424 libxine0: Segfault while playing VCD
xine-lib 175790 xine-dvdnav: libxine0 (>=0.9.11) missing
xine-lib 175790 xine-dvdnav: libxine0 (>=0.9.11) missing
xine-lib 179136 libxine1: crash on unsupported audio
xine-lib 179136 libxine1: crash on unsupported audio
xine-lib 179251 Inconsistent dependencies across architectures
xine-lib 179251 Inconsistent dependencies across architectures
xine-lib 179523 spurious gnome dependencies on libxine1 for powerpc
xine-lib 179523 spurious gnome dependencies on libxine1 for powerpc
xine-lib 180011 xine-ui: Message about "unsupoorted codec"
xine-lib 180011 xine-ui: Message about "unsupoorted codec"
xine-lib 187433 xine-lib: Incorrect Build-Depends
xine-lib 187433 xine-lib: Incorrect Build-Depends
xine-lib 190356 arts output broken on big endian architectures
xine-lib 190356 arts output broken on big endian architectures
xine-lib 195738 libxine-dev: should depend on libfreetype6-dev
xine-lib 195738 libxine-dev: should depend on libfreetype6-dev
xine-lib 196327 xine-lib beta12 crashes on avi's
xine-lib 196327 xine-lib beta12 crashes on avi's
xine-lib 206890 xine-ui: can't play files with url escaped space (%20) in file name
xine-lib 206890 xine-ui: can't play files with url escaped space (%20) in file name
xine-lib 223541 libxine1: xine dvb:// only gets first entry in ~/.xine/channels.conf
xine-lib 223541 libxine1: xine dvb:// only gets first entry in ~/.xine/channels.conf
xine-lib 223555 libxine1: xine dvb://000x locks up (kill -9 job) if the channel is inaccessible
xine-lib 223555 libxine1: xine dvb://000x locks up (kill -9 job) if the channel is inaccessible
xine-lib 223562 libxine1: selecting a new MRL from a dvb://nnnn playlist fails channel changing
xine-lib 223562 libxine1: selecting a new MRL from a dvb://nnnn playlist fails channel changing
xine-lib 225275 libxine1: OSS output broken on PowerMac (& others)
xine-lib 225275 libxine1: OSS output broken on PowerMac (& others)
xine-lib 238433 libxine1: Please include this workaround for nvidia cards problem with hue changes
xine-lib 238433 libxine1: Please include this workaround for nvidia cards problem with hue changes
xine-lib 240524 libxine1 requesting png support
xine-lib 240524 libxine1 requesting png support
xine-lib 242031 libxine1: Please build xine with libfreetype to support TTF subtitles.
xine-lib 242031 libxine1: Please build xine with libfreetype to support TTF subtitles.
xine-lib 265455 recent upgrades break quicktime .mov playback
xine-lib 265455 recent upgrades break quicktime .mov playback
xine-lib 274180 libxine1: Problem with Real streams
xine-lib 274180 libxine1: Problem with Real streams
xine-lib 276728 libxine1: MRL cdda:/ fails
xine-lib 276728 libxine1: MRL cdda:/ fails
xine-lib 281873 libxine1: MRL dvb:// fails
xine-lib 281873 libxine1: MRL dvb:// fails
xine-lib 286030 libxine1: new version 1-rc8 available which fixes several security vulnerabilities
xine-lib 286030 libxine1: new version 1-rc8 available which fixes several security vulnerabilities
xine-lib 297435 libxine1: Please build-depend on libsdl1.2-dev
xine-lib 297435 libxine1: Please build-depend on libsdl1.2-dev
xine-lib 301901 libxine1: A/V sync in Ogg Theora drifts
xine-lib 301901 libxine1: A/V sync in Ogg Theora drifts
xine-lib 304865 confrict depends at slang1-dev and slang1-utf8-dev
xine-lib 304865 confrict depends at slang1-dev and slang1-utf8-dev
xine-lib 315986 xine-lib: please build against libslang2
xine-lib 315986 xine-lib: please build against libslang2
xine-lib 315986 xine-lib: please build against libslang2
xine-lib 315986 xine-lib: please build against libslang2
xine-lib 320164 libxine1: can't save configuration when an empty configuration exists
xine-lib 320164 libxine1: can't save configuration when an empty configuration exists
xine-lib 354188 xine fails for some flac files
xine-lib 354188 xine fails for some flac files
xine-lib 369658 /usr/share/doc/libxine1/faq/faq.{html,txt} are zero-length files.
