Bugs closed in Debian

Ubuntu Merge-o-Matic mom at ubuntu.com
Fri Nov 10 06:35:41 GMT 2006


squid3                            3984220  Debian Bug report logs - #3984220


grass                             297731   grass: Accidental deletion of present working directory


canna                             397696   canna package is missing most files
deskbar-applet                    397600   deskbar-applet: fails to start: ImportError: No module named gtkexcepthook
grass                             287651   grass: Multiple vulnerabilities (symlink attacks) due to improper temporary files use in scripts and source code
grass                             287651   grass: Multiple vulnerabilities (symlink attacks) due to improper temporary files use in scripts and source code
guile-1.8                         395290   guile-1.8-dev: fails lilypond configure checks
imlib2                            397012   idesk segfaults
iptables                          397012   idesk segfaults
mysql-dfsg-5.0                    354544   ISAM trap in package upgrade
mysql-dfsg-5.0                    354850   mysql-server: upgrade 4.1->5.0 may break installation
redhat-cluster                    392028   redhat-cluster: Package unuseable without built tree
trac                              397683   trac 0.10.1 is available; it includes a security fix for a CSRF vulnerability
wesnoth                           393563   wesnoth: Still seeing the (archived) bug #366433


app-install-data                  397684   app-install-data: includes non-GPL Sun Java icon
cryptsetup                        397450   cryptsetup: tries to check readability of key even if keyscript is      set
cryptsetup                        397454   cryptsetup: root and swap on lvm on crypto can result in boot      failure
cyrus-sasl2                       365183   [NONFREE-DOC] Package contains IETF RFC/I-D
cyrus-sasl2                       397603   cyrus-sasl2: FTBFS on amd64 (PIC linking issue)
cyrus-sasl2                       397605   cyrus-sasl2: FTBFS on hppa (PIC linking issue)
gnusim8085                        396377   FTBFS: Missing Build-Conflicts with automake*
grass                             326044   grass: FTBFS (amd64): *** Unable to locate PostgreSQL includes.
grass                             350010   grass - FTBFS: error: X11/Xmu/StdCmap.h: No such file or directory
grass                             352451   grass: [FTBFS] No such file or directory
grass                             373569   grass: FTBFS: Missing Build-Depends on 'libgl1-mesa-swx11-dev'
grub                              394020   grub: /usr/sbin/grub-install missing
guile-1.8                         395235   guile-1.8: FTBFS: configure: error: libltdl not found.
guile-1.8                         396922   FTBFS: Missing Build Dependency on libgmp3-dev
kaya                              397610   kaya: depends on g++-4.0, which is no longer available on hppa
kdebluetooth                      397621   kdebluetooth - FTBFS: autoheader: command not found
kerry                             391725   kerry: change build-dependency on beagle-dev for libbeagle-dev
libpoe-component-client-dns-perl  395369   libpoe-component-client-dns-perl: FTBFS: Failed test t/04_errors.t
mesa                              396498   libgl1-mesa-dev: glx.h needs X headers, but no Depends: libx11-dev
paul                              397741   paul: build-dependends on obsolete giflib3g-dev library
powermanga                        384223   powermanga-data: non-free data included in the package
powermanga                        397707   powermanga: FTBFS: lispreader.hpp:28:18: error: zlib.h: No such file or directory
python-adns                       397706   python-adns: FTBFS: adnsmodule.c:91: error: 'adns__rrt_typemask' undeclared here (not in a function)
sdd                               397478   sdd: FTBFS: /bin/sh: incs/x86_64-linux-cc/Inull: No such file or directory
subversion                        393414   Source package contains non-free IETF RFC/I-D's
subversion                        396435   subversion: should be buildable as root (failed test when built as root)
user-he                           396229   Uninstallable due to unmet dep on koffice-i18n-he


