Bugs closed in Debian

Ubuntu Merge-o-Matic mom at ubuntu.com
Wed Aug 23 01:32:31 BST 2006


checkinstall         367935  checkinstall's temporary script is deleted by installwatch and installation therefore fails
chmlib               335931  chmlib exploitable buffer overflow
notify-python        384068  uninstallable
pyprotocols          383302  python-protocols: Must be updated for python 2.4
ruledispatch         383304  python-dispatch: Must be updated for python 2.4


chmlib               251504  chmlib: [m68k] FTBFS /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lchm
chmlib               252815  chmlib-bin: Missing man pages
chmlib               258011  FTBFS: Missing -L path to link against itself
chmlib               258444  chmlib_0.35-1(ia64/unstable): FTBFS: compile errors
chmlib               258444  chmlib_0.35-1(ia64/unstable): FTBFS: compile errors
chmlib               317161  chmlib: undefined substvars break chmlib-dev's dependencies
chmlib               332740  chmlib - changed soname without conflicts
chmlib               336653  chmlib - FTBFS: cannot find -lchm
qof                  383746  qof: FTBFS on hppa, sparc and m68k: date test failures
slang-slirp          383777  FTBFS on 64-bit: Segmentation fault ../../safe_slsh
source-highlight     383970  source-highlight - FTBFS: i486-linux-gnu-gcc: command not found
xorg-server          362641  xorg-server - FTBFS: Uses inline assembler unconditionaly


chmlib               238218  chmlib_0.31-3(hppa/unstable): FTBFS: porting work needed
chmlib               252612  chmlib-bin: enum_chmLib fails to open perfectly correct .chm file
chmlib               301879  chmlib: fails to read CHM files on amd64
chmlib               335394  chmlib: please install shlib correctly
chmlib               374085  libchm-bin: new upstream version 0.38 fixes security problem in "extract_chmLib"
chmlib               382068  libchm-dev: FTBFS
gmailfs              380818  Python transition (#2): you are building a private python module !
libdvdnav            303541  vlc: Segfault when trying to play DVD (ppc and amd64)
libfcgi-ruby         384010  libfcgi-ruby1.8: fcgi.so in wrong directory.
lintian              374314  lintian gives return code 1 although no problem is reported
lintian              383203  lintian has a hard coded path prefix for the --dist option
openoffice.org       360489  upgrading from sarge to etch remove openoffice.org
openoffice.org       373974  openoffice.org-writer: Does not save printer and paper and bin settings.
partman-crypto       381870  Does not prevent setup of unencrypted swap
xawtv                372701  xawtv: FTBFS on GNU/kFreeBSD


checkinstall         364813  checkinstall fails to create package with "_" in name
checkinstall         374648  checkinstall: fails on Makefiles which use 'pwd'
chmlib               332728  chmlib 0.36 incompatiable with 0.35, please change soname
egoboo               377881  menu section
gengetopt            266484  ITA: gengetopt -- skeleton main.c generator
ivtv                 381752  ivtv-source: postinst/postrm depmod -- update templates to use dh_installmodules instead
lintian              370720  virtual-package-depends-without-real-package-depends is bodus
lintian              376030  lintian: possible false positive deb-created-with-broken-tar
lintian              377182  returns non-zero without reporting errors
lintian              378055  lintian: binary-or-shlib-defines-rpath shouldn't complain about /usr/lib/<packagename> directories
lintian              379176  "E: foo: non-standard-toplevel-dir srv/" is policy not an error
lintian              379749  trailing spaces not handled correctly in doc-base checks
lintian              380399  lintian: False-positive build-depends-without-arch-dep po-debconf
lintian              381800  lintian: [checks/scripts] unjustified possible-bashism-in-maintainer-script
lintian              381965  please respect ~ in version number
openoffice.org       353595  openoffice.org: no orientation option in printer dialogue
partman-crypto       381981  Configuration fails with blowfish / 448 bits
refpolicy            372789  Move /etc/selinux/refpolicy/src/policy/man/man8/* manpages?
refpolicy            382821  Needs gawk
sbackup              328824  A race condition between evaluating a directory or file
sbackup              340115  Must not backup /proc and similar directories
sbackup              349700  sbackup: incremental backups fail
wikipediafs          382218  wikipediafs: want to create NEW articles


checkinstall         238202  checkinstall: man page is doubled
checkinstall         351969  checkinstall: [manual] move 'This manual page was..' to the end
checkinstall         377609  checkinstall: typo maintaner instead of maintainer
checkinstall         383541  checkinstall: makes the doc directory as /usr/share/doc/pkgname-x.y.z
chmlib               246777  chmlib: incorrectly identifies empty files as directories
fbi                  311224  'man fbgs' typos: "temporarely" and "throuth"
fbi                  357406  exiftran: Rotation direction isn't documented clearly
fbi                  361390  fbgs: should not beep when everything is well
fbi                  361393  fbgs: should pass on more fbi options
libxml-atom-perl     331004  libxml-atom-perl: editor swap file included in package
lintian              374167  lintian: [unnoticed] debian/conpyright: It was downloaded from <fill in http/ftp site>
lintian              375638  lintian: deb-created-with-broken-tar: typos and tar version clarification
lintian              377654  lintian: "uninitialized value" in debconf checks if there is no template description
openoffice.org       335266  openoffice.org-common: Dependance on openoffice.org-l10n-en-us, why not | openoffice.org-l10n-2.0.0 ?
osdclock             375148  osdclock: man page "osd_clock.1osd_clock.gz"
partman-crypto       382374  please do not assign 'tmp' option to /tmp by default
partman-crypto       382605  partman-crypto not entirely localized
squid                383763  squid: New version Squid-2.6.STABLE3 release


bzip2                379858  lib32bz2-1.0: should install into /emul/ia32-linux/usr/lib, not /usr/lib32
chmlib               238720  The description could use a line on what CHM files are
chmlib               244879  chmlib test programs
chmlib               250283  chmlib: New upstream version
chmlib               272871  Example source is not included in the chmlib-dev package
drbd0.7              357298  drbd: fix building for x86_64 on i386
gengetopt            287658  gengetopt: New upstream version available
libxml-atom-perl     350850  libxml-atom-perl: New upstream version available
libxml-atom-perl     383789  libxml-atom-perl: newer version needed by libxml-feed-perl
lintian              333311  check for gconf dependencies
lintian              372748  lintian: [new check] check for use of deprecated /usr/lib/site-python
lintian              374899  lintian: aspell-* packages should be Architecture: all
lintian              375318  lintian: New python related checks
lintian              376109  lintian: [lintian-info]: Add option to display specific desc of error/warning
lintian              376596  lintian: please detect use of ${Source-Version} if an arch-indep package is created
lintian              377141  lintian: please check for substvar usage that causes un-binNMUability
lintian              377616  lintian: Mention Lintian version in standard page footer
lintian              378054  lintian: should provide more detail about binary-or-shlib-defines-rpath
lintian              379558  lintian: php-script-but-no-php4-cli-dep vs. php5-cli
openoffice.org       321876  openoffice.org: Split off XML Catalog stuff to a separate package
partman-crypto       382398  please use names other than cryptX
torrentflux          361121  [l10n] Czech translation of torrentflux debconf messages
torrentflux          366495  French debconf templates translation
torrentflux          373258  [INTL:pt_PT] Portuguese translation for torrentflux (debconf)
translate-docformat  381472  translate-docformat: please provide alternative dependency on texlive
vm                   381066  vm: please Recommend: or Suggest: stunnel
xawtv                383038  xawtv: [INTL:ru] Russian debconf templates translation

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