xine-lib 369658 /usr/share/doc/libxine1/faq/faq.{html,txt} are zero-length files.
xine-lib 370283 Totem-xine crashes on startup without input file
xine-lib 370283 Totem-xine crashes on startup without input file
xine-ui 112283 xine-ui: xine-ui doesn't ship all upstream documentation
xine-ui 115039 xine-ui doesn't compile on ia64
xine-ui 115039 xine-ui doesn't compile on ia64
xine-ui 115885 xine-ui: build failure
xine-ui 116050 xine-ui: man page in /usr/man should move to /usr/share/man
xine-ui 125667 apostrophe abuse in man page
xine-ui 147994 xine-ui: segfault on ctrl-c
xine-ui 148414 xine-ui: axp port crashes on startup
xine-ui 150676 xine-ui: segfault by start
xine-ui 177740 Xv fullscreen mode fails to reset correctly on exit.
xine-ui 177766 "Auto Panel Visibilty" does not trigger (GNOME) WM notification, on VidMode Change.
xine-ui 185408 xine-ui: Segfault if cannot connect to DISPLAY
xine-ui 186123 xine-ui: control sliders don't work
xine-ui 212509 xine-ui: Hardcoded 16 command-line option limit, with no overflow check
xine-ui 228171 Could have /usr/lib/mime/packages/xine-ui entry for video/x-ms-wmv
xine-ui 231999 FTBS: undefined macros in xine-ui/src/xitk/download.c
xine-ui 243661 xine-check: bogus eval for unknown plugins
xine-ui 244495 xine-ui: menu points to wrong icon
xine-ui 244495 xine-ui: menu points to wrong icon
xine-ui 257495 xine-ui: can't start xine after upgrade - it atways crashes :(
xine-ui 278628 .desktop files in wrong locations
xine-ui 289052 xine-ui: man page confusing: "After a delimiting # you can add several stream parameters"
xine-ui 301443 xine-ui should only install one .desktop file
xine-ui 309322 xine-ui: "playlist first" and "playlist last" --network commands broken
xine-ui 314409 xine-ui: Compiles differently if libcaca-dev installed
xine-ui 314409 xine-ui: Compiles differently if libcaca-dev installed
xine-ui 320872 aalib transition
xine-ui 320872 aalib transition
xine-ui 324469 xine-ui: FTBFS: Please rebuild against libaa1-dev and slang2
xine-ui 324469 xine-ui: FTBFS: Please rebuild against libaa1-dev and slang2
xine-ui 361493 xine-ui: FTBFS on kfreebsd-amd64: unsatisfied Build-Depends
xine-ui 369276 Settings --> Skin Downloader --> Crash
fail2ban 350746 fail2ban: Only block new connects
gaim 396998 gaim: Remove update checker plugin?
gst-plugins-ugly0.10 165372 gstreamer: open display failed
gst-plugins-ugly0.10 188606 Add depend on gstreamer-core-libs
gst-plugins-ugly0.10 250575 libgstreamer-gconf0.8-0: gstreamer-0.8.schemas mentions xvideosink instead of xvimagesink
libgetopt-declare-perl 244519 libgetopt-declare-perl: Long description renders badly in apt frontends
rootstrap 388121 rootstrap: /etc/fstab uses /dev/ubd0 instead of /dev/ubda
tioga 352746 tioga: Description improvement
tioga 354702 tioga: Description improvement
tutos2 231266 tutos2: [INTL:es] Spanish debconf templates translation
xine-lib 151610 xine is too noisy
xine-lib 151610 xine is too noisy
xine-lib 193303 libxine1 -- Sorensen QT codec problems
xine-lib 193303 libxine1 -- Sorensen QT codec problems
xine-lib 251103 libxine1: CFLAGS defined in debian/rules not passed to configure
xine-lib 251103 libxine1: CFLAGS defined in debian/rules not passed to configure
xine-lib 255125 /usr/bin/xine: Don't complain about framerate in fast-forward
xine-lib 255125 /usr/bin/xine: Don't complain about framerate in fast-forward
xine-lib 258274 New upstream version (rc5) is available
xine-lib 258274 New upstream version (rc5) is available
xine-lib 292341 gxine: "toyour" : typo in welcome sub-dialog
xine-lib 292341 gxine: "toyour" : typo in welcome sub-dialog
xine-ui 141629 xine-ui: improperly restores xscreensaver
xine-ui 141962 xine-ui: Bad directory value in xine-check
xine-ui 160779 xine-ui: get's confused by colons in pathnames
xine-ui 228633 xine-ui: error in the Debian menu
xine-ui 228633 xine-ui: error in the Debian menu
xine-ui 228633 xine-ui: error in the Debian menu
xine-ui 279452 please rebuild with libcurl3-dev as build dependency
xine-ui 286944 xine-ui: MRL format for DVD has changed, documentation is incorrect.
