[ubuntu-ar] Problemas con gnash y su archivo de log...

Soles claudia_sol_es at yahoo.es
Thu Sep 1 13:22:27 UTC 2011


Ayer descubrí cual era el archivo que me había llenado mi /home 

Era el gnash-dbg.log que pesaba 23 Gigas...

Lo borre... y veo que se sigue creando algo parecido a esto:

Obviamente es un archivo de logs... pero de logs del constante fallo de 
gnash... porque --efectivamente...
con Firefox --que tambien anda muy mal... puedo ver a veces si... a 
veces no... los archivos flash...

¿Alguien tiene idea de que podría estar pasando...?

No tengo inconveniente de purgar el gnash... pero antes quisiera 
aprovechar este error... para indagar que pasa...



PD: Esto que copio abajo... es un fragmento de lo que va apareciendo...
Sólo para que se den una idea...

4567:1] 21:48:02: DEBUG: Ventana XEmbedded creada
4567:1] 21:48:02: DEBUG: gnash_canvas_size_allocate 200 200
4567:1] 21:48:02: DEBUG: Framebuffer pixel format is BGRA32 
(little-endian host)
4567:1] 21:48:02: version: 9, file_length: 127189
4567:1] 21:48:02: el archivo está comprimido
4567:1] 21:48:02: frame size = RECT(0,0,11680,1300), frame rate = 
25.000000, frames = 1317
4567:1] 21:48:02: DEBUG: Plugins path: /usr/lib/gnash/plugins
4567:1] 21:48:02: SECURITY: Extensions disabled
4567:1] 21:48:02: DEBUG: Player Host FD #24, Player Control FD #25
4567:1] 21:48:02: DEBUG: Pausing virtual clock
4567:2] 21:48:02: SWF[21]: tag type = 69, tag length = 4, end tag = 27
4567:2] 21:48:02: File attributes: metadata=falso network=falso
4567:2] 21:48:02: UNIMPLEMENTED: Etiqueta de FileAttributes en las 
peticiones de SWF que acceso a la red no se concede a esta película (o 
aplicación?) cuando se cargan desde el sistema de archivos. De todas 
maneras a Gnash no le importa; usar en su lugar lista blanca/negra en su 
4567:2] 21:48:02: UNIMPLEMENTED: This SWF file requires AVM2: there will 
be no ActionScript interpretation
4567:2] 21:48:02: SWF[27]: tag type = 9, tag length = 3, end tag = 32
4567:2] 21:48:02:   SetBackgroundColor: rgba: 255,255,255,255
4567:2] 21:48:02: SWF[32]: tag type = 86, tag length = 12, end tag = 50
4567:2] 21:48:02: ERROR: Encountered unknown tag 86. These usually store 
creation tool data and do not affect playback
4567:2] 21:48:02: ERROR: tag dump follows:
01 00 45 73 63 65 6e 61 20 31 00 00             | ..Escena 1..

