Bugs closed in Debian

Ubuntu Merge-o-Matic mom at ubuntu.com
Sun Nov 5 02:32:56 GMT 2006


libnss-ldap            375077  udevd: nss_ldap: failed to bind to LDAP server -> boot fails
libnss-ldap            375215  libnss-ldap hangs udev at startup
libnss-ldap            390926  libnss-ldap needs a versioned dependency on initscripts
libnss-ldap            391053  libnss-ldap: /lib/init/rw is not created on upgrade
libnss-ldap            391167  libnss-ldap: can't boot since 251-5.2 upgrade


cenon.app              375518  cenon.app: Critical error executing Cenon
libnss-ldap            377895  libnss-ldap: Problem with "-" in LDAP Base DN
libtunepimp            378091  libtunepimp: buffer overflow
mail-notification      393606  mail-notification-evolution: Fails to contact evolution


davfs2                 394845  davfs2_1.1.2-1(hppa/unstable): FTBFS: missing define
digikam                396747  FTBFS (alpha): attempt to use output operater '<<' on va_list
ecasound2.2            396851  FTBFS: Non-ascii '�' in input, consider using package inputenc
ikiwiki                396702  ikiwiki: FTBFS: Missing Build-Depends on 'perlmagick'
libcommoncpp2          396996  libcommoncpp2-dev: missing dependency on libgnutls-dev
libcommoncpp2          396996  libcommoncpp2-dev: missing dependency on libgnutls-dev
libcommons-jexl-java   396334  libcommons-jexl-java: FTBFS: Error running jikes compiler
libemail-find-perl     393386  Source package contains non-free IETF RFC/I-D's
libtunepimp            380056  python-tunepimp: missing library dependency
ngrep                  395248  ngrep: insecure signal handler may cause crashes
ttf-vlgothic           395278  ttf-vlgothic: installation failure due to invalid characters
twiki                  367973  twiki: CVE-2006-1387: DoS with INCLUDE
twiki                  381907  CVE-2006-3336: TWiki arbitrary code execution (in some server configurations)
uae                    393149  uae: cannot open display
util-linux             396842  util-linux: FTBFS (amd64): install: cannot stat `sys-utils/rdev': No such file or directory


acct                   377835  acct: new defaults in /etc/defaults/ breaks lastcomm, etc.
acct                   392045  acct: log file confusion
digikam                393505  digikam: Crashes on assigning icon to tag
ettercap               333637  FTBFS: Unsatisfiable build-dependency on libssl0.9.7
ivtv                   393689  ivtv-source: Please package 0.8.0 for linux-source-2.6.18
libschedule-cron-perl  395614  libschedule-cron-perl: missing binary-arch target in debian/rules (Policy 4.9)
libtunepimp            373455  Python policy transition
pwc                    350061  pwc doesn't override upstream kernel module
quagga                 389496  checklib error (libncurses5 confirmed; libcap1 disputed)
twiki                  235603  twiki: Wrong dependencies
twiki                  305793  twiki: Attach files to TWiki topics fails after update
twiki                  311662  twiki: wrong versioning when attaching files
twiki                  338118  twiki: Dies with "whitespace in filename" errors in Ref-By and Search
xwpe                   375423  xwpe: FTBFS on GNU/kFreeBSD (due to unsatisfied Build-Depends on libgpmg1-dev)


