[ubuntu-ar] video
Federico Ramallo
framallo at gmail.com
Thu Jan 1 22:43:09 GMT 2009
suena a que no esta cargando la aceleracion de nvidia.
Con respecto a los 32-bits, cuando usas Depth 24 hasta donde entendi
estarias en 32-bit color. Cuando me pase a ubuntu tuve el mismo tipo de
El readme de nvidia es muy completo y explica todo con detalle. Depende la
version de nvidia: /usr/share/doc/nvidia-177-kernel-source/README.txt.gz
Esto es lo que dice con respecto al tema Depth:
While not directly a concern when programming modes, the bits used per pixel
is an issue when considering the maximum programmable resolution; for this
reason, it is worthwhile to address the confusion surrounding the terms
"depth" and "bits per pixel". Depth is how many bits of data are stored per
pixel. Supported depths are 8, 15, 16, and 24. Most video hardware, however,
stores pixel data in sizes of 8, 16, or 32 bits; this is the amount of
allocated per pixel. When you specify your depth, X selects the bits per
(bpp) size in which to store the data. Below is a table of what bpp is used
for each possible depth:
Depth BPP
---------------------------------- ----------------------------------
8 8
15 16
16 16
24 32
Lastly, the "pitch" is how many bytes in the linear frame buffer there are
between one pixel's data, and the data of the pixel immediately below. You
think of this as the horizontal resolution multiplied by the bytes per pixel
(bits per pixel divided by 8). In practice, the pitch may be more than this
product due to alignment constraints.
En hardy(8.04) recomiendo envyng para obtener los ultimos drivers nvidia
en ibex(8.10) estoy usando nvidia 177
Bueno, espero que la informacion ayude y no te confunda :p
Federico Ramallo
2009/1/1 Marco Antonio <mhoyos at gmail.com>
> 2009/1/1 Carlos Vergine <cvergine at hotmail.com>:
> >
> > hace tiempo lo hice andar cone sta misma placa y un fedora.
> >
> > esto es exactamente lo que me pasa ahora:
> >
> > PROBLEM 1:- Second Life fails to start up, with a warning on the console
> like:
> > 'Error creating window.' or
> > 'Unable to create window, be sure screen is set at 32-bit color' or
> > 'SDL: Couldn't find matching GLX visual.'
> > SOLUTION:- Usually this indicates that your graphics card does not meet
> > the minimum requirements, or that your system's OpenGL 3D graphics
> driver is
> > not updated and configured correctly. If you believe that your
> graphics
> > card DOES meet the minimum requirements then you likely need to install
> the
> > official so-called 'non-free' nVidia or ATI (fglrx) graphics drivers;
> we
> > suggest one of the following options:
> > * Consult your Linux distribution's documentation for installing these
> > official drivers. For example, Ubuntu provides documentation here:
> >
> > * If your distribution does not make it easy, then you can download the
> > required Linux drivers straight from your graphics card manufacturer:
> > - nVidia cards:
> > - ATI cards:
> >
> en ese caso, fijate como lo estas lanzando, o hace lo siguiente:
> abri una consola, y ejecuta (como root):
> $sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg (enter)
> de esa manera, se configurara de forma automatica el xorg.conf y
> solamente cambia el valor de "driver" por "nvidia". reinicia el
> entorno grafico y fijate que sucede..
> salu2
> --
> Marco Antonio de Hoyos
> 15-5-157-2322 // 4268-1557
> Claypole - Pcia. de Bs. As.- Argentina
> ICQ#92702911 / jabber: mhoyos at jabber.org
> ------------------------------------------------------------------
> > software is like sex, it´s better when it´s free <
> (Linus Torvalds)
> ------------------------------------------------------------------
> http://tecnicoslinux.com.ar
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