Bugs closed in Debian

Ubuntu Merge-o-Matic mom at ubuntu.com
Mon Jul 17 20:23:12 BST 2006


flip                   74379   Debian Bug report logs - #74379
python2.5              5415    Debian Bug report logs - #5415
python2.5              5415    Debian Bug report logs - #5415


python2.5              143809  python2.2: indentation errors in Queue.py and urllib.py
schroot                369626  schroot: rm -rf in file chroot cleanup destroys real /home if umount fails


crm114                 377978  crm114: classifies as UNSURE spam with scores lower than -180
deskbar-applet         377041  deskbar-applet: Traceback on start, import error on gobject
ketchup                365653  ketchup: problem with stable kernels > .9
koffice                367059  krita: renders colors incorrectly on ppc
libpng                 377298  libpng: CVE-2006-3334: DoS/buffer overflow to code execution
menhir                 378260  menhir: fails to compile .mly files
nufw                   360581  nufw: Broken debconf template
python-apt             376416  python-apt: pycentral not run in postinst
python2.5              116810  python2.2-base: shlibs file out of sync
python2.5              116810  python2.2-base: shlibs file out of sync
python2.5              159564  python-elisp: wrong path in /etc/emacs/site-start.d/50python-mode.el
revelation             376149  revelation: could not import gnome.applet
revelation             376322  revelation: Won't start - can't find gnome.applet
roundup                205620  roundup: fails to run due to wrong pythoon version
simba                  378229  websimba: Broken debconf template makes package uninstallable
vzctl                  377686  "invoke-rc.d package start" in vzctl.postinst causes installation failure
xcal                   377445  xcal: Packaging not compatible with x.org?
xmms-midi              376023  No plugin in amd64 package!


bird                   378213  bird - FTBFS: Includes outdated config.sub
bird                   378252  FTBFS on amd64, ia64 and s390: machine not recognized
caudium                376516  caudium: FTBFS: no makefile found
deskbar-applet         378376  deskbar-applet - FTBFS: No package 'pygtk-2.0' found
fontforge              362123  fontforge fails to apply its patches
gcc-4.1                378321  new error: C/C++ linkage declarations conflict
gcj-4.1                378321  new error: C/C++ linkage declarations conflict
ghemical               341798  ghemical_1.91-1 (alpha/unstable): FTBFS: cast from void* to i32u loses precision
ghemical               367841  FTBFS: error: 'bool geomopt_param::confirm' is protected
ghemical               378468  FTBFS: cast from 'void*' to 'i32u' loses precision on 64bit archs
gnomemeeting           377357  gnomemeeting: FTBFS: checking for PWLib version... configure: error: Sorry but the recommended PWLib version is 1.10.0
honeyd                 377612  honeyd - FTBFS: error: libpcre not found
horde3                 378281  horde3: CVE-2006-3548 and CVE-2006-3549: multiple vulnerabilities
hwinfo                 377611  hwinfo - FTBFS: warning: implicit declaration of function 'sysfs_open_directory'
jabber-irc             376894  Uninstallable due to python transition
jless                  377248  jless: FTBFS: missing build-dep on libncurses5-dev
jython                 362292  jython: FTBFS: Obsolete Build-Depends on python2.1
libdnsres              377720  libdnsres: FTBFS: Not using -fPIC to make shared library.
libooc-x11             372743  libooc-x11: FTBFS: Configure could not find the X11 header files.
linux-2.6              377853  CONFIG_USB_STORAGE_DEBUG enabled => linux-image-2.6.16-2-nslu2 is unusable
linux-2.6.16           377853  CONFIG_USB_STORAGE_DEBUG enabled => linux-image-2.6.16-2-nslu2 is unusable
linuxtrade             378302  linuxtrade: FTBFS: No rule to make target `linuxtrade-curl.1'
mod-bt                 377595  mod-bt - FTBFS: warning: format '%d' expects type 'int', but argument 3 has type 'size_t'
pgplot5                375459  pgplot5: FTBFS: Failed to satisfy Build-Depends dependency for pgplot5: libxaw8-dev
pgplot5                375459  pgplot5: FTBFS: Failed to satisfy Build-Depends dependency for pgplot5: libxaw8-dev
pootle                 324597  pootle is unusable without jtoolkit
python-scipy           277897  python-scipy: FTBFS on arm
python-scipy           302598  python-scipy: FTBFS (amd64/gcc-4.0): invalid storage class for function 'calc_lwrk1'
python-scipy           320441  blas-dev and lapack-dev beeing removed from unstable, rebuild using atlas3 needed
python-scipy           333795  libwxgtk2.4-1-python -> python-wxgtk2.4
python2.5              82218   idle-python2: only contains docs
python2.5              85339   python2: missing build dependency
python2.5              89712   autoload path in 50python-mode.el should be .../python2-elisp/...
