Bugs closed in Debian
Ubuntu Merge-o-Matic
mom at ubuntu.com
Sat Jul 22 23:33:23 BST 2006
gforge 358241 gforge-db-postgresql: Uninstallable and un-uninstallable :O
sdl-image1.2 378173 sear: Seg fault on startup after installation
amaya 375105 FTBFS on 64bits: forbidden cast from 'char*' to 'int'
belpic 339344 belpic - FTBFS: invalid conversion from 'unsigned int*' to 'size_t*'
firebird2 378300 firebird2: FTBFS: conflicts with new declaration with 'C' linkage
gforge 376155 gforge-web-apache: missing db_stop in postinst
ghextris 377080 Uninstallable due to python transition
gnome-user-docs 348494 gnome2-user-guide: [NONFREE-DOC:GFDL] Licenced under the GFDL (debian/copyright claims GPL???)
gtk-smooth-engine 378366 gtk-smooth-engine: needs to drop gtk2-engines-smooth from debian/control
haxe 378373 haxe - FTBFS: ocamlopt: command not found
kiwi 375270 kiwi: FTBFS: Cannot move python2.3/site-packages/gazpacho
libxmlada2 378372 libxmlada2 - FTBFS: cannot find -lgnat
lxr 319073 lxr: lxr binary is installed inside /var/lib/lxr/bin instead of /usr/bin
maxdb-doc 346354 distribution of this package is likely a GPL violation
monotone 377781 monotone - FTBFS: Missing build dependency: g++-4.0
smooth-themes 379195 gtk-smooth-themes: uninstallable (depends: gtk2-engines-smooth)
srcinst 379157 FTBFS: Parse of field 'extensions' failed
xen-tools 375267 xen-tools: FTBFS: Test failures
xfig 379248 FTBFS: /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lXi
yate 358131 yate: FTBFS: compile error
yate 362709 yate_0.8.7+cvs20050604-4 FTBFS: build-dep on removed libortp2-dev
belpic 378635 libbeid2 has circular Depends on libbeidlibopensc2
crywrap 335752 Please use gnutls13 instead of gnutls11
cupsys 375359 cupsys-client: sid cups client, sarge cups server >> printing does not work anymore
cupsys 376499 cupsys: Cancelling configuration of package leaves CUPS inoperable
cupsys 376883 Can't install or upgrade cupsys
dpkg-multicd 368928 dpkg-multicd: upgrade conflict with 'dpkg-dev'.
dpkg-multicd 368930 dpkg-multicd: trying to overwrite `/usr/share/man/man1/dpkg-scanpackages.1.gz', which is also in package dpkg-dev
gforge 328224 gforge: Possible security vulnerabilities
gforge 375529 gforge-web-apache: Mailman admin completly broken as all links are wrong
gforge 375863 gforge-web-apache: Forum posting broken
gforge 376284 gforge-mta-postfix: wrong parameter in main.cf
gphpedit 357426 gphpedit: frecuently crashes while working on amd64
libimage-info-perl 378419 libimage-info-perl: EXIF parsing in TIFFs broken
module-assistant 377198 module-assistant builds nonworking modules for 2.6.18-rc1 because of a change in include/linux/version.h
orage 345945 orage: Orange doesn't appear when clickin gon the clock
orage 347973 orage: mcs-manager dies after orange installation
orage 372750 can't save events and year looks strange in de_DE.UTF-8
uswsusp 379097 uswsusp: s2disk and s2both segfault even though s2ram works (sort of)
xen-tools 374987 xen-tools: --fs is a unknow option
xen-tools 374988 xen-tools: Use image 'sparse' while using lvm storage
