<div>Hello everyone!</div><div>š</div><div>First of all, congrats with first phone on Ubuntu Touch OS! I read, that BQ Aquaris supports FM Radio, but there is still no FM client for it. I want to change it. I wrote very small and, to be honest, ugly app for FM listening. But I have no phone to test it and for now I have no opportunity to buy it. So, BQ users, please, test FM Radio app (in Ubuntu Store) on your devices. Does it works? Please, don't criticise me for design, because for now I want to make it working. Thanks for your help!</div><div>š</div><div>--š</div><div>Best regards,</div><div>Roman Zonov.</div><div>š</div><div>VK: <a href="http://vk.com/zonov_roman">http://vk.com/zonov_roman</a><br />Facebook: <a href="https://www.facebook.com/roman2861">https://www.facebook.com/roman2861</a><br />Twitter: <a href="https://twitter.com/zonov_roman">https://twitter.com/zonov_roman</a></div><div>š</div>