python2.5              122278  python2.2 doesn't build from source on powerpc (at least)
python2.5              140977  python2.2: Indentation errors in several modules
python2.5              141681  FTBFS: dl module won't build on ia64
python2.5              141681  FTBFS: dl module won't build on ia64
python2.5              172714  tkinter based applications crash
python2.5              214303  python2.3: FTBFS: Doc building wants to run "python"
python2.5              221347  latex2html moved to non-free
python2.5              221791  python: file overwrite errors
python2.5              224797  python2.3: Bad behavior of email.Charset.Charset when locale is tr_TR
python2.5              224797  python2.3: Bad behavior of email.Charset.Charset when locale is tr_TR
python2.5              226064  Latest python2.3 Breaks reportbug
python2.5              326903  python2.4_2.4.1-4(m68k/unstable/poseidon): FTBFS on m68k
python2.5              334067  python2.4: hotspot depends on non-free Python profiler
python2.5              364419  python2.4: FTBFS: test_tcl hangs.
python2.5              367618  libexpect5.43.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
qalculate-gtk          378254  FTBFS: error: 'program' was not declared in this scope
revelation             377362  revelation: FTBFS: IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/usr/share/pygtk/2.0/defs/applet.defs'
roundup                246533  libflux0: package description has no information
roundup                375840  roundup: FTBFS: execvp: ./debian/gen_htmlindex.sh: Permission denied
schoolbell             376872  Uninstallable due to python transition
schooltool             378066  python2.4-schooltool: Uninstallable due to python transition
shc                    335278  broken packaging
snmpkit                339265  library package needs to be renamed (libstdc++ allocator change)
tntnet                 378042  tntnet - FTBFS: error: zlib not found
tremulous              377419  FTBFS: architectures specified in debian/control too strict
ussp-push              376966  libbluetooth{1,2} transition, please rebuild
vcdimager              378374  vcdimager: FTBFS: missing build-dep
wmcpu                  376422  Uninstallable due to xorg transition
wmscope                376421  Uninstallable due to xorg transition
xcal                   362907  xcal: please follow xorg migration
xpdf                   367845  ftp.debian.org: zoo_2.10.orig.tar.gz missing from mirrors
yaboot                 336993  yaboot breaks booting with initramfs from xfs


bridge-utils           376914  brctl fails randomly if you have many bridges with many interfaces
camediaplay            302474  camediaplay: FTBFS on GNU/kFreeBSD
cmus                   377885  cmus: FTBFS on GNU/kFreeBSD (due to unsatisfied Build-Depends on libasound2-dev)
crm114                 378084  NEWS.Debian needs to document mailfilter configuration change
crm114                 378135  :text_cache: in mailfilter.cmr not declared
deskbar-applet         377823  Recommends unavailable python-beagle (>= 0.2.6-1)
deskbar-applet         378080  ${prefix} in icon path
fvwm-icons             209482  The package description does not follow Debian policy
fvwm95                 351516  fvwm95: Recommends unavailable xcontrib package
fvwm95                 351516  fvwm95: Recommends unavailable xcontrib package
gcc-4.1                373895  [PR28016, fixed in 3.1] g++-4.1: "multiple definition" linker errors with code that used to work
gcc-4.1                376871  Wrong template constant as symbol (PR28016).
gcj-4.1                373895  [PR28016, fixed in 3.1] g++-4.1: "multiple definition" linker errors with code that used to work
gcj-4.1                376871  Wrong template constant as symbol (PR28016).
gnome-menus            373435  Python policy transition
gnuhtml2latex          365343  gnuhtml2latex: uses \chapter in article class
hylafax                376269  hylafax-client: Error in font: get textfmt: No font metric information found for "Courier-Bold".
hylafax                377914  hylafax-server: upgrade from sarge breaks mimeencoding
initramfs-tools        378089  initramfs-tools: create /etc/initramfs-tools/conf.d in preinst before writing to it
ipython                377787  NMU to convert to updated Python policy
krb5                   364308  krb5-admin-server: kadmind stalls on system boot due to readin from /dev/random
linux-2.6              295680  libc6: getgrname returns a result that doesn't belong to /etc/group
linux-wlan-ng          378162  linux-wlan-ng-source: fails to build modules
menhir                 377803  menhir: FTBFS: error compiling stringSet.cmx
mp                     376479  mp: FTBFS: bashisms in debian/rules
partman-ext2r0         310754  Should check if labels are already in use
pgadmin3               366195  pgadmin3: Crash after pressing Help button
pgadmin3               373638  pgadmin3: crash when decrementing server status refresh rate to 0
plr                    360796  postgresql-7.4-plr: Creating language fails
pootle                 327289  translate-toolkit: doc-base file refers to non-existent manual
python-formencode      377025  python-formencode: should depends on python-dns
python-pyrss2gen       373344  Python policy transition
python-scipy           292919  python-scipy: FTBFS (m68k/unstable): typo in FPU config routine
python-scipy           373352  Python policy transition
python-uncertainities  373364  Python policy transition
python2.5              87793   python2-tk is missing a dependency
python2.5              108170  python2-dev description should mention distutils
python2.5              111340  OSError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/var/www/test.p'
python2.5              129046  python2.2-elisp is not installable
python2.5              143534  Build failure of python-opengl on arm
python2.5              150485  [fixed in 2.3] imaplib: doesn't properly support prefix-quoted strings
python2.5              158168  [SF #602259, fixed in 2.3] Canvas.scan_dragto() should take 3rd optional parm: "gain"