xen-tools 374989 xen-tools: xen-create-image failed to format swap disk
xen-tools 378165 xen-tools: xt-customize-image broken for debian domains
xfce4-panel 374618 xfce4-panel: Unsatisfiable Depends on procps on hurd-i386
yate 360656 yate: dependencies mismatch
apmd 222635 apm : 32-bit APM interface not supported
apmd 376052 Unused debconf templates
cupsys 374494 changelog doesn't include 1.1.23-13 - 1.1.23-15 changes
cupsys 376496 cupsys: Missing option for SNMP backend
cupsys 378659 lpstat does not work with LANG=de_DE when package cupsys is not installed
cutter 316195 ITA: cutter -- disconnect routed IP connections
digikam 375982 Digikam doesn't save modified Tiff images
firebird2 310609 libfirebird2-super: firebird.msg is missing
firebird2 351203 firebird2-examples: upgrade + purge leaves /var/lib/firebird on disk
firebird2 377173 FTBFS with GCC 4.2: C/C++ linkage declarations conflict
gforge 331835 gforge depends on debconf without | debconf-2.0 alternate; blocks cdebconf transition
gforge 339646 Package: gforge-db-postgresql Severity: grave
gforge 374384 gforge-web-apache: createk-vhosts.sh cron job too verbos
gforge 376163 gforge: versioned Depends on virtual packages
gforge-plugin-scmcvs 374385 gforge-plugin-scmcvs: stats_cvs cron job too verbose
gforge-plugin-scmcvs 374385 gforge-plugin-scmcvs: stats_cvs cron job too verbose
gnome-user-docs 133164 bad build-depends on cygnus-stylesheets.
gnome-user-docs 162325 [gnome2-user-guide] xml syntx errors
gnome-user-docs 166195 file-roller: tag mismatch during installation
gnome-user-docs 181379 gnome2-user-guide: scrollkeeper problems with external entities in XML doc files
gnome-user-docs 238879 ITA: gnome2-user-docs -- GNOME 2 User's Guidethanks
iroffer 211995 ITA: iroffer -- IRC file distribution bot
libnet-irc-ruby 314192 ITA: libnet-irc-ruby -- a Ruby library for IRC (Internet Relay Chat)
module-assistant 375539 should do "update" and "prepare" as part of auto-install
mpack 212283 mpack: munpack no longer preserves filename
php-maxdb 362674 php5 module is missing
postgresql-7.4 375744 Last security update of postgresql-contrib breaks database replication with DBMirror.pl
renameutils 377845 renameutils: imv does not have large file support
sawfish 377281 Please suggest gnome-control-center instead of capplets
sawfish 378843 sawfish: loads other packages site files during byte compilation
sisu 377208 sisu-* descriptions: bad wording and other issues
sisu 377209 Meta-Manpages in wrong section
smsclient 121479 smsclient: att_web service no longer functioning
smsclient 330533 smsclient: doesn't purge cleanly
stellarium 376348 New upstream version 0.8.1
thunar 374103 thunar: wrong executable for function 'open terminal here'
thunderbird-locales 374086 Obsoleted language packages.
uswsusp 378060 manpage typo / uswsusp segfaults on unexpected config file option
uswsusp 378060 manpage typo / uswsusp segfaults on unexpected config file option
xen-tools 345912 xen-tools: The generated /etc/fstab file is broken.
