u1db with sub-field

Yasmany Cubela Medina yasmanycm at gmail.com
Wed Jul 30 02:12:14 UTC 2014

Hello everyone

Im writing a ubuntu touch app with u1db as db,  but im getting troubles
with query and index. Im saving a doc with sub-fields, but at retrieve
point with index and query i wont get the expected resutls. can anyone help

Here i post my code:

UbuntuListView {

        id: accountListView

        anchors.margins: units.gu(2)

        anchors.top: accountLabel.bottom

        anchors.left: parent.left

        anchors.right: parent.right

        anchors.bottom: parent.bottom

        model: accountQuery

        delegate: ListItem.SingleValue {

            text: contents["name"]

            progression: true

            onClicked: {





    U1db.Database {

        id: myMoneyDB

        path: "MyMoney.u1db"


    U1db.Document {

        id: accountDocument

        database: myMoneyDB

        docId: 'account'

        create: true

        defaults: {



                    "name": "Ahorro"



                    "name": "Corriente"






        database: myMoneyDB

        id: accountIndex

        expression: ["account.name"]



        id: accountQuery

        index: accountIndex

        query: "*"


Thanks in advance.

Success is a journey, not a destination.

 Ing. Yasmany Cubela Medina:
Linux user 446757
Ubuntu user 13464
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