xine-ui 287874 xine-ui: ugly font
xine-ui 300335 xine-ui: 'man xine' typos: "familliar", "functionnality", "indefinetely", etc.
xine-ui 300335 xine-ui: 'man xine' typos: "familliar", "functionnality", "indefinetely", etc.
xine-ui 306725 'man xine-remote' typos: "optionnaly" and "etablished"
xine-ui 306725 'man xine-remote' typos: "optionnaly" and "etablished"
xine-ui 309320 xine-ui: xine refers to non-existant cursor glyph (9A)
xine-ui 313876 xine-ui: [INTL:de] German PO file corrections
xine-ui 313876 xine-ui: [INTL:de] German PO file corrections
afuse 386777 ITP: afuse -- automounting file system implemented in user-space using FUSE
antigrav 393265 ITP: antigravitaattori -- Multiplayer flying saucer racing game
aspell-gu 359103 ITP: aspell-gu -- Aspell Wordlist for Gujarati
aubio 383550 ITP: aubio -- library for audio labelling
beaker 393756 ITP: beaker -- Simple WSGI middleware that uses the Myghty Container API
bloboats 383945 ITP: bloboats -- a boat racing game
bmpx 333355 ITP: bmpx -- Universal audio player supporting Winamp skins
cffi 394223 ITP: cl-cffi -- The Common Foreign Function Interface for Common Lisp
cxref 333274 cxref: [INTL:sv] Swedish debconf templates translation
cxref 334562 cxref: Spanish debconf translation
cxref 369001 [INTL:nl] New dutch po-debconf translation
dolphin 373291 ITP: dolphin -- file manager for KDE focusing on usability
emma 394705 ITP: emma -- extendable MySQL managing assistant
etoile 290961 ITP: camaelon.bundle -- Theming bundle for GNUstep
etoile 385129 ITP: dictionaryreader.app -- Dict client for GNUstep
faad2 306366 ITP: faad -- freeware Advanced Audio Decoder player
giflib 395388 Would be nice to have up-to-date giflib (4.1.4)
gst-plugins-ugly0.10 163549 gstreamer-flac: Please rebuild with libflac4
gst-plugins-ugly0.10 169968 make output plugins provide gstreamer-sink
gst-plugins-ugly0.10 199900 gstreamer-misc: missing v4l2 plug-ins
gst-plugins-ugly0.10 221620 gstreamer-jack: please update jack dependency
gst-plugins-ugly0.10 234071 gstreamer-plugins: 0.7 is out
gst-plugins-ugly0.10 272568 FTBFS on kfreebsd-gnu
gst-plugins-ugly0.10 272568 FTBFS on kfreebsd-gnu
gst-plugins-ugly0.10 292011 gst-plugins0.8: please enable shout2send
gst-plugins-ugly0.10 301246 rhythmbox: fails to play mms-radio-streams
gst-plugins-ugly0.10 339598 wavpack support
hapm 389798 ITP: hapm -- high availability port monitor
lbdb 395422 vcquery: Use N property if FN is not available
libcaca 398085 caca-utils: cacafire & cacademo should react to Ctrl-C / Ctrl-Z
libgetopt-declare-perl 303586 Getopt::Declare 1.11 on CPAN
lua-sql 392120 ITP: lua-sql -- luasql library for the lua language version 5.1
luasocket 257256 New upstream version
menu 394702 Albanian translation of sections for menu
menu 396403 [INTL:bs] Partial Bosnian translation of the menu package
menu 396432 [INTL:bs] Bosnian translation update
menu 396651 [INTL:bs] Bosnian translation updates to menu sections for the menu package
menu 397326 [INTL:bs] Bosnian translation updates (revised and updated) to menu sections for the menu package
myghtyutils 393739 ITP: myghtyutils -- Set of utility classes used by Myghty templating
openswan 393176 openswan: [INTL:ja] Updated Japanese po-debconf template translation (ja.po)
php-auth-pam 380696 php4-auth-pam: repackage for php5
pwman3 388673 ITP: pwman3 -- Command line password manager
quantlib 101966 ITP: libquantlib0 -- C++ library for quantitative finance
