[ubuntu-ar] OT: shelley the republican

Janus janus at rtfm.org.ar
Tue Jan 15 14:32:53 GMT 2008

On 1/14/08, Juan Pablo Gimenez <juanpadeaca en gmail.com> wrote:
> Buenas gente!:
> Hace bastante que no visitaba el blog de shelley:
> www.shelleytherepublican.com y la verdad es que no pude contener la
> risa con lo que lei. Esta de pelos esta entrada dedicada a Ubuntu:
> http://www.shelleytherepublican.com/2007/08/18/ubuntu-%e2%80%93-why-it-is-wrong-for-america.aspx
> Cuando llegue a la parte que dice: "Ubuntu (from the Swahili term
> meaning "We will rape your children")" ya no pude mas.

Es genial. Me mató este párrafo:
«Ubuntu (from the Soweto township slang meaning "Your white women say
they don't…. but they do") should be used as an insult such as: "kick
him in the ubuntu" or "what a stupid ubuntu you dumb ubuntu" or "if
you ever come back here I will ubuntu your ubuntu… ubuntu".»


Alejandro Díaz-Caro
Homepage: http://www.fceia.unr.edu.ar/~diazcaro
Weblog: http://computacioncuantica.exactas.org

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