python2.5              159267  idle-python2.3: conflicts with python (pydoc.1.gz)
python2.5              161234  python2.3_2.2.91-1exp1(unstable/ia64): MemoryError
python2.5              200349  Python2.3 - email parsing problems
python2.5              204773  python-xmlbase: Incompatible with python2.3 (current default python version)
python2.5              218697  python2.3: segfault in unicodedata module
python2.5              230273  python2.3-dev: C++ extensions can't be linked
python2.5              307037  python2.4: FTBFS on hurd-i386: Unsatisfiable Build-Depends
python2.5              307052  python2.4: FTBFS on hurd-i386: pthread/cthreads screwup due to dropped patch
python2.5              322407  python2.3-dev: Cannot produce documentation with teTeX-3.0
python2.5              365830  python2.4: FTBFS on hurd-i386: unsatisfiable build-depends on libgpmg1
roundup                217234  roundup: anonymous user can edit self
roundup                286727  roundup: interminent error with attachment: NotModified exception thrown and not cought
schroot                329403  schroot: Clobbers files in the chroot without warning
schroot                378028  "E: Only one command may be specified"
soundconverter         367253  soundconverter: doesn't load any mp3/ogg input file
squid                  377873  squid: FTBFS on GNU/kFreeBSD
squid                  377950  unrecognized: ' httpd_accel_with_proxy on'
squid3                 377952  squid3: FTBFS: bashisms
sysprof                378413  sysprof: It is not possible to start systprof - missing libraries: libbfd-2.16.91.so
tau                    373389  Python policy transition
teg                    357645  teg: [CAN-2006-1150] Remote DOS vulnerability
thunderbird            374882  [PATCH] Preemptive fix for mips/mipsel
totem                  377367  totem: FTBFS: bashisms
tsclient               377726  tsclient: implicit pointer conversion
ttf-freefont           254113  Extra space between lines in new version of ttf-freefont
vzquota                377414  vzquota - FTBFS: comparison is always true due to limited range of data type
whois                  360741  whois: binNMU will FTBFS
xaralx                 377229  xaralx: debian/rules clean rule is not idempotent and breaks after building
xfonts-wqy             378007  strange xfonts-wqy problem on update-fonts-alias
yaboot                 377839  Yaboot source package contains a binary static library
zsh-beta               364654  zsh-beta: FTBFS on GNU/kFreeBSD - unsatisfied Build-Depends


ajaxterm               377597  entries in /var/run/utmp are not removed by ajaxterm daemon
astyle                 118203  astyle: Asterisk interpreted as multiplication rather than pointer
astyle                 201655  astyle: Padding operator breaks comment formatting
astyle                 270999  Semicolons on new line after nested class definition (C++)
astyle                 355171  astyle: "lock" keyword detection faulty.
astyle                 375760  astyle: The package in the repository is not up2date.
bcron                  375078  bcron: daily, weekly not getting run
bcron                  376244  bcron: dangerous typo needs better foolproofing
belocs-locales-bin     378132  belocs-locales-bin: collation hash collision handling wrong for magic 20051014
bfr                    217530  bfr: Build-Depends on libc6-dev, c-compiler
bfr                    217530  bfr: Build-Depends on libc6-dev, c-compiler
bfr                    359376  bfr: please finish /usr/doc transition
bird                   317733  bird buffer overflow cause crashes from command line
bugsquish              376768  Desktop file for bugsquish
camediaplay            359375  camediaplay: please finish /usr/doc transition
castle-combat          377325  [patch] Support updated Python policy
cdcontrol              359374  cdcontrol: please finish /usr/doc transition
dart                   359379  dart-server: please finish /usr/doc transition
dart                   359383  dart-client: please finish /usr/doc transition
dart                   366125  dart: Wrong upstream URL (Download.shtml instead of Download.html)
ddskk                  377227  ddskk: *Help* cannot find function's definition, please create *.el symlinks
delo                   331798  delo depends on debconf without | debconf-2.0 alternate; blocks cdebconf transition
delo                   359377  delo: please finish /usr/doc transition
diald                  331802  diald depends on debconf without | debconf-2.0 alternate; blocks cdebconf transition
diald                  359381  diald: please finish /usr/doc transition
diald                  367735  diald: must use invoke-rc.d
diffmon                331803  diffmon depends on debconf without | debconf-2.0 alternate; blocks cdebconf transition
diffmon                359380  diffmon: please finish /usr/doc transition
diploma                359392  doc-linux-text-pt: please finish /usr/doc transition
display-dhammapada     359390  display-dhammapada: please finish /usr/doc transition
dnscvsutil             359394  dnscvsutil: please finish /usr/doc transition
doc-linux-hr           359385  doc-linux-hr: please finish /usr/doc transition
doc-linux-html-pt      359393  doc-linux-html-pt: please finish /usr/doc transition
doc-linux-it           359387  doc-linux-it: please finish /usr/doc transition
doc-linux-it           359399  doc-linux-it-text: please finish /usr/doc transition
doc-linux-text-pt      359392  doc-linux-text-pt: please finish /usr/doc transition
eboard-extras-pack1    359400  eboard-extras-pack1: please finish /usr/doc transition
electric               374242  electric: lesstif1 is deprecated, transition to lesstif2
flip                   359405  flip: please finish /usr/doc transition
flip                   359405  flip: please finish /usr/doc transition
floppybackup           359409  floppybackup: please finish /usr/doc transition
focalinux              359410  focalinux-text: please finish /usr/doc transition
