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i am trying to build on device, but i also need to have the
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QtAddOnSerialPort module installed.<br>
This is done on the desktop:<br>
Before building pilotnavigator, you have to install qtserial into Qt
- Copy qtplayground-qtserialport folder into a local folder
(preferably where your Qt projects are). Example:
- Create a build folder at the same level called
qtplayground-qtserialport-build in pilotnavigator folder. Example:
Find out where qmake lives. Normaly it is located in your Qt5
folder, probably ~/Qt5x.x.x/5.x.x/gcc_64/bin<br>
- Open a Linux Terminal<br>
- cd to the qtplayground-qtserialport-build folder. Example cd
- run qmake. Example: ~/Qt5x.x.x/5.x.x/gcc_64/bin/qmake
- make<br>
(If you get an error concerning missing file libudev.h, you need to
install the libudev-dev library, e.g.<br>
sudo apt-get install libudev-dev)<br>
- sudo make install<br>
I have no idea how to do that on the tablet...<br>
Can I open a terminal on the tablet?<br>
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