Bugs closed in Debian
Ubuntu Merge-o-Matic
mom at ubuntu.com
Mon Dec 4 09:29:36 GMT 2006
mailscanner 212763 mailscanner cronjob killed my system
mailscanner 230692 Install of mailscanner *breaks Apt / dpkg*
mailscanner 146987 mailscanner fails to install
mailscanner 152481 mailscanner: Mailscanner fails to install
mailscanner 209154 mailscanner: hangs on apt installation
mailscanner 266599 mailscanner: fails to install
mailscanner 267794 mailscanner: /etc/MailScanner/CustomConfig.pm not installed by package
mailscanner 276199 since last upgrade, mailscanner refuses to process new messages
twiki 401303 CVE-2006-6071: TWiki Authentication Bypass Vulnerability
emacs21 396875 emacs21-common: Must include a copy of the GFDL
gaim 401295 gaim: Adjust build-dep libsasl2-2-dev -> libsasl2-dev
libapache-dbi-perl 361031 Version 0.94 is ancient and should not be used
mailscanner 293667 Mailscanner Wont Upgrade Or Install After Removing Old Version
mailscanner 299922 mailscanner: lock/pid file location violates fhs
mailscanner 306220 mailscanner: Should be moved to contrib: dependency on unrar unsatisfiable in main
mailscanner 318137 mailscanner: /usr/sbin/update_virus_scanners don't update virus scanners
zeroc-icee 400916 zeroc-icee: FTBFS: No rule to make target `IceAtomic.o'
gaim 398399 gaim: Cruhes when request contact info from icq, msn contacts using jabber-transports.
mailscanner 138903 mailscanner: The check_mailscanner script is wrong
mailscanner 141331 mailscanner: mailscanner does not restart if it had stopped while processing a message
mailscanner 174731 mailscanner: anti-virus wrapper script for clamav has incorrect mode
mailscanner 193424 Missing -D File Causes Infinite Loop
mailscanner 221671 /etc/cron.d/mailscanner does not respect run_nice
mailscanner 230274 mailscanner: missing dependencies
mailscanner 230320 mailscanner: mistake in README.exim4
mailscanner 238173 mailscanner: conffile handling broken
mailscanner 238173 mailscanner: conffile handling broken
mailscanner 255897 mailscanner: freezing on start
mailscanner 256430 mailscanner: /usr/sbin/update_virus_scanners does not honour /etc/MailScanner/autoupdate directory
mailscanner 256430 mailscanner: /usr/sbin/update_virus_scanners does not honour /etc/MailScanner/autoupdate directory
mailscanner 259596 mailscanner: Missing dependency on coreutils
mailscanner 262074 mailscanner: updated version that "Sanity Checks" directories in startup script doesn't have stat package as a dependency
mailscanner 262079 mailscanner: New version of Messages.pm required to allow detection of MyDoom.O
mailscanner 263810 mailscanner: init.d script's "sanity checks" require "run as" lines in conf file, but MailScanner doesn't
mailscanner 263810 mailscanner: init.d script's "sanity checks" require "run as" lines in conf file, but MailScanner doesn't
mailscanner 264676 mailscanner: dirs installed with multiple user/group values, but are checked for single user/group
mailscanner 265282 4.32.5-{1,2} upgrades broke with at least new 'move CustomFunctions' code
mailscanner 265950 mailscanner: hangs on install
mailscanner 269050 mailscanner: upgrade fails when trying to mv CustomFunctions on themselves
mailscanner 270365 mailscanner: Problems upgrading
mailscanner 295442 mailscanner: README.exim4 should mention logrotate.d/exim4-base
mailscanner 305496 mailscanner: exim split spool support seems broken
mailscanner 319258 mailscanner: respawn broken - what happenned to MailScanner.off lock ?
