Bugs closed in Debian

Ubuntu Merge-o-Matic mom at ubuntu.com
Sat Nov 4 04:35:06 GMT 2006


php5                     396766  CVE-2006-5465: PHP "htmlentities()" and "htmlspecialchars()" Buffer Overflows


libapache-mod-auth-kerb  395931  libapache2-mod-auth-kerb: Apache2 segfaults when loading the module
libapache-mod-auth-kerb  396669  Segmentation fault
mod-proxy-html           394920  libapache2-mod-proxy-html: Garbled API module structure 'proxy_html_module' after upgrade


apcupsd                  396351  FTBFS: /usr/bin/install: cannot create regular file `/sbin/apcupsd': Permission denied
cryptsetup               396092  bashism: echo -e
cryptsetup               396126  FTBFS: Incompatible with etch versions
gcstar                   396887  gcstar: FTBFS: Missing Build-Depends on 'libxml-parser-perl, libxml-simple-perl'
gramps                   396874  gramps: FTBFS: Missing Build-Depends on 'gnome-doc-utils, libxml-parser-perl'
greylistd                345079  greylistd hangs in dpkg-reconfiguration
kdebase                  394045  kdebase-data: non-free Thunderbird icon included
libapache-dbi-perl       361031  Version 0.94 is ancient and should not be used
libjlha-java             393152  libjlha-java: FTBFS: Compliance level '1.4' is incompatible with target level '1.5'
pyopengl                 396703  pyopengl_2.0.1.09.dfsg.1-0.1: FTBFS: clean target modifies source
qdbm                     394626  FTBFS on alpha: g++ ICE
xemacs21                 391778  xemacs21-mule: postinst fails if xemacs21-support is not yet configured
xen-3.0                  396557  xen-3.0: missing libz-dev in build dependencies
xen-3.0                  396561  xen-3.0: missing x11proto-core-dev in build dependencies
xen-3.0                  396567  xen-3.0: missing libncurses5-dev in build dependencies


apt-listbugs             396697  breaks when unrelated per-host proxy setting exists in apt.conf
cdfs-src                 388388  cdfs files to build with 2.6.18 kernel release
cdfs-src                 388389  cdfs files to build with 2.6.18 kernel release
debtags-edit             294678  debtags-edit: Segfaults when adding a tag in the void
debtags-edit             356001  FTBFS: aptFront::cache::entity::Package' has a previous declaration
debtags-edit             391575  debtags-edit: Crash when saving the diff
dsniff                   372536  dsniff: urlsnarf doesn't work
gettext                  386912  errors in the Perl parser of xgettext: invalid variable interpolation at "$"
gutenprint               396642  cupsys-driver-gutenprint: Install fails to symlink ppd's where cups can find them.
heartbeat                383985  heartbeat: dependency update: netkit-ping removal
heartbeat-2              383987  heartbeat-2: dependency update: netkit-ping removal
kdebase                  392807  kdebase-data introduces an imcompatability to the freedesktop.org menu specification
kdelibs                  379216  Error: unable to create printer (test or real printer)
koules                   392983  X Error of failed request:  BadMatch (invalid parameter attributes)
mydns                    377641  mydns-mysql: Upgrade fails with multiple listen options in /etc/mydns.conf
splay                    395772  splay: missing binary-indep target in debian/rules (Policy 4.9)
vim-scripts              396785  vim-scripts: Package does not install all required scripts from source
xemacs21                 366133  xemacs21: FTBFS on GNU/kFreeBSD


apsfilter                331744  apsfilter depends on debconf without | debconf-2.0 alternate; blocks cdebconf transition
bibtex2html              396195  bibtex2html: --title is ignored for the _bib.html file
cryptsetup               382280  does not configure encrypted swap during initramfs, thus prevents resume
cryptsetup               394134  cryptsetup: does not open luks partitions with filekeys during boot
cryptsetup               394136  Add support for multiple device setup in initramfs
cryptsetup               395357  cryptsetup: cryptdisk does not create mapped device if keyfile is INSERCURE MODE
debian-goodies           396786  which-pkg-broke: SyntaxError when run; patch from #394950 not applied correctly
debtags-edit             317883  debtags-edit: No vertical scrollbar when adding lots of tags
debtags-edit             319371  debtags-edit: crashes when no database is present
debtags-edit             349481  some packages do not show up in debtags-edit
dh-make-php              365846  "'dh-make-pecl --only 4' does not work when php5 is not available"
dsniff                   390822  ITA: dsniff -- Various tools to sniff network traffic for cleartext insecurities
gwget2                   396525  gwget2: NEWS.Debian not shipped
gwget2                   396526  Should conflict with older versions of epiphany-extension-gwget
kdelibs                  348411  kdesvn: dcop error when opening context menu in konqueror
kdenetwork               392878  man page for kwifimanager
kdenetwork               396391  kopete: Cannot login to icq network
kdenetwork               396398  kopete: fails to connect to icq server
libfile-find-rule-perl   329377  libfile-find-rule-perl: incorrect handling of sequential slashes
logcheck                 391665  logcheck-database: Incorrect group ownership when installed after logcheck
rkhunter                 330930  Wrong output if /bin/sh is linked to dash
squashfs                 395412  manpages scrambled
tex-common               396822  tex-common: update-fmtutil and update-language are not in users' PATH
xmms                     396665  Saving OGG stream into numbered file - proper patch


apsfilter                313111  INTL:vi
apsfilter                377973  apsfilter: Obsolete transitional debconf template
splay                    350353  'man splay' typos: "everytime" x 2,  etc.
tellico                  387795  tellico-data: broken symlinks (missing dep?)
tex-common               396823  tetex-bin: How useful is texconfig on a Debian system
wordpress                382283  wordpress: broken link
wordpress                384800  CVE-2006-4208: Directory traversal vulnerability in WP-DB-Backup plugin for WordPress


apsfilter                315815  [l10n] Initial Czech translation of apsfilter debconf messages
apsfilter                341555  apsfilter [INTL:pt] Portuguese translation of debconf's messages
console-common           396658  [INTL:bs] Bosnian debconf templates translation updates for      console-common package
console-data             396397  [INTL:bs] Bosnian translation update
dsniff                   146246  dsniff: separate X and console clients, please!
kdebase                  393855  kdebase: Please loosen the `Build-Conflicts' with nvidia-glx
kdenetwork               394328  kdnssd: Please suggest "avahi-autoipd" instead of "zeroconf"
logcheck                 354821  please consider logcheck filters to remove redundant warnings
tellico                  396508  tellico: new upstream (1.2.4) available
tex-common               395844  tex-common: [INTL:fr] French debconf templates translation
tex-common               396036  tex-common: [Intl:de] Updated German debconf template
tex-common               396101  tex-common: [INTL:it] Italian debconf templates translation

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