focalinux              359412  focalinux-html: please finish /usr/doc transition
fontforge              335263  newer version of fontforge needed to build ttf-dejavu 1.15
fvwm-icons             359406  fvwm-icons: please finish /usr/doc transition
fvwm-icons             376733  fvwm-icons: please move pixmaps to /usr/include/X11/pixmaps
fvwm95                 330793  fvwm95: doesn't clean up /usr/local stuff on remove
gcc-4.0                367799  gcc-4.0:Duplicate patch for gcc/testsuite/gcc.c-torture/compile/switch-1.c
gcc-snapshot           376616  FTBFS with GCC 4.2: warning: statement with no effect
genromfs               359407  genromfs: please finish /usr/doc transition
gjots2                 339427  gjots2: Crashes on certain operations, taking data with it
gmt-tutorial           359414  gmt-tutorial: please finish /usr/doc transition
grandfatherclock       359427  grandfatherclock: please finish /usr/doc transition
gruftistats            302962  gruftistats: Improper copyright file
gruftistats            359423  gruftistats: please finish /usr/doc transition
hanzim                 302963  hanzim: Improper copyright file
hanzim                 359419  hanzim: please finish /usr/doc transition
hbf-cns40-1            359418  hbf-cns40-1: please finish /usr/doc transition
hbf-cns40-2            359421  hbf-cns40-2: please finish /usr/doc transition
hbf-cns40-3            359425  hbf-cns40-3: please finish /usr/doc transition
hbf-cns40-4            359429  hbf-cns40-4: please finish /usr/doc transition
hbf-cns40-5            359420  hbf-cns40-5: please finish /usr/doc transition
hbf-cns40-6            359422  hbf-cns40-6: please finish /usr/doc transition
hbf-cns40-7            359437  hbf-cns40-7: please finish /usr/doc transition
hbf-cns40-b5           359426  hbf-cns40-b5: please finish /usr/doc transition
horde3                 376526  horde3/scripts/temp-cleanup.cron contain wrong path
ifrit                  376927  Desktop file for ifrit
ipfwadm                359428  ipfwadm: please finish /usr/doc transition
isdnutils              376697  isdnvboxclient: dependency on alsautils should be alsa-utils
jabref                 378189  'jabref -v' should quit after print version information
jabref                 378190  jabref: man page should mention options
jython                 315289  ITA: jython -- Python seamlessly integrated with Java
ketchup                365603  New version available
ketchup                369871  Update for -ck/-cks URLs, patch inside
koffice                354804  krita: TIFF and PNG exports don't work with a CMYK image
krb5                   373727  Please update config/config.guess
libprintsys            372654  diff for 0.6-6.1 NMU
libprintsys            372745  libprintsys: FTBFS: bashism in debian/rules
libsdl-sound1.2        377872  libsdl-sound1.2-dev: missing dependencies to devel packages
libshout               345926  libshout 2.2 is out
linux-wlan-ng          367270  MODPOST won't work with current (2.5.17-rc4)kernel versions
linux-wlan-ng          377771  linux-wlan-ng: upgrade problems with kernel 2.4
lphoto                 378202  lphoto: uninstallable: PyCentralError: package has no field Python-Version
mldonkey               354701  Please support /var/run and /var/lock on tmpfs
mldonkey               377865  mldonkey-server: hdd_free checks cannot be switched off
mldonkey               378150  Missing optional dependency to libs/libmagic1
mod-bt                 378035  libbttracker-utils: incorrect description formatting
mt-st                  294646  mt-st: Uses deprecated SCSI ioctl
mt-st                  374122  ITA: mt-st -- Linux SCSI tape driver aware magnetic tape control (aka. mt)
netpanzer              370146  netpanzer: [CVE-2006-2575] setFrame() Denial of Service Vulnerability
newbiedoc              225749  newbiedoc: newbiedoc script prefers netscape to mozilla
newbiedoc              359540  newbiedoc: please finish /usr/doc transition
newbiedoc              360198  newbiedoc: Won't start, too few arguments for basename
nfs-utils              377685  nfs-kernel-server: incorrect assumption about modules
openntpd               378474  openntpd: ships with raw man pages
pdns-recursor          367702  pdns-recursor: 3.0.1 is too verbose
pdns-recursor          376696  Please don't hardcode gcc version
pgplot5                376822  pgplot5: duplicate invocation of install-docs
pgplot5                376822  pgplot5: duplicate invocation of install-docs
picon-domains          362535  picon-domains: New upstream release 04/13/2006
picon-news             362539  picon-news: New upstream release 01/03/2006
picon-users            362541  picon-users: New upstream release 03/30/2005
polyglot               369034  polyglot: Can't open non-writable opening books
pootle                 317605  pootle: no man page
pootle                 327384  translate-toolkit: Fails to configure because of missing directory in /usr/share/doc
python-scipy           277485  python-scipy: FTBFS on ia64, hppa and s390
python-scipy           288181  python-scipy: FTBFS (amd64/gcc-4.0)
python-scipy           296796  scipy: missing pstats module
python2.5              31876   [fixed in 2.x] mhlib.SubMessage.getbodytext needs decode parameter
python2.5              46566   [fixed in 2.2] python dictionary can't be update with abstract mapping object
python2.5              51444   [fixed in 2.x] string.letters <-> locale
python2.5              64354   [fixed in 2.x] fails to print printable 8-bit characters in strings
python2.5              82088   Request build against tcl/tk8.3
python2.5              82116   README.why-python2 does not accurately describe licensing issues
python2.5              85430   Readme.Debian is out of date
python2.5              86027   libpython.so does not have proper dependencies
python2.5              89047   Wrong permissions in /usr/local/lib/python2.0 and site-python2
python2.5              89900   distutils are not working
python2.5              92962   python2-tk has broken dependencies.