xen-tools 353155 Disk devices are one "unit" bigger than asked
xen-tools 366252 xen-tools: xen-create-image puts hda<n> in domU.cfg, but sda<n> in domU's fstab
xen-tools 368831 xen-tools: misleading documentation of "--volume" option to xen-create-image
xen-tools 368983 Default hook script issues - xen-create-image
xen-tools 370278 Recommends xen
xen-tools 373800 xen-tools: Creating instances with the --volume option doesn't work
xen-tools 377684 xen-tools: --force option won't work with XFS
xen-tools 379023 xen-tools: problem with fstab when using reiserfs for images
xen-tools 379096 xen-tools: problem with fstab when using reiserfs for images
zeroc-ice-python 378567 python-zeroc-ice: IcePy.so symlink broken
gforge 311791 INTL:vi
gforge 373554 gforge-web-apache: RSS Feed Icons are missing
gnome-user-docs 317926 gnome2-user-guide: Gnome2 user guide version incorrectly reported as 2.6
haxe 378631 haxe: Description improvement
libimage-info-perl 369245 libimage-info-perl: Man page typo: "In case of error, and hash" -> "In case of error, a hash"
libimage-info-perl 369246 libimage-info-perl: Vagueness in man page about optional arguments to image_info
module-assistant 368122 wrong example in common-rules.mk file
mpack 356457 munpack: filename= ignored
orage 374761 orage: NEWS.gz and README in doc folder seem to be from xfcalendar
thunderbird-locales 311316 mozilla-thunderbird-locale-tr: Wrong branding in localized package
xen-tools 346296 typo in description
xen-tools 348721 Option not to copy /var/cache/apt/archive's files
xen-tools 352942 Please create devices
xen-tools 357716 .dpkg-old can break xen-tools on upgrade
xen-tools 366459 xen-tools Recommends xen which is xen 2
xen-tools 375382 xen-tools: Typos in new version
xen-tools 376846 Please copy timezone configuration
xfce4 374226 xfce4: typo in NEWS.Debian
awffull 356724 ITP: awffull -- web server log analysis program based on Webalizer
cdpr 338153 ITP: cdpr -- Cisco Discovery Protocol Reporter
cppunit 376122 new upstream: 1.12.0
cupsys 370788 libcupsys2: preferred alternative to client.conf?
cupsys 376840 cupsys-client: should install /etc/cups/client.conf
digikam 378477 digikam: "Toggle Full Screen" should be in the View menu
endeavour 379203 endeavour2: Please, add doc-base support for the html doc
fish 372174 fish: add more emacs keybindings
gforge 242186 gforge 3.3
gforge 339878 gforge: [INTL:sv] Swedish debconf templates translation
gforge 354591 [INTL:nl] Dutch po-debconf translation
ghextris 334483 ghextris: French translation
ghextris 343301 ghextris: [INTL:sv] Swedish PO-template translation
ghextris 345175 ghextris: [INTL:sv] Swedish PO translation
gnome-user-docs 317924 gnome2-user-guide: Newer version available
klamav 352174 ITP: klamav -- Graphical front-end for clamav
kwin-style-dekorator 374869 ITP: kwin-style-dekorator -- window decoration for kde using png files
lxr 264108 Files installed in /var/lib/lxr should be in /usr/share/lxr
min12xxw 334093 ITP: min12xxw -- Printer driver for KonicaMinolta PagePro 1200W, 1300W
module-assistant 361011 module-assistant: please add sysprof-module-source to compliant list
postgresql-7.4 377495 postgresql-7.4: please provide postgresql in LSB init script dependencies
postgresql-7.4 379145 Starting in runlevel 2 prio 19?
pypar2 378859 ITP: pypar2 -- graphical frontend for the par2 command line utility
scim-thai 379010 ITP: scim-thai -- ITP: scim-thai -- Thai Input Method Engine for SCIM
smsclient 330614 smsclient: [INTL:sv] Swedish debconf templates translation
smsclient 333598 [INTL:pt_PT] Portuguese translation for smsclient
thunderbird-locales 365713 mozilla-thunderbird-locale-de: please package locale for thunderbird
trigger 270405 ITP: trigger -- rally car racing game
uswsusp 379020 uswsusp: French debconf templates translation update
xen-tools 344081 ITP: xen-debiantools -- Tools to manage debian XEN virtual servers
xen-tools 352937 It would be nice to decide the device name style
xen-tools 363070 "virt"skel support
xen-tools 365500 xen-tools: please add a --initrd option to xen-create-image
xen-tools 366403 xen-tools: abort on existing image files
yate 377778 yate: Yate 1.0 is out
zimpl 365073 ITP: zimpl -- mathematical modeling language for optimization problems
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