Bugs closed in Debian
Ubuntu Merge-o-Matic
mom at ubuntu.com
Sun Aug 27 00:32:46 BST 2006
fglrx-driver 366564 fglrx-driver: new version crashes kernel
bacula 384433 bacula-director-mysql: can not be started due to mysql version mismatch
fglrx-driver 355485 Kernel BUG at arch/i386/mm/pageattr.c:137, no conole after logging out of X
fglrx-driver 378496 fglrx-kernel-src: fails to compile
fglrx-driver 383974 FTBFS: moc_AdjustPage.cpp:12:2: error: #error "The header file 'AdjustPage.h' doesn't include <QObject>."
gnome-system-tools 309932 boot-admin should not be in unstable
guessnet 193411 "NetWatcher.cc:85: virtual void* NetWatcherImpl::main(): Assertion `packet != 0' failed."
guessnet 193796 guessnet: Network detection fails due to typo in ARP-Packet handling
guessnet 257325 guessnet-ifupdown not included
guessnet 257325 guessnet-ifupdown not included
qt-x11-free 342545 qt-x11-free build fails
glibc 181494 glibc: contains non-free docs
guessnet 120965 guessnet_0.10-1(unstable/ia64): missing build-depends
guessnet 180161 guessnet_0.15-1(unstable/ia64): FTBFS: missing build depend?
guessnet 225221 guessnet_0.25-1(hppa/unstable): FTBFS: compile errors
guessnet 226934 guessnet_0.26-1(m68k/unstable/poseidon): fails to build from source
guessnet 235591 guessnet: unexpected exception in ifconfig mode
guessnet 240759 guessnet_0.27-1(hppa/unstable): FTBFS: missing build-depends
guessnet 240781 guessnet: always selects the last interface
libcgi-session-expiresessions-perl 384732 libcgi-session-expiresessions-perl: FTBFS: Missing Build-Depends on 'libcgi-session-perl'
maildrop 381097 maildrop_2.0.2-1(sparc/experimental): FTBFS: pcre.h not found
xprint-utils 383167 xprint-utils: FTBFS: debian/tmp/usr/share/man/man1/xdpr.1x: No such file or directory
apt-listchanges 384413 apt-listchanges: tracebacks when run by aptitude
apt-listchanges 384574 apt-listchanges: TypeError: encode() argument 1 must be string, not None
beagle 366782 beagle: indexer hangs forever in the middle of its run
beagle 368002 beagle: Indexing stuck on "Optimize KMailIndex", searching works
beagle 383439 Broken Conflicts/Replaces with wrong version
fglrx-driver 375001 fglrx-kernel-src refuses to build against kernel
freeloader 380797 Python transition (#2): you are building a private python module !
freeloader 382782 Please update python-gamin dep
guessnet 180403 guessnet does not work on uninitialized interfaces or interfaces without an IP address
guessnet 195393 guessnet: ifupdown mode broken - fails to find any scans
guessnet 220470 guessnet: Hangs on thread join
guessnet 257216 guessnet: Fails to intercept test-pppoe output and thus misleads ifupdown
guessnet 276787 guessnet: FTBFS on amd64: missing includes for pthread_kill.