python2.5              98338   [fixed in 2.2] The grid_location method is in the wrong place
python2.5              98635   Python-Elisp doesn't recognize the unofficial GNU Emacs 21
python2.5              113349  python-base: postinst script uses unqualified "python" for byte-compilation
python2.5              115895  python2.1-elisp: conflicts with python2-elisp
python2.5              115943  tries to create alternative when /usr/bin/python is a program
python2.5              116190  missing build-depends on libexpat1-dev
python2.5              118125  python2.2: Bad fpectl behavior
python2.5              119408  SyntaxError in /usr/lib/python2.2/test/badsyntax_nocaret.py
python2.5              126814  python2.2: ftplib ftp anonymous password
python2.5              128911  Python policy does not document how to package python programs
python2.5              129013  python2.2: Should include test/{__init__.py,README,pystone.py}
python2.5              129272  python2.2: Documentation and behaviour for string.split are inconsistent
python2.5              131810  [SF #512981] GNU readline doesn't work if C stdin is not a tty, even if sys.stdin is
python2.5              133179  python2.2-doc: HTML stylesheets should not be compressed
python2.5              137371  python2.2: Python segfaults with nl_langinfo
python2.5              138970  python2.2-elisp should conflict python2-elisp
python2.5              138992  python2.2: please distribute the 'dl' module
python2.5              139657  FTBFS: Build failure of python2.2 on i386
python2.5              145653  python2.2-doc: missing info docs
python2.5              147130  python2.2-dev: removal leaves .pyc and .pyo files behind
python2.5              147579  python2.2: PYTHONDOCS not set for help() facility
python2.5              147844  [fixed in 2.3] Problem with "#anchor" URLs
python2.5              158811  [SF #606254] python-elisp: py-electric-colon doesn't honour delete-selection mode
python2.5              159288  python2.3-dev -- distutils -- ccompiler problem
python2.5              159619  python-elisp: autoload points at non-existent directory 
python2.5              164602  enable largefile support on the Hurd
python2.5              170394  python2.3: /usr/bin/idle overwrites version in idle
python2.5              171061  python2.3: obsolete information in unicodedata module
python2.5              173827  [fixed in 2.3] posixpath missing getctime
python2.5              173859  the "Whats new" docs is missing
python2.5              179313  [fixed in 2.3] idle doesn't save files with non-ASCII characters
python2.5              186887  idle-python2.2: crash when doing first wxPython tutorial example
python2.5              189380  python2.3: socket.setdefaulttimeout() won't work.
python2.5              195812  python2.3: Exceptions when a thread exits
python2.5              196082  python2.3: socket.ssl fails when passed a _socketobj
python2.5              199839  os.setgroups missing in python2.3
python2.5              200084  idle crashes when I try type (before pressing enter) 'pygtk.require('2.0') after loading gtk1.
python2.5              206569  python2.2: socket.IPV6_V6ONLY missing
python2.5              207161  python2.3 gettext failure; requires codecs.
python2.5              207337  python2.3: files in Doc/tools are not copied into binary package
python2.5              208005  Python packages do not include binfmts support
python2.5              212672  python2.3: os.fsync() has dissapeard in Python 2.3.1 (#2, Sep 24 2003, 11:39:14)
python2.5              214217  python2.3: broken symlink .../doc/python/html
python2.5              219821  python-elisp: does not follow autoloading conventions
python2.5              220308  python-elisp: typo in 50python-mode.el (missing right paren)
python2.5              221523  Causes build failures
python2.5              223520  python-elisp: highlight error
python2.5              229281  python crasher in XmlInitUnknownEncodingNS
python2.5              239237  python2.3: locale module is segfaulting on locale.ERA
python2.5              239986  SystemError: ../Objects/unicodeobject.c:278: bad argument to internal function
python2.5              247211  [patch] Building python on hurd-i386
python2.5              249006  python2.3-dev: missing file /usr/lib/python2.3/distutils/command/wininst.exe
python2.5              249816  python2.3: locale.getdefaultlocale fails with empty environment variables
python2.5              250826  python2.3-doc: Python/C API documents PyModule_AddIntConstant incorrectly
python2.5              290898  python2.4: debian/copyright is not uptodate
python2.5              290898  python2.4: debian/copyright is not uptodate
python2.5              311677  README.Debian refers to python2.3 doc directory
python2.5              348335  python2.4: missing file for bdist_wininst distutils command
python2.5              366473  main python package should include /usr/lib/python2.4/config/Makefile
quagga                 378274  man 8 ospfd mentions --log_mode but it doesn't exist
rkhunter               369672  rkhunter: incorrect check for presence of SHAREDIR in config
rkhunter               370643  rkhunter: debian architecture support
rkhunter               377129  rkhunter should not depend on mailx