4567:2] 21:48:02: SWF[50]: tag type = 82, tag length = 409, end tag = 465
4567:2] 21:48:02: ERROR: Encountered unknown tag 82. These usually store 
creation tool data and do not affect playback
4567:2] 21:48:02: ERROR: tag dump follows:
01 00 00 00 00 10 00 2e 00 00 00 00 11 0a 62 61 | ..............ba
6e 6e 65 72 5f 66 6c 61 0c 4d 61 69 6e 54 69 6d | nner_fla.MainTim
65 6c 69 6e 65 0d 66 6c 61 73 68 2e 64 69 73 70 | eline flash.disp
6c 61 79 09 4d 6f 76 69 65 43 6c 69 70 17 62 61 | lay.MovieClip.ba
6e 6e 65 72 5f 66 6c 61 3a 4d 61 69 6e 54 69 6d | nner_fla:MainTim
65 6c 69 6e 65 09 66 72 61 6d 65 31 33 31 37 00 | eline.frame1317.
0b 67 6f 74 6f 41 6e 64 50 6c 61 79 0e 61 64 64 | .gotoAndPlay.add
46 72 61 6d 65 53 63 72 69 70 74 06 4f 62 6a 65 | FrameScript.Obje
63 74 0c 66 6c 61 73 68 2e 65 76 65 6e 74 73 0f | ct.flash.events.
45 76 65 6e 74 44 69 73 70 61 74 63 68 65 72 0d | EventDispatcher
44 69 73 70 6c 61 79 4f 62 6a 65 63 74 11 49 6e | DisplayObject.In
74 65 72 61 63 74 69 76 65 4f 62 6a 65 63 74 16 | teractiveObject.
44 69 73 70 6c 61 79 4f 62 6a 65 63 74 43 6f 6e | DisplayObjectCon
74 61 69 6e 65 72 06 53 70 72 69 74 65 07 16 01 | tainer.Sprite...
16 03 18 05 17 01 16 07 16 0b 00 0c 07 01 02 07 | ................
02 04 07 04 06 07 05 08 07 05 09 07 05 0a 07 06 | ................
0c 07 02 0d 07 02 0e 07 02 0f 07 02 10 04 00 00 | ... ............
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 | ................
01 02 08 03 00 02 01 03 01 00 01 00 00 01 03 01 | ................
01 04 01 00 04 00 01 01 09 0a 03 d0 30 47 00 00 | ............0G..
01 02 01 0a 0b 0a d0 30 5d 04 24 0f 4f 04 01 47 | .......0].$.O..G
00 00 02 03 01 0a 0b 10 d0 30 d0 49 00 5d 05 25 | .........0.I.].%
a4 0a 60 03 4f 05 02 47 00 00 03 02 01 01 09 27 | ..`.O..G.......'
d0 30 65 00 60 06 30 60 07 30 60 08 30 60 09 30 | .0e.`.0`.0`.0`.0
60 0a 30 60 0b 30 60 02 30 60 02 58 00 1d 1d 1d | `.0`.0`.0`.X....
1d 1d 1d 1d 68 01 47 00 00                      | ....h.G..

4567:2] 21:48:02: SWF[465]: tag type = 76, tag length = 28, end tag = 499
4567:2] 21:48:02: ERROR: Encountered unknown tag 76. These usually store 
creation tool data and do not affect playback
4567:2] 21:48:02: ERROR: tag dump follows:
01 00 00 00 62 61 6e 6e 65 72 5f 66 6c 61 2e 4d | ....banner_fla.M
61 69 6e 54 69 6d 65 6c 69 6e 65 00             | ainTimeline.

4567:1] 21:48:02: DEBUG: gnash_canvas_size_allocate 589 38
4567:2] 21:48:02: SWF[499]: tag type = 8, tag length = 0, end tag = 505
4567:2] 21:48:02:   jpeg_tables_loader
4567:2] 21:48:02: DEBUG: No bytes to read in JPEGTABLES tag at offset 505
4567:2] 21:48:02: DEBUG: Setting jpeg loader to 0x91b7000
4567:2] 21:48:02: SWF[505]: tag type = 6, tag length = 5204, end tag = 5715
4567:2] 21:48:02: Adding bitmap id 1
4567:2] 21:48:02: SWF[5715]: tag type = 2, tag length = 51, end tag = 5772
4567:2] 21:48:02: DefineShapeTag(2): id = 2
4567:2] 21:48:02:   bound SWFRect: RECT(0,0,11678,1300)
4567:2] 21:48:02:   readFillStyles: count = 2
4567:2] 21:48:02:   FillStyle read type = 0x43
4567:2] 21:48:02:   FillStyle read type = 0x43
4567:2] 21:48:02:   readLineStyles: count = 0
4567:2] 21:48:02:   ShapeRecord(2): fillbits 2, linebits 0
4567:2] 21:48:02: SWF[5772]: tag type = 26, tag length = 12, end tag = 5786
4567:2] 21:48:02:   PLACEOBJECT2: depth = -16367 (17)
4567:2] 21:48:02:   char id = 2
4567:2] 21:48:02:   SWFMatrix:
|   1.0000    0.0000    0.0000 |
|   0.0000    1.0000    0.0000 |

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