SDK on 12.04 is back again

Zoltán Balogh zoltan.balogh at
Thu Jan 30 13:10:26 UTC 2014


There was a problem with the SDK installation on Precise (12.04) as many 
of you pinged me :)

The ubuntu-sdk depends on ubuntu-html5-container. The 
ubuntu-html5-container depends on 
qtdeclarative5-ubuntu-ui-extras-browser-plugin what is provided by the 
webbrowser-app source package and that one needed newer QtWebKit than 
what was available for 12.04

This problem is fixed as the ->

ubuntu-html5-theme (0.1+14.04.20140107-0ubuntu2)
qtwebkit-opensource-src (5.1.1-1ubuntu2~precise1~test3)
webbrowser-app (0.23+14.04.20140122-0ubuntu1-0precise0)

packages are backported now to 12.04  and released and the ubuntu-sdk 
meta package (1.009~sdkppa~precise1~test10) is updated in the SDK PPA 

If you are on 12.04 all you need to do is update your system.

Thanks for your patience and sorry for the inconveniences.



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