Teaching Ubuntu App Development
Daniel Holbach
daniel.holbach at ubuntu.com
Tue Mar 25 16:54:41 UTC 2014
Hello everybody,
At the vUDS in November we talked about having events where local
communities could learn more about app development for Ubuntu for the
first time. Since then we have come a long way:
* We have some really nice materials [1] set up.
* The first events were held in a number of places around
the world.
* We got feedback and improved our docs.
* Before the Ubuntu Global Jam [2] and the release parties [3]
for 14.04 LTS we will have two Q&A sessions where you can
ask all organisational and technical questions you might
[1] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LoCoRunningAppDevSchool#Materials
[2] http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/global/2656/
[3] http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/global/2702/
You don’t have to do everything yourself!
When we started the initiative, we first talked to members of the Ubuntu
community who knew a bit of app development already. Many of them liked
the idea, but didn’t quite know how to set up an event or how to
organise everything. We tried to address this by bringing them in touch
with some of the LoCo teams which helped in a bunch of cases where
events have already happened or are going to happen quite soon. We want
more of this to happen.
It’s only understandable that you can’t do everything yourself, or that
one person’s skills lie in a more organisational field and somebody else
has some more experience with app development. Bringing the two
together, we are going to have more interesting events, more people
introduced to writing apps for Ubuntu, which will be great for everyone
Getting started
Sounds good so far? Here’s what you can do to get more folks exposed to
how sweet and easy it is to write apps for Ubuntu.
As somebody who can organise events, but might need to find a speaker:
Ask in #ubuntu-app-devel on Freenode or on the ubuntu-app-devel@ mailing
list [4], to see if anyone is in your area to give a talk. Ask on your
LoCo’s or LUG’s mailing list as well. Even if somebody who’s into
programming hasn’t developed using Ubuntu’s SDK yet, they should be able
to familiarise themselves with the technologies quite easily.
[4] https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-app-devel
As somebody who has written code before and didn’t find the Ubuntu app
development materials too challenging, but might need to find some help
with organising the event: Ask on the loco-contacts@ mailing list [5].
There are LoCos all around the world and most of them will be happy to
see somebody give a talk at an event.
[5] https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/loco-contacts
Whichever camp you’re in:
* Check out our docs. [6] They explain what’s required to make
the event a success.
* Join our Q&A sessions at:
- 26 March 2014, 09:00 UTC
- 27 March 2014, 18:00 UTC
on Ubuntu on Air (http:/ubuntuonair.com).
* Talk to us. Just follow up on this mail and we can surely
help you out somehow.
Let’s make this happen together. Writing apps for Ubuntu and publishing
them has never been easier, and they’ll make Ubuntu on phones/tablets
much more interesting, and will run on the desktop as well.
Have a great day,
Get involved in Ubuntu development! http://packaging.ubuntu.com
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More information about the Ubuntu-app-devel
mailing list