mozplugger 401418 mozplugger isn't seen by iceweasel
twiki 400212 twiki: Requires apache-common when apache2.2 installed
twiki 400213 twiki: Reconfiguring package leads to warning in Apache 2.2
twiki 400226 twiki: tools/mailnotify not included in package
twiki 400226 twiki: tools/mailnotify not included in package
twiki 400977 twiki: Accessing wiki with .../twiki/ URL should not display pub contents
directfb 354624 Module linux_input does not handle correctly devices wich
directfb 375402 g-i: weird touchpad behavior
directfb 383608 debian-installer: touchpad doesn't work
directfb 383866 Synaptic touchpad does not work on HP/Compaq NX7010
directfb 395067 installation-report: No touchpad and other issues for HP Pavillion dv1117 Laptop
directfb 395118 installation-report: No touchpad and other issues for HP Pavillion dv1117 Laptop
directfb 400579 Please apply this patch to DirectFB 0.9.25
distributed-net 99954 the shutdown process should not freeze when a /etc/init.d script freezes
distributed-net 398454 distributed-net: on AMD64 restart doesn't work because stop exits non zero
emacs21 381484 emacs21-common: ldap.el fails to parse literal values in ldapsearch output
emacs21 395501 emacs21: M-x yow signals an error
gaim 394989 gaim: Doesn't notice resolv.conf changes
gaim 400002 gaim segfaults in DigestCalcResponse()
gaim 400496 keybindings not working in gaim-text beta5
gauche-gl 388577 gauche-gl: glXGetProcAddressARB vs glXGetProcAddress
gnomebaker 398364 gnomebaker: In-project directory creation is buggy
libcache-memcached-perl 399734 stats does not work
mailscanner 134781 mailscanner: does not allow exim-tls in dependency
mailscanner 142686 mailscanner: messages rejected by exim messages due to leftover cruft in defer
mailscanner 144736 mailscanner: When "Use SpamAssassin = yes", marks all mail as {SPAM?}
mailscanner 154160 mailscanner: The current instructions for sendmail are wrong
mailscanner 154781 mailscanner: Please reduce 'tnef' dependancy to 'recommends' or 'suggests'
mailscanner 156553 mailscanner: please patch stable/unstable versions to fix security issues
mailscanner 157851 mailscanner: files remain in exim's msglog
mailscanner 161537 mailscanner: apt-get --purge remove mailscanner fails
mailscanner 165653 f-prot-installer: mentioned script for use with mailscanner does not exist
mailscanner 175196 mailscanner+razor: won't write configuration files
mailscanner 185068 mailscanner & f-prot-installer
mailscanner 187653 mailscanner: Mailscanner outdated - Problems with f-prot
mailscanner 187763 mailscanner and f-prot 3.13 changes
mailscanner 190282 mailscanner: f-prot-output parser obsolete
mailscanner 193423 mailscanner won't upgrade if not running
mailscanner 194179 mailscanner: Exim instructions are wrong
mailscanner 207228 mailscanner: /etc/MailScanner/virus.scanners.conf points to /opt/MailScanner/lib/*
mailscanner 207371 virus.scanners.conf entries are wrong
mailscanner 212395 mailscanner: changed headers not reflected in spamassassin conf
mailscanner 217464 mailscanner: upgrade_MailScanner_conf is not included
mailscanner 227004 mailscanner: does not erase input spool per-message log files when using exim
mailscanner 232048 Wrong permission on /var/lib/MailScanner
mailscanner 232350 MailScanner: MailScanner.conf defaults to "Notify Senders = yes", which is a major source of spam
mailscanner 232385 Upgrade choices confusing.
mailscanner 234721 Quarantined email is not saved as queue files with default configuration
mailscanner 236139 mailscanner: Some Attachements go through unscanned
mailscanner 237224 CusomConfig.pm should be a config file ?
mailscanner 241345 mailscanner: Autoupdate script for virus signature is broken
mailscanner 241346 mailscanner: Autoupdate virus signature script is not put in cron.daily by default
mailscanner 244231 mailscanner: CustomFunctions in MailScanner.conf
mailscanner 244282 mailscanner: f-prot autoupdate not working
mailscanner 247632 mailscanner: ConfigDefs.pl debianization, calls upstream /opt/MailScanner paths
mailscanner 247633 mailscanner does not depend or suggest libnet-ldap-perl
mailscanner 247699 cron.daily script too restrictive
mailscanner 257304 mailscanner: new check_dir code in /etc/init.d/mailscanner breaks when there is no RunAs entry in MailScanner.conf, breaks install.
mailscanner 260235 Init script checks for existence of user info in conf file which is not required for sendmail
mailscanner 265962 Symlinks trying to be created to non-existent files?
mailscanner 266303 Unable to install mailscanner
mailscanner 267177 mailscanner: it wont upgrade because of "wrong" owner of directory /var/spool/MailScanner
mailscanner 304168 mailscanner: DCC path in spam.assassin.prefs.conf is wrong
mailscanner 304589 mailscanner: sophos-autoupdate broken (uses wrong VDLDir)
mailscanner 309641 mailscanner: superfluous file /etc/spam.assassin.prefs.conf
mailscanner 309778 mailscanner: why dependency on ncftp | wget ?
