Installing the Ubuntu SDK

Zoltán Balogh zoltan.balogh at
Mon May 2 04:56:44 UTC 2016


This warning comes during debootstrapping the click chroot. The Ubuntu 
SDK itself has nothing to do with this.

The console logs about "apt-cache policy apt-utils" means that the 
debconf did not find  the /usr/bin/apt-extracttemplates program which is 
used when packages need to ask you questions about how to be configured.

So, all it means that during the bootstrapping process first the 
"required" packages  are installed and the "important" packages come 
after them. And apt-utils is an "important" only packages as far as I know.

It is not a problem, all those packages are configured properly at a 
later stage.



On 30/04/16 23:43, eDeviser wrote:
> I am so sorry. Apt-utils is installed. I just checked it with 
> apt-cache policy apt-utils.
> I am running version 1.2.10ubuntu1.
> So my second question is canceled.
> But the second question still stays:
> Is this a normal behavior?
> On 30.04.2016 22:15, eDeviser wrote:
>> Hello!
>> I just started installing the Ubuntu-SDK on my Notebook which is 
>> running Ubuntu 16.04 LTS.
>> I fallowed the instructions here: 
>> Then I started creating a new Kit for i386. During the process there 
>> is a window which shows everything what's happening during creation. 
>> But after about 30% of creation the is an error saying, that 
>> apt-utils is not installed.
>> I checked it out, apt-utils is really not installed. Nevertheless the 
>> process runs until the end and the last line in the window says 
>> --Click exited with no errors---
>> Is this a normal behavior?
>> Do I need to install apt-utils manually before?
>> Thanks for your help!
>> eDeviser.

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