ace                               393032   Recommends unavailalbe tao-nsutils
boost-build                       395800   boost-build: missing build and binary-arch in debian/rules (Policy 4.9)
cryptsetup                        397651   cryptsetup: failed to determine cipher modules to load for /dev/mapper/bee--sata-root
cyrus-sasl2                       397549   cyrus-sasl2: crypt() return val implicitly converted to int
cyrus-sasl2                       397714   cyrus-sasl2: FTBFS on hurd-i386: MAXHOSTNAMELEN Regression
dovecot                           397407   dovecot: second build fails, does not seem to correctly clean up
dovecot                           397409   dovecot: needs build-conflict with automake1.4
dpkg-repack                       397666   dpkg-repack: Error running: cp -pd /etc/init.d/...
gforge                            396329   gforge-shell-postgresql: Incomplete and not functional chroot environment
gocr                              388217   gocr: New Upstream Verion (0.41) available
grass                             234275   r.in.gdal segfaults
grass                             259655   #256208: grass: r.in.bin segfaults
grass                             281742   grass: MAN PAGES GONE AGAIN
grass                             306497   if you don't put a version number on the libgrass dependency
grass                             315073   default Makefile for building grass modules is not included in libgrass-dev
grass                             328519   [Fwd: Log for successful build of grass_6.0.1-1 (dist=unstable)]
grass                             336498   grass: broken macro LOC_CHECK_VERSION (also FTBFS on GNU/FreeBSD)
grass                             361962   grass has circular Depends on libgrass
impose+                           395603   impose+: missing binary-arch target in debian/rules (Policy 4.9)
libapache-mod-acct                395702   libapache-mod-acct: missing binary-indep target in debian/rules (Policy 4.9)
magicfilter                       346579   magicfilter: depending on libpaperg
postfix                           397771   sasl2-bin: authentication failure upon upgrade
scilab                            397606   scilab: 1-1E-16 displayed as 0.
subversion                        397173   FTBFS m68k: ruby tests fail
wesnoth                           357786   wesnoth: Music is distorted when not at full volume
yada                              312388   x-fonts packages build with yada does not follow Debian Policy
zope-formulator                   397555   zope-formulator: Should depend zope2.9 | zope2.8


ace                               380739   boost compiles differently, if ACE header is included first
ace                               396303   libtao-dev missing libTAO.so symlink
cyrus-sasl2                       274182   sasl2-bin no supoprt for multiple simultaneous mechanisms
cyrus-sasl2                       329716   sasl2-bin: /etc/default/saslauthd suggests daemon can handel more than one auth method
cyrus-sasl2                       368189   sasl2-bin: multiple mechanisms not supported simultanously
daemontools-installer             331788   daemontools-installer depends on debconf without | debconf-2.0 alternate; blocks cdebconf transition
daemontools-installer             396606   [INTL:pt] Portuguese translation for daemontools-installer (debconf)
debpartial-mirror                 389340   Redirecting standard output fails
debpartial-mirror                 397475   Merge crashes with "IndexError: list index out of range"
devscripts                        397641   Sent the nmudiff despite me cancelling the edition
gforge                            396128   gforge-shell-postgresql: chroot missing libraries
gforge                            396333   gforge-shell-postgresql: hosts file missing in chroot
grass                             229086   grass: inconsistencies between man pages and available commands
grass                             242436   grass: whatis parse errors for 4 manpages
grass                             282567   tcltkgrass: start a monitor and the menu bar goes blank
grass                             287591   grass: help button doc path wrong
grass                             315186   grass: unnecessary xterm dependency
grass                             317470   grass: original tarball contains a core file
grass                             317497   grass: compile with --with-mysql
grass                             326350   please rebuild with libreadline5-dev as build dependency
grub                              367889   GRUB - grub-reboot corrupts mbr
grub                              393488   update-grub does not handle separate /boot partition for xen
grub                              395275   update-grub does not differentiate between null and non-existant options
grub                              397021   update-grub: gets hypervisor path wrong
grub                              397775   update-grub skips kernels which names is part of an installed xen-kernel name.
jspwiki                           386309   JSPWiki failed to be usable due to incorrect codeBase in /etc/jspwiki/tomcat.policy
libgtk-trayicon-ruby              391411   ITA: libgtk-trayicon-ruby -- system tray protocol library for Ruby
mailreader                        332019   mailreader depends on debconf without | debconf-2.0 alternate; blocks cdebconf transition
octave2.9                         395293   octave2.9: kron(a,b) does not work when a is sparse and b is bool
powersave                         396773   powersaved: 915resolution not taken into account with MODE=auto
screen                            332089   screen depends on debconf without | debconf-2.0 alternate; blocks cdebconf transition
squid3                            379969   FTBFS with GCC 4.2: ... will always evaluate as 'true'
tla-load-dirs                     395128   git-load-dirs: package is empty - does not ship /usr/bin/git_load_dirs
yada                              312389   yada-generated Architecture:all packages should Build-Depends on yada
zope-cmfphotoalbum                397742   DeprecationWarning: Space separated attributes in i18n:attributes are deprecated


