ubuntu phone app license

Simos Xenitellis simos.lists at googlemail.com
Thu Sep 8 08:53:28 UTC 2016

On Wed, Sep 7, 2016 at 3:22 PM, george wu <aihuawu2012 at 163.com> wrote:
> Hi, all,
> a simple question:
> If I use ubuntu sdk to write an app for ubuntu phone, what kind of license
> can it be?
> Can I make the code closed source?

Yes, you can make the code closed source, or select any other licence
of your liking.

Here is a page that explains the licensing terms. The page is not the
full licence, but a nice explanation of the requirements of the

The most relevant paragraph is:

"In case of dynamic linking, it is possible, but not mandatory, to
keep application source code proprietary as long as it is “work that
uses the library” – typically achieved via dynamic linking of the
library. In case of static linking of the library, the application
itself may no longer be “work that uses the library” and thus become
subject to LGPL. It is recommended to either link dynamically, or
provide the application source code to the user under LGPL."

Considering that any ubuntu phone app has to dynamically link to the
Qt library, you can "keep application source code proprietary", if you
feel like.


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