quantlib 357369 autoconf will accept a nonexistent compiler as the second one checked
rootstrap 372901 rootstrap: extend /etc/apt/{sources.list, preferences, apt.conf} configuration
rootstrap 388061 rootstrap: print an error message if a module is not executable
tesseract 390204 RFP: tesseract-ocr -- console-based optical character recognition, (OCR)
tutos2 338885 tutos2: [INTL:fr] French debconf templates translation update
tutos2 341261 tutos2: [INTL:sv] Swedish debconf templates translation
tutos2 370737 [l10n] Updated Czech translation of tutos2 debconf messages
xenman 394460 ITP: xenman -- A graphical Xen management tool
xine-lib 22875 xcal deosn't cope will with write errors on save
xine-lib 22875 xcal deosn't cope will with write errors on save
xine-lib 116572 libxine0: xine tries to load alsa sound driver even if another is specified
xine-lib 116572 libxine0: xine tries to load alsa sound driver even if another is specified
xine-lib 117170 dxr3 support
xine-lib 117170 dxr3 support
xine-lib 117170 dxr3 support
xine-lib 117170 dxr3 support
xine-lib 127485 xine-ui: modify volume
xine-lib 127485 xine-ui: modify volume
xine-lib 130489 xine-ui: vcd image support
xine-lib 130489 xine-ui: vcd image support
xine-lib 130492 libxine0: split out vorbis and ogg into separate package.
xine-lib 130492 libxine0: split out vorbis and ogg into separate package.
xine-lib 145483 miscoloured logo on ATI cards in big-endian machines
xine-lib 145483 miscoloured logo on ATI cards in big-endian machines
xine-lib 163363 libxine0: Support "Windows Media Video 8" codec
xine-lib 163363 libxine0: Support "Windows Media Video 8" codec
xine-lib 177877 waiting indefinitely for occupied ALSA device
xine-lib 177877 waiting indefinitely for occupied ALSA device
xine-lib 281572 libxine1: xvmc support
xine-lib 281572 libxine1: xvmc support
xine-lib 287875 libxine1: dvb driver seem to retune channel, even if only pid changes
xine-lib 287875 libxine1: dvb driver seem to retune channel, even if only pid changes
xine-lib 288331 libxine1: Won't play ogg/vorbis 1.0 beta 4 files
xine-lib 288331 libxine1: Won't play ogg/vorbis 1.0 beta 4 files
xine-lib 326936 xine-lib: new upstream release (1.1.0) available
xine-lib 326936 xine-lib: new upstream release (1.1.0) available
xine-lib 353150 libxine1: New version
xine-lib 353150 libxine1: New version
xine-lib 367095 libxine1: Please use the Debian ffmpeg version
xine-lib 367095 libxine1: Please use the Debian ffmpeg version
xine-lib 369319 'M' should go to title menu if no DVD menu
xine-lib 384435 libxine1: Please support m4b files
xine-lib 384435 libxine1: Please support m4b files
xine-ui 113071 xine-ui: Please add mime-support
xine-ui 115035 xine-ui includes xine-lib test in acinclude.m4
xine-ui 121037 xine: Please add "Video" menu hint
xine-ui 128440 Can we sync xine and libxine0 versions in testing ?
xine-ui 137715 xine-ui: please build with lirc support
xine-ui 151104 handle broken skins more gracefully
xine-ui 154612 ogle: Too much debugging info
xine-ui 155215 please add all xine themes
xine-ui 171754 xine-ui: 0.9.15 has been released
xine-ui 177877 waiting indefinitely for occupied ALSA device
xine-ui 200085 xine-ui: wish to move subtitles below movie
xine-ui 351850 [INTL:eu] Please add basque translation to xine-ui
zabbix 382640 zabbix: Postgresql interface missing
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