Determining CI low-hanging fruits
Daniel Holbach
daniel.holbach at
Thu Sep 19 12:58:41 UTC 2013
Hello everybody,
from a previous conversation I had an action item to come up with a
number of suggestions for checks we could run on our current
infrastructure and tools. I added all of them to the following page:
I'll copy them in here though, so we can have a discussion about how
viable they are and to figure out work items for them.
When you comment, please
- comment on the test suggestion (or bring up a better idea!),
- say something about the importance and how much work you expect
it to be
= Steps in the experience we cover =
1. Dev uses ubuntu-sdk (qtcreator) to create a .click package
2. The .click is uploaded to the review website
3. Our reviewers check the .click and approve it in the website
4. Dev marks the .click as published in the website
5. unity-scope-click gets the list of .clicks from the click
index webservice
6. dash shows those results
7. User taps on one app, unity-scope-click opens the app preview
with details from webservice
8. User taps on “Install”, ubuntu-download-manager starts
9. Download progress is shown in a different dash preview that
holds the progressbar
10. Download finishes, ubuntu-download-manager calls “pkcon
11. pkcon uses packagekit dbus api to talk to click pk plugin
12. click does the unpacking, calls hooks to create apparmor
profile and .desktop files
13. unity-scope-click creates list of installed packages from
.desktop files
14. user taps on installed app, app is started with the right
apparmor profile
= Suggested tests =
- A (Step 1): Keep a list of app projects, check all of them
out and run lp:qtcreator-plugin-ubuntu scripts on them
(whenever qtcreator-plugin-ubuntu changes), generate
.click packages. Validate packages.
- B (Step 2+3): Keep a list of .click packages. Run validation
scripts on them server side (whenever scripts or click
- C (Step 5): ? Maybe some validation of the results from the
- D (Step 10-12): Keep a list of .click packages (whenever
relevant bits - which? - change), check if everything gets
installed in the right place and generated files make sense.
- E (Step 13) ? Check for duplicates? Check for missing icons,
- F (Step 14) ?
The list of tests and steps are roughly based on the bugs we saw up
until now. Please suggest additional tests or things I missed or which
you feel might make more sense to test.
Thanks a lot in advance. I'll make sure to update the wiki page with
what we come up with here.
Have a great day,
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