roundup                193843  roundup: web form loses changes in case of error 
roundup                193891  roundup: Configuration information in non-conffile /usr/lib/cgi-bin/roundup.cgi
roundup                193892  roundup: CGI script is not executable
roundup                194838  roundup: logrotate expects a log which is not always there 
roundup                196010  roundup: Missing dep to the python csv module
roundup                198426  roundup: Backport of sorting/grouping bug from head
roundup                199132  roundup.cgi has no write permission in db directory
roundup                228287  roundup: Unhandled exception with invalid OTK during reg
roundup                252629  roundup: Choosing "(list)" links for Superseder, Nosy list, etc. broken
roundup                252839  roundup: wrong format for argument in date.py
roundup                294333  roundup: mentioned additional detectors not packaged
roundup                324389  roundup: registering does not work ("too many redirects")
roundup                324557  ITA: roundup -- an issue-tracking system
roundup                365054  Roundup startup script
rsrce                  340533  exporting resources as binary
sbuild                 378283  Fails with "dpkg --set-selections failed"
schoolbell             362981  schoolbell: The homepage URL in the package description is broken
schroot                354462  schroot: run.d/50sbuild does not create /var/lib/sbuild/srcdep-lock
schroot                354526  bashisms/XSIisms in scripts
schroot                354780  schroot: dangling schroot sessions if killed with -HUP
schroot                355880  Segfaults immediately until I remove /etc/dchroot.conf
schroot                362205  FTBFS with GCC 4.2: no matching function for call
schroot                364332  exec script 10mount fails if /dev/shm missing
schroot                372569  schroot session recovery requires explicit root access
schroot                372874  schroot: Please provide linux personality support
schroot                374713  Aborts if cd fails but seems to use pwd -P
schroot                374887  dchroot should run command using shell's -c option, like su
schroot                377433  FTBFS with GCC 4.2: ... should have been declared inside 'sbuild'
schroot                378152  schroot: Terminal settings not restored on exit
shadow                 374457  passwd: postinstall "install" path does not exist
shadow                 374547  ^C and ^Z don't work in init=/bin/login mode
shadow                 375040  useradd do not create the mail spool (even with CREATE_MAIL_SPOOL=yes in /etc/default/useradd)
shadow                 375086  INTL:vi translation for shadow
shadow                 377825  passwd: chpasswd/chgpasswd break if compiled with SSP
slimserver             361834  slimserver fails to convert ogg vorbis correctly: produces noise
snmpkit                373109  snmpkit: FTBFS: bashisms
squashfs               377797  Does not build against po4a in stable
squashfs               377831  NMU diff for 3.0-5.1
stunnel4               377074  package doesn't create /var/lib/stunnel4
tcc                    372908  tcc: FTBFS on GNU/kFreeBSD; Architecture field too restrictive
teatime                342518  teatime: New and (hopefully) much improved version available.
teg                    322103  ITA: teg -- Turn based strategy game
thunderbird            370254  document -safe-mode in thunderbird.1
thunderbird            377176  FTBFS with GCC 4.2: C/C++ linkage declarations conflict
tla                    361095  tla: Diff for NMU 1.3.3-3.1
tla                    370272  diff for 1.3.3-3.3 NMU
ttf-freefont           358526  "st" ligature problems also show up in FreeSerif
vorbis-tools           364527  really support large files
vserver-debiantools    368971  newvserver don't work with debootstraps from sarge
whois                  377953  whois: ASN assignment update
wings3d                368072  ITA: wings3d -- Nendo-inspired 3D polygon mesh modeller
xaralx                 368815  xaralx: splash screen stays on top
xfonts-cmex-big5p      359607  xfonts-cmex-big5p: please finish /usr/doc transition
xfonts-cmex-big5p      362363  xfonts-cmex-big5p: X fonts transition
xless                  166813  Xless scrollbars gone under Woody
xless                  359606  xless: please finish /usr/doc transition
xml2                   359608  xml2: please finish /usr/doc transition
xmms                   378390  ITA: xmms -- Versatile X audio player
xpdf                   165047  xpdf-reader: wmaker dock still visible in fullscreen mode
xpdf                   168970  xpdf-reader: Widgets still visible in -fullscreen mode under KDE
xpdf                   192397  xpdf: -fullscreen broke on the latest upgrade
xpdf                   247602  Starting xpdf fullscreen doesn't work in Ion
xpdf                   329804  xpdf should probably depend on gsfonts-x11
xpdf                   362496  xpdf: Fullscreen mode broken in Gnome
yaboot                 233810  yaboot does not recognizes RAID file systems
yaboot                 288008  ofpath doesn't know firewire
yaboot                 294081  yaboot: ofpath improperly handles a second sata hard drive.
