Represent Ubuntu in Vision Mobile Developer Survey

Rupinder Mann rupinder.mann at
Wed Jun 3 10:59:37 UTC 2015

Hi all,

Canonical have partnered with Vision Mobile on their current worldwide 
developer survey to help extend the reach of it beyond mobile developers 
and into Ubuntu Cloud and IoT[1]. The survey ends on 11th June, which is 
getting close to the finish line and we'd like to get more people to 
contribute through our channel before it ends. I am hoping you can help 
us by taking the survey (only takes 10mins) and spread the word across 
any social networks you use - this will ensure Ubuntu is well represented.

The survey report is great exposure for Ubuntu and there are some cool 
prizes up for grabs including an Ubuntu phone, Apple gadgets, and an 
Oculus Rift Dev Kit. The important thing is to use our specific link 
when you take the survey:

Hope you can contribute to shaping the results of the biggest dev survey!




Rupinder Mann | Global Marketing Manager
Canonical UK
Mob: +44 7809389878

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