acct                   208939  acct: init script: logger shouldn't use a file
acct                   375712  /etc/cron.monthly/acct: sort: Warning: "+number" syntax is deprecated, please use "-k number"
acct                   380744  /ect/init.d/acct does not create /var/log/account if it is missing
acct                   381492  Script /etc/cron.monthly/acct using depreciated flag for sort
acct                   385626  Unexpected error code 25 received in /etc/init.d/acct
acct                   396444  sa savaccnt and usracct files don't exist
aladin                 331736  aladin depends on debconf without | debconf-2.0 alternate; blocks cdebconf transition
bandwidthd             396562  build dependency on obsolete package postgresql-dev
bugzilla               395053  cron script error when /etc/bugzilla/sites doesn't exist
digikam                375982  Digikam doesn't save modified Tiff images
digikam                396249  libgphoto2-2-dev needed
ettercap               331818  ettercap depends on debconf without | debconf-2.0 alternate; blocks cdebconf transition
evolution-sharp        394859  beagle-backend-evolution: beagle cannot find libecal-1.2.so.3
gtktrain               331844  gtktrain depends on debconf without | debconf-2.0 alternate; blocks cdebconf transition
gtktrain               388900  gtktrain: [annoying_notes] Abuse of debconf note(s)
libnss-ldap            390241  diff for 251-5.2 NMU
libnss-ldap            390957  diff for 251-5.3 NMU
libnss-ldap            391829  debian boot slowly since update to libnss-ldap 251-5.2
libnss-ldap            394152  libnss-ldap: Can't contact LDAP server
libpam-krb5            395041  libpam-krb5: password component corrupts memory when stacked
nagios2                396661  nagios2-common: bad path in submit_check_result
qsynth                 383861  qsynth: New upstream version (fixes bank offset bug)
twiki                  228748  /usr/share/doc/twiki/index.html contains bad links
twiki                  229036  twiki: Upgrade re-unpacks example installation
twiki                  233943  twiki: htpasswd in postinst doesn't work with apache2
twiki                  255782  "include" is broken
twiki                  300601  twiki: Manual restart of apache2 needed after install
twiki                  305034  twiki: sends emails with invalid addresses
twiki                  332129  twiki depends on debconf without | debconf-2.0 alternate; blocks cdebconf transition
twiki                  345668  EditTable plugin radio and checkbox button do not work
twinkle                365588  Can't talk for more than a minute
wide-dhcpv6            396909  Errors in dhcp6c-ifupdown


acct                   324910  /etc/cron.monthly/acct typo results in no meaningful ac output in /var/log/wtmp.report if logrotate is installed
acct                   392023  typo in etc/default/acct
acct                   392134  dump-acct manpage is incorrect
aladin                 313022  INTL:vi
configure-debian       310041  INTL:vi
configure-debian       347938  [INTL:de] Update of German debconf template translation
configure-debian       376059  configure-debian: Should change locale pt_PT to pt
minicom                395449  minicom: spelling errors
twiki                  221514  twiki: registration does not ask password
twiki                  251340  twiki: apacheconfig deprecated, use modules-config in postinst
ulex                   390226  Spelling mistake in package description


aladin                 297594  [l10n] Initial Czech translation of aladin debconf messages
aladin                 332332  aladin: [INTL:sv] Swedish debconf templates translation
aladin                 333772  aladin: Spanish debconf translation
aladin                 336337  [INTL:pt_PT] Portuguese translation for aladin (debconf)
aladin                 338102  aladin: [INTL:ru] Russian debconf templates translation
avr-libc               373000  avr-libc: debmake is deprecated
configure-debian       331311  configure-debian: [INTL:sv] Swedish debconf templates translation
configure-debian       334549  configure-debian: Spanish debconf translation
configure-debian       338861  configure-debian [INTL:pt] Portuguese translation for configure-debian's debconf messages
configure-debian       345532  configure-debian: [INTL:it] Italian debconf templates translation
configure-debian       381309  [INTL:pt] Portuguese translation for configure-debian (debconf)
digikam                329014  digikam: I would like to have AND between tags and not OR.
digikam                378477  digikam: "Toggle Full Screen" should be in the View menu
gtktrain               260998  gtktrain: Japanese po-debconf template translation
gtktrain               319264  [l10n] Initial Czech translation of gtktrain debconf messages
gtktrain               330392  gtktrain: [INTL:sv] Swedish debconf templates translation
gtktrain               344054  gtktrain: [INTL:sv] Swedish PO-template translation
libgphoto2             396581  libgphoto2-2: Support for Canon EOS 400D
minicom                394827  minicom: please ship NEWS
nagios-nrpe            396709  nagios-nrpe-server: Missing sample /etc/defaults/nagios-nrpe
nagios2                396100  nagios2: apache-config should set some index options
ntfs-3g                396681  Please install ntfs-3g SUID root
picon-domains          372982  picon-domains: debmake is deprecated
picon-users            372983  picon-users: debmake is deprecated
qsynth                 370014  qsynth: Missing .desktop file
twiki                  293369  twiki: RedirectMatch suggestion
twiki                  321818  [l10n] Updated Czech translation of twiki debconf messages
twiki                  322398  INTL:vi Vietnamese translation for twiki
twiki                  322399  twiki
twiki                  341095  twiki: [INTL:sv] Swedish debconf templates translation

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