yaboot                 354974  ITA: yaboot -- Yet Another Bootloader
zsh-beta               344985  Missing version on texi2html build-dep


abiword                358494  abiword-common: Add support for StartupNotify in launcher
bfr                    277227  package description typo(s) and the like
bfr                    369807  Typo: "its an unexpected" --> "it's an unexpected"
cdcontrol              350734  cdcontrol: typo in README.Debian: "confiration"
defendguin             372922  defendguin: please consider not shipping l2r.sh
flip                   124619  flip: Spelling error in description
flip                   153324  flip: Help text mentions nonexistant invokation aliases
flip                   153324  flip: Help text mentions nonexistant invokation aliases
flip                   278391  installing doesn't setup toms/toix links (see: 'flip -h' and 'man flip')
fvwm-icons             166755  fvwm-icons: Typo in description
gjots2                 355819  should be "arch: all"
horde3                 357377  Package lacks CREDITS file
isdnutils              350576  isdnutils: typos in debconf templates
isdnutils              351072  [INTL: de] updated german debconf translation
liboping               378473  liboping: Switched long package descriptions
libphp-jabber          377366  libphp-jabber: short description does not stand on its own
mdadm                  376009  mdadm: AUTOSTART should control the stopping of arrays as well and default to off 
newbiedoc              169334  newbiedoc: repeated words on file:///usr/share/doc/newbiedoc/newbiedoc-html/index.html
newbiedoc              223503  newbiedoc: minor errors in runlevel-intro
nslu2-utils            365789  slugimage: typo in short description: firm_w_are
pdns-recursor          369957  Typo in config file - server.id should be id.server
psycopg                376538  zope-psycopgda: Please add support (and "depends:") for zope 2.9.
python-formencode      377031  python-formencode: typo in the description of the package
python-scipy           322796  python2.4-scipy: cow cluster.start() doesn't show progress
python2.5              87783   python-elisp: bad depends line
python2.5              94770   [fixed in 2.2 CVS] Documentation strings should end with a period
python2.5              99692   python2 will not compile if including readline support
python2.5              167718  python2.2-elisp: file in /usr/share not universally readable
python2.5              177739  python2.3: libexpat1-dev is not needed anymore
python2.5              200298  grammar.txt missing
python2.5              202864  Please don't delete /etc/python2.2/ on purge
python2.5              220510  python2.3-doc: string module cut/paste documentation error
python2.5              220954  python2.3-doc: builtin super() signature missing a comma
python2.5              232785  Half-broken dependency on emacs20
python2.5              246332  python2.3: `pygettext' is obsolete (use xgettext)
python2.5              291049  smtpd.py installed both in /usr/bin and /usr/lib/python2.4
python2.5              327487  python2.4-minimal: PVER not substituted in README.Debian
python2.5              365772  python2.4: little typo in pdb2.4(1)
quagga                 376142  quagga: please create /var/run directory in init script if missing
rkhunter               369436  rkhunter: man page typos
roundup                222857  roundup: Issue list activity column shows "tomorrow" instead of "yesterday"
roundup                251457  roundup: incorrect filenames in README.Debian
roundup                251849  roundup: scripts missing
roundup                283315  minor flaws in run, README.Debian and roundup-ctl
roundup                283770  roundup: Typo in error message for invalid login
roundup                313700  fiaif: [INTL:de] German PO file corrections
roundup                345600  roundup: README.Debian incorrectly refers to config,py
ruby1.9                344294  README.Debian improvement suggestion
schroot                331550  manpage says sbuild instead of schroot
schroot                354477  manpage options don't jive with --help
schroot                361108  first part of README.Debian isn't Debian specific
schroot                366608  please don't complain if alias name equals chroot name
schroot                369633  schroot.conf(5) ambiguity, schroot(1) error and formatting
schroot                373943  schroot: Alignment issues in UTF-8 locales
shc                    300626  shc: Bad debian/control file entry ("Suggest:")
tcl8.4                 277826  tcl8.4-dev: Underquoted definitions in tcl.m4
vorbis-tools           353184  'man ogg123' typo: "harddrive"
vorbis-tools           353185  'man oggenc' typo: "homogenous"
whois                  363550  whois: Minor error in German translation (6to3)
xmoto                  376228  xmoto: missing space after "Ghost of"


bip                    357851  Please add a watch file
bip                    357855  Please add an init script
courierpassd           244693  ITP: courierpassd -- Change courier user passwords using poppassd interface
delo                   250269  delo: Please switch to gettext-based debconf templates
enet                   375429  ITP: libenet -- simple and robust network communication layer on top of UDP
evms                   364457  please rename to linux-patch-evms
flip                   72907   Proposed clarifications and additions for package description
flip                   102391  stdin - stdout conversion?