gocr                              272590   some hyphens are not escaped in the gocr man page
grass                             261726   r.lags.1grass.gz: "name" section way too long
grass                             287589   r.digit: "help" ignored
grass                             287590   raster.html: non explained commands
grass                             287763   i.points.html: imagery.ps
grass                             287764   i.rectify.html: links to i.vpoints.html do not work
grass                             312583   grass60.1.gz: --help not mentioned
grass                             314059   grass: [INTL:de] German PO file corrections
grass                             314063   grass: [INTL:de] German PO file corrections
grub                              396315   'man update-grub' typo: "simliar"
kerry                             384897   kerry: Last sentence of package description doesn't make sense
mailreader                        312745   INTL:vi
mysql-dfsg-5.0                    394262   mysql.1.gz: warning mid-sentence
phpldapadmin                      397661   phpldapadmin: [INTL:de] German po-debconf template translation
posh                              397596   posh: $POSH_VERSION contains 0.3.18 for version 0.5
powersave                         397679   powersaved: Improve /etc/powersave/events doc
screen                            317922   INTL:vi Vietnamese translation for screen
subversion                        392805   libapache2-svn: should document module requirements in dav_svn.conf
subversion                        394395   subversion-tools: copyright file incomplete
subversion                        397113   libapache2-svn: description only mentions Apache 2.0


cryptsetup                        397633   Please use unique error messages (failed to determine cipher modules to load)
daemontools-installer             237457   daemontools-installer: Please switch to gettext-based debconf templates
daemontools-installer             330795   daemontools-installer: [INTL:sv] Swedish debconf templates translation
daemontools-installer             396768   nb translation for daemontools-installer
dovecot                           397404   dovecot: building package puts config.{guess|sub} in diff
fail2ban                          366307   allow manipulation of banlist
fail2ban                          370095   split config files to allow custom modifications easily
grass                             206844   grass: tcl8.3 dependency
grass                             264566   Please consider upgrade to version 5.7
grass                             343817   Please upgrade build depends to libmysqlclient15-dev
libapache-mod-acct                391740   libapache-mod-acct: [INTL:it] Italian debconf templates translation
mailreader                        312746   mailreader
mailreader                        339097   mailreader: [INTL:sv] Swedish debconf templates translation
pdsh                              381179   pdsh: [INTL:ru] Russian translation of the debconf templates
pdsh                              396763   pdsh: [INTL:de] Initial German debconf translation
radvd                             396441   New version of radvd available
subversion                        293528   subversion: Please include svnmerge tool from contrib
subversion                        350133   please include svn2cl in subversion-tools
subversion                        357506   Please add (excerpt of) list of files/binaries to description of subversion-tools
trac                              397725   "trac should depend on python-psycopg2, not python-psycopg"
yada                              362493   yada: Please update X fonts support for X11R7
yada                              366130   yada: switch -lang for manpages manipulation

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