guessnet 294346 /usr/share/guessnet/test/test-wireless: line 52: ip: command not found
guessnet 337199 guessnet fails to run test commands
guessnet 357182 FTBFS with G++ 4.1: extra qualification
inform 381249 inform: Please include all include files
mysql-dfsg-5.0 383700 request-tracker3.4: AutoCommit croak in RT while trying to Resolve ticket
reportbug 384617 reportbug crashs ith urid
stlport5.1 384247 FTBFS (alpha): wchar_t workaround is obsolete
xulrunner 383053 galeon: many failures, apparently javascript related
xulrunner 383056 epiphany: many problems, seemingly javascript related
xulrunner 383313 epiphany-browser: epiphany hangs on some websites
beagle 376957 beagle: beagle-search always opens directories with nautilus
bridge-utils 383938 bridge-utils: Wrong error message
cowdancer 384030 cowdancer: please allow --debootstrapopts (like pbuilder) to create i386 build chroots under amd64
file-roller 384459 file-roller: doesn't work with p7zip
gdhcpd 380732 gdhcpd: "must be root" dialogue close button won't work
glibc 361064 glibc: [patch] make building glibc-2.4 without __thread support possible
gnome-system-tools 365392 diff for 2.14.0-1.1 NMU of gnome-system-tools
gnome-system-tools 384675 gnome-system-tools: boot-admin binary is missing
guessnet 121985 does not compile on s390 architecture
guessnet 156179 guessnet uninstallable because of libpcap change
guessnet 224894 guessnet: segmentation fault on "default: "
guessnet 224910 guessnet should not ask for a root priviledges
guessnet 228540 Should not use the network if network scans are not requested
guessnet 235307 test-peer fails even though arping succeeds
guessnet 240387 guessnet neither works nor compiles
guessnet 268318 PATH incorrect in test-dhcp
guessnet 273110 guessnet: getmac script fails with arping from the arping package
guessnet 286835 guessnet: test-wireless-ap fails if mac address is given in command line
guessnet 295518 missing-cable test should fail, not succeed, if the card/driver does not support link detection
guessnet 336640 path check makes guessnet 0.37-1 fail
guessnet 366549 fails to run commands
haskelldb 383533 libghc6-haskelldb-dev: curious version number in dependency
libapache-mod-lisp 361168 ITA: libapache-mod-lisp -- An Apache module that interfaces with Lisp environments
libxevie 377188 libxevie: strange Build-Depends versioning
libxslt 356486 xsltproc: Doesn't fail when output file can't be created (due to space issue)
mysql-dfsg-5.0 384047 mysql-server-5.0: "Transactions not supported by database" error when used with perl DBI/DBD
mysql-dfsg-5.0 384221 libdbd-mysql-perl: Transactions not supported by database
nexuiz 384779 nexuiz: Wrapper script uses bash functionality but /bin/sh
reportbug 384648 reportbug: --configure fails if ui urwid is selected, but no python-urwid pkg
reportbug 384778 reportbug fails on nonexistent packages
wesnoth 369673 pre-removal script fails if wesnoth-server is not running
wesnoth 381601 wesnoth-server: impossible to remove if server isn't running
wmail 380038 man page for wmail
zile 375853 expand-tabs doesn't work
beagle 369814 /usr/bin/beagle-search: beagle-search: can access other pages and not get back
crack-attack 378812 crack-attack: package does not provide a .desktop file
freewnn 360830 freewnn-common: Chinese spelled wrong
guessnet 177886 guessnet: Why is guessnet not in /usr/sbin?
guessnet 194889 guessnet: Typos in packet description
guessnet 224888 guessnet: manpage improvement
guessnet 240791 guessnet: copyright file: difference between copyright and license
guessnet 384569 examples/getmac: arping is in /usr/bin
libgtkhtml2 384584 libgtkhtml2-dev: should be in section libdevel instead of devel
wesnoth 327822 wesnoth.desktop refers to missing file wesnoth-icon.png
autoconf 384091 Build-Depends on automake1.9 is unnecessary
beagle 337430 beagle: Ignores laptop-mode
ejabberd 380525 [l10n] Czech translation of ejabberd debconf messages
ejabberd 381131 Dutch translation of ejabberd debconf messages (+ improvement idea for a string)
ejabberd 381900 ejabberd: French debconf templates translation update
freewnn 376893 freewnn: new upstream version 1.1.1-a021 has been released
glibc 272265 libc6: Programs should reload /etc/resolv.conf when it changes
gnubg 378416 [INTL:nl] Updated dutch po-debconf translation
gnubg 382231 [l10n] Czech translation for gnubg
guessnet 118996 ITP: guessnet -- Guess what network is connected to an ethernet device (can be used as a "script" for ifupdown)
guessnet 178228 guessnet: Suggested wording change for man page
guessnet 178228 guessnet: Suggested wording change for man page
guessnet 224893 using 'guessnet' option instead of 'test' in interfaces file
guessnet 225953 support for wireless network probing
guessnet 257328 Please add /usr/share/guessnet to PATH for test-command
guessnet 293356 Need better syntax checking on guessnet lines
guessnet 297836 Mention resolvconf in the manpage
guessnet 374326 idea: limiting configuration to interfaces
hurd 348260 hurd: Hurd console Should use UTF-8 by default
libxevie 377196 libxevie-dev: missing man pages
libxslt 383408 'xsltproc --xinclude' should also force XInclude processing on a XSL-styleshett
pychecker 384337 pychecker: allow override of python version
scanbuttond 384400 scanbuttond: Spams the syslog
simba 378894 [INTL:pt] Portuguese translation for simba (debconf)
simba 379299 simba: French debconf templates translation update
simba 380526 [l10n] Czech translation of simba debconf messages
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