mailscanner 321039 mailscanner: postinst fails when run non-interactively
mailscanner 332020 mailscanner depends on debconf without | debconf-2.0 alternate; blocks cdebconf transition
twiki 40212 MySQL is changing timestamp fields on an update without being told
twiki 333679 [Waiting for submitter] twiki: dpkg-reconfigure error for all apache conf.d
xxdiff 390091 xxdiff-scripts: xx-sql-schemas and xx-cvs-revcmp missing modules
zeroc-ice-csharp 400227 libzeroc-ice-cil: description line start by ' .NET'
distributed-net 212871 distributed-net: debian/apm misuses on_ac_power
hddtemp 401428 Please mention SATA and PATA in the description
jsch 391988 advpng: makes 2-bit PNGs become 8-bit
mailscanner 136124 mailscanner postinst message contains wrong configfile location
mailscanner 138735 mailscanner: README.exim-daemon has swapped src/dst in ln command
mailscanner 164051 check_mailscanner should honor /etc/default/mailscanner
mailscanner 165656 mailscanner: /etc/mailscanner/wrapper/f-protwrapper has wrong directory
mailscanner 165673 mailscanner: default headers should use rfc822-compliant capitalization
mailscanner 165673 mailscanner: default headers should use rfc822-compliant capitalization
mailscanner 197291 mailscanner: fills logs with clamav on SMP
mailscanner 206940 mailscanner: cron script too noisy
mailscanner 207604 mailscanner: Displays error message in cron.daily
mailscanner 220369 mailscanner 4 complains it can't upgrade config on a clean (config-purged) machine
mailscanner 225825 mailscanner: Proofread Spanish messages
mailscanner 234115 mailscanner: update_virus_scanners fixes
mailscanner 235767 mailscanner: logcheck filter file
mailscanner 244343 mailscanner: wrong regular expressions in logcheck
mailscanner 246127 Garbage under "Minimum Code Status" in mailscanner.conf man page.
mailscanner 293892 mailscanner: README.exim4 should mention using split configuration files
mailscanner 312747 INTL:vi
mailscanner 320734 mailscanner: tweak to logcheck rules
mailscanner 330451 mailscanner: [INTL:de] German translation
distributed-net 155845 distributed-net: undocumented update of buffers when ppp link comes up
distributed-net 346168 distributed-net: Uses 5% CPU when other processes are active
fonty 337007 fonty: [INTL:sv] Swedish debconf templates translation
hylafax 400029 hylafax: [INTL:ja] Updated Japanese po-debconf template translation (ja.po)
libexception-class-perl 392322 libexception-class-perl: old version
libimager-perl 388575 Please package new upstream release 0.54
libtest-mockobject-perl 348889 libtest-mockobject-perl: New upstream version
mailscanner 128646 ITP: mailscanner - An email virus scanner and spam tagger
mailscanner 144522 mailscanner: Sophos installation paths do not work with packaged version
mailscanner 147887 mailscanner: missing support for clamav
mailscanner 148031 mailscanner: please do more automatic MTA setup
mailscanner 173462 RTF is safe, I think
mailscanner 173814 MailScanner Suggestions
mailscanner 176676 mailscanner: avoid auto-mail errors
mailscanner 177028 mailscanner: block .exe and .com by default
mailscanner 180185 mailscanner: Mailscanner v4.x is out, but v3.x is in Debian
mailscanner 185694 mailscanner-3.27 doesn't support Trend. 4.x does.
mailscanner 228595 mailscanner: Please update Dependencies to exim4
mailscanner 234610 mailscanner: Please switch to gettext-based debconf templates
mailscanner 236004 Please package 4.28.4 - Includes ability to deal with passworded zip's
mailscanner 239219 mailscanner: Japanese po-debconf template translation (ja.po)
mailscanner 242226 mailscanner: French debconf templates translation
mailscanner 242280 mailscanner: shorten conf file upgrade process
mailscanner 243276 mailscanner: wrong character code with Japanese po-debconf template (ja.po)
mailscanner 266928 mailscanner: Please add German translation of the debconf templates
mailscanner 274904 [INTL:nl] new dutch po-debconf translation
mailscanner 298779 Czech po tepmplates for mailscanner
mailscanner 330780 mailscanner: [INTL:sv] Swedish debconf templates translation
ruby1.8 396304 soap4r should not request USE_SOAP_PROXY, or it should be standardized
ruby1.8 399706 soap4r should not request USE_SOAP_PROXY, or it should be standardized
twiki 211237 [Waiting for submitter] twiki: crontab and .mailnotify time stamps
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