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<div class="moz-text-flowed" style="font-family: -moz-fixed;
font-size: 12px;" lang="x-unicode">Hello! <br>
I just started installing the Ubuntu-SDK on my Notebook which is
running Ubuntu 16.04 LTS. <br>
I fallowed the instructions here: <a
href="https://developer.ubuntu.com/en/phone/platform/sdk/installing-the-sdk/"><a class="moz-txt-link-freetext" href="https://developer.ubuntu.com/en/phone/platform/sdk/installing-the-sdk/">https://developer.ubuntu.com/en/phone/platform/sdk/installing-the-sdk/</a></a>
Then I started creating a new Kit for i386. During the process
there is a window which shows everything what's happening during
creation. But after about 30% of creation the is an error saying,
that apt-utils is not installed. <br>
I checked it out, apt-utils is really not installed. Nevertheless
the process runs until the end and the last line in the window
says --Click exited with no errors--- <br>
Is this a normal behavior? <br>
Do I need to install apt-utils manually before? <br>
Thanks for your help! <br>