[Bug 58277] Please sync wide-dhcpv6 (universe) from Debian unstable

Jérémie Corbier jcorbier at ubuntu.com
Wed Aug 30 23:54:16 BST 2006

Public bug reported:

 affects distros/ubuntu/wide-dhcpv6
 status confirmed
 subscribe ubuntu-archive


Please sync wide-dhcpv6 (universe) from Debian unstable (main).

No Ubuntu changes. The packages builds fine in an up-to-date edgy

Changelog since current edgy version 20060322-2:

wide-dhcpv6 (20060322-4) unstable; urgency=medium

  * debian/wide-dhcpv6-*.postinst: don't modify
    /etc/default/wide-dhcpv6-${daemon} if it already exists.
  * debian/patches:
    -> Removed 03_dhcp6c_pid_dump.dpatch, 04_dhcp6s_pid_dump.dpatch and
    -> Added 03_pid_dump.dpatch: upstream patch.

 -- Jeremie Corbier <jeremie.corbier at resel.enst-bretagne.fr>  Mon, 21
Aug 2006 23:17:46 +0200

wide-dhcpv6 (20060322-3) unstable; urgency=low

  * debian/scripts/dhcp6c-script:
    -> Added resolvconf support if it is installed, thanks to Mattias Guns
       (Closes: #369674).
  * debian/patches:
    -> 01_Makefile.in.dpatch: removes a bashism which caused a FTBFS if
       /bin/sh does not point to bash (Closes: #376369).
    -> 08_support-include-statement.dpatch: upstream patch allowing the use of
       include statements in config files.
    -> 02_remove-if-USE_POOL-macros.dpatch: upstream patch removing #ifdef
       USE_POOL macros since it is always enabled (patch needed by
    -> Removed old 02_client-bind-to-link-local.dpatch and
  * Bumped up Standards-Version to (no changes).

 -- Jeremie Corbier <jeremie.corbier at resel.enst-bretagne.fr>  Sat,  8
Jul 2006 14:38:23 +0200


** Affects: wide-dhcpv6 (Ubuntu)
     Importance: Untriaged
         Status: Confirmed

Please sync wide-dhcpv6 (universe) from Debian unstable

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