gapcmon                369146  ITP: gapcmon -- ups monitor
gbdfed                 350506  ITP: gbdfed -- Bitmap Font Editor
gip                    343478  gip: [INTL:sv] Swedish PO-template translation
gjots2                 347518  gjots2: new upstream version available
hddtemp                378118  hddtemp: include lsb init-functions in init script
hibernate              372150  hibernate: support kbd instead of console-tools
horde3                 373235  update for README.Debian for horde3
isdnutils              348877  isdnutils: [INTL:sv] Swedish debconf templates translation
isdnutils              363099  isdnutils: [INTL:it] Italian debconf templates translation
kid3                   308121  kid3: Option to disable id3v2 tags
liboping               377527  ITP: liboping -- C library to generate ICMP_ECHO requests
libshout               376063  libshout3: 2.2.2 has been released
linux-2.6              377151  linux-2.6: please set CONFIG_SERIAL_8250_NR_UARTS higher than 4
luola                  376540  Please stop Build-Depending on automake
mdadm                  376181  mdadm: [INTL:ru] Russian debconf templates translation
mdadm                  377071  mdadm: Please add periodic "check sync_action" support to the package
mdadm                  377412  mdadm: [INTL:nl] Dutch translation update
mdadm                  377968  mdadm: French debconf templates translation update
mmpython               372821  ITP: mmpython -- Media Metadata for Python
mt-st                  251114  wish stinit was called by udev not modprobe
muse                   377669  muse: [INTL:da] Updated Danish debconf translation
opencity               359340  ITP: opencity -- a 3D city simulator game
partman-newworld       301103  partman-newworld: FTBFS (ppc64): Please support the ppc64 architecture
partman-prep           301106  partman-prep: FTBFS (ppc64): Please support the ppc64 architecture
partman-prep           301108  partman-prep: FTBFS (ppc64): Please support the ppc64 architecture
picon-misc             372998  picon-misc: debmake is deprecated
picon-unknown          372980  picon-unknown: debmake is deprecated
picon-usenix           372974  picon-usenix: debmake is deprecated
picon-weather          372981  picon-weather: debmake is deprecated
pngnq                  378148  pnqnq: New upstream version available
pootle                 353051  ITP: pootle -- Web-based translation and translation management tool
postfix                378074  postfix: Postfix 2.3 stable release available
postfix                378109  postfix: Stable version 2.3 + patches
python-mode            378441  python-mode: please autoload py-shell
python-scipy           126037  ITP: scipy -- scientific python environment
python2.5              38628   [fixed in 2.3] getopt picky command line parsing
python2.5              96851   I want my, I want my, I want my 2.1
python2.5              107849  Python 2.1.1 is out and compatible with GNU
python2.5              110243  New upstream version is available
python2.5              139971  [fixed in 2.3] [SF #588768] compileall.py doesnt compile files
python2.5              152543  python2.2: Please enable IPv6 support
python2.5              159628  [SF #606250] python-mode kills arrow in gdb (gud.el)
python2.5              159630  [SF #606251] python-mode doesn't recognize comment-syntax, can't wrap with M-q
python2.5              163785  python2.2: [PATCH] adding a note to python-policy.sgml about unusual python programs.
python2.5              171062  python2.3: please consider compiling python packages with wide unicode characters
python2.5              186775  python2.2: cant find docs for 'while'
python2.5              211882  should conflict with older versions of python2.3-doc package
python2.5              231091  python-dev: libc6-dev should be suggested
roundup                68709   ITP: Roundup -- A Simple and Effective Issue Tracker in Python
roundup                214472  roundup: should include ZRoundup (perhaps as separate package?)
roundup                247664  roundup version 0.7.0 is out
roundup                343283  roundup: suggested addition to README.Debian wrt. mail gateway configuration with Exim
rsrce                  365655  creating resources (new functionality)
sane-backends-extras   350436  libsane: rules for Stylus CX7800
schroot                315104  ITP: schroot -- Execute commands in a chroot environment
schroot                324914  schroot: typo in FILES section of manpage
schroot                354237  schroot does not allow multiple chroots on a filesystem
schroot                354257  schroot: plain chroots should use bind mounts
schroot                354344  schroot: please use mount --rbind when mounting session-managed plain chroots
schroot                354513  schroot: Allow all commands run in a chroot to be prefixed with another command
schroot                363475  please change to $HOME if $PWD doesn't exist in chroot
shadow                 374313  [INTL:lt] Updated Lithuanian debconf translation
shadow                 374998  shadow: [INTL:ru] Updated Russian translation
shadow                 375065  [INTL:km] shadow translation
shadow                 375243  [INTL:ko] Korean shadow translation
shadow                 375485  [INTL:ne] Nepali shadow translation
shadow                 377003  [INTL:nl] Shadow debconf dutch translation
shc                    338451  shc: new tarball available (3.8.3)
slimserver             365410  slimserver: French debconf templates translation update
slimserver             367172  [l10n] Czech translation of slimserver debconf messages
slimserver             376978  slimserver: Please package newer stable upstream 6.3.0
snmpkit                376630  Please stop Build-Depending on automake
snmpkit                376791  Please stop Build-Depending on automake
strigiapplet           377958  ITP: strigiapplet -- KDE applet for Strigi Desktop Search
sudoku                 378167  ITP: sudoku -- console based sudoku
tremulous-data         363581  ITP: tremulous -- Team based FPS game with elements of an RTS
vorbis-tools           357421  please consider including batch editing script
wings3d                360723  wings3d: A new upstream version is available 0.98.32a
xdebconfigurator       359625  xdebconfigurator: [INTL:tl] Tagalog templates translation
xdebconfigurator       367354  xdebconfigurator: [INTL:th] Thai Translation
xdebconfigurator       372863  [INTL:ne] Nepali xdebconfigurator translation
xdebconfigurator       374923  [INTL:km] xdebconfigurator translation
yaboot                 261488  [Intl:de] German translation of yaboot(8)
yaboot                 375680  Ubuntu and Fedora patches reviewing
yeahconsole            362856  ITP: yeahconsole -- drop-down X terminal emulator wrapper
zmakebas               377021  ITP: zmakebas -- convert text files into ZX Spectrum Basic programs
zope-epoz              378127  zope-epoz: